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Voigtlander Vito Automatic 1 Instructions For Use

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    , POSTED 6-27-04
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    Looding with film
    a Press togelher the two locking cotches ond open lhecomero. Push film rewind lever (9) to the left; rewindknob (10) will now spring up ond should be pulled outos for os possible (Fig. l).
    o Attoch the film to lhe loke-up spool (19) ; drow lhefilm cossette over fhe film trockond insert in the cossettechomber; push the rewind knob fully bock (Fig. ll).
    a Turn the milled ring ot the bottom of the foke-upspool unfil o perforotion hole on bolh sides of the filmengoges o tooth of the sprocket wheel (Fig. lll). Nowclose lhe comero bock.
    o Turn the milled butfon of frome counter (17) until theI mork (36 exposures cossetie) or O (20 exposurescossette) is opposite fhe red dot. Alternoiely operoferopid film winder (12) ond releose (8) os ofien os isrequired to bring the frome counier to 36 (or 20). Thecounter will now oulomoticolly indicole ofter everyexposure how mony fromes ore still ovoiloble forpiciure toking.
    Unlooding lhe cqmero
    Push the rewind lever to the left ond the rewind knobwill iump up. Rotofe the knob in the direction of theorrow until | (or O) is once more visible in fhe windowof the frome counter. Open the comero bock, pull outthe rewind knob to its full extent, ond remove thefilm cossetie.
    Chonging portly exposed film: moke o mentol nole ofthe losi frome number. Rewind film completely ond removefrom comero. Now insert the other film os describedobove. Press the releose, let go ond press once moreihold it down in this position. Then octuofe the ropidfilm wind os for os it will go, until the frome countershows the number you hove noted before. Let go of thereleose ond once more ocluote the ropid film wind. Theresl of the film con now be exposed in the normol woy.
    Alterotions oossiblePrinted in Germony
    16209 -138 / 655 ensl. / e
    The VITO outomotic I is o comero for minioture(24x36 mm) fi lm; hoving once chosen lhe shutter speedil will give you fully outomotic lens operiure control.Should the noture of your subiect require it, you oreperfectly free to disengoge the outomotic device.
    Remorkobly simple ond relioble hondling will moke youconfident to toke pictures the moment you hove finishedreodino these instructions.
    Lens ring with focussing scole
    Press-key for chonging the film speed (ASA ond DIN)
    Flosh socket
    Bock lock
    Aperlure ond depth-of-field scoles
    Shutler speed ring
    7 Control ring for outomoticor monuol operture control
    8 Shutler releose
    9 Film rewind lever (seeFig. I on reverse poge)I 0 Rewind knob with filmtype indicotor
    ll Accessory shoe
    12 Ropid wind lever (seeFig. I on reverse poge)
    l3 llluminotion window forviewfinder conirols
    l4o Press bultonfor setting B
    14 ASA film speed scole
    l5 Socket for cqble releoseond self-iimer
    16 DIN film speed scole
    17 Frome counler with milledodiustment disc18 Tripod bush
    Ropid film lever - olwoys turn os for os possible. Anoulomotic device, coupled with ihe shutter releose, stopsyou moking double exposures or sl
    Toking pictures outomoticolly
    Hoving looded with film ond odjusted ihe filmtype indicoior (very importont!)
    @ turn ring (7) to AUTO -
    @ choose youl shutter speed -
    turn shutter speed ring (6) so thot red morkclicks in opposiie 1/zo, lleo or lhzs second;
    @ now focus -
    either with the red symbols: o for portroits(4 feet), V for groups (10 feet) ond O for lond-scopes (35 feet) . . . or direct by turning lensring (1) occording to the distonce in feet.
    @ Toking lhe picture -
    look through the viewfinder ond frome yoursubiect; you con press the releose (8) whenyou see o green or green / red signol in thecirculor exposure indicoior of the top of theviewfinder (diogroms o ond b).
    Bul pleose nole:
    When the circulor signol is holfgreen / holf red, correct exposureis still possible. But when the redport is lorger ihon the green, oreven fills the entire field (dio-grom c), outomotic exposure isimpossible under the prevoilinglight conditions.
    The numbers you con see in theexposure indicotor ore the lensoperture volues. More obout theseunder Monuol Aperture Controlond Aperfure ond Depth-of-field.
    Mqnuol operlure conlrol
    This is essentiol with shutter speeds longer thon1/:o s€cohd ond when toking flosh pictures. lt isolso someiimes used with colour reversol filmwhen you might need, perhops, to correct theoperture volue os directed by the film mokers.Monuol control is obtoined by turning ring (7) tothe ronge of operture numbers (2.8 to 22)i theoutomotic exposure device is now out of oction,however the exposure meter is still working ondolwoys shows in the viewfinder the light volue,occording to the prevoiling light conditions.
    r Flqsh piclures - insert the floshgun in the occessoryshoe (11) ond the flosh leod in the flosh socket (3);set shutter speed ring (6) to r/ro second. You con nowcolculote lhe .correct operture number by dividing theguide number of the flosh-bulb or electronic flosh unitby the distonce in feet (operture : guide number .distonce).
    o Time exposures - Press bution (l4o) ond turn shutterspeed ring (6) to 8. The shutter will now remoinopen while you ore pressing the releose button. Butyou must ploce lhe comero on o rigid support (toble,tripod, etc.) ond screw o coble releose in socket (15).
    o Aperlure correclion wifh colour reversqt film. Firsfreod off the operture number which you find outo-molicolly reflecled in the exposure indicotor (ot topof viewfinder). Soy lhis number is 5.6; if you hove touse o smoller operture, turn ring (7) fo 8; in cqse ofo lorger operture to 4. lf it is required lo decreoseor increose the operture by two volues, set (in this .exomple) to either ll or 2.8.
    The crystcl-frome viewfinder
    cleorly shows exocily whot will be recorded onthe film - in noturol size.
    But you should remember thqt ot shori subiect distoncesthe viewfinder imoge shifts slightly. The two short linesneor lhe top of lhe luminous frome indicote the correclsubiect froming for o distonce of 3 feel - downwordsor sidewoys, occording to whether you hold the comerohorizonlolly or upnght.
    Aperture ond Depth-of-field
    Depth-of-field is thot port, in depth, of the subiect
    oreo which is sufficiently shorp on the film - in
    front of, ond behind the focused distonce. This
    ronge depends on the operiure setting, which you
    con olwoys reod off in the viewfinder. lf two
    numbers ore visible ol the some time (e.g. B
    ond ll), toke the overoge volue.
    Nole: When using the lorge opertures (e. g.
    t 2.8 or f 4), the depth-of-field will be less
    thon when using o smoll operiure such os
    By iusi looking through the viewfinder, you con
    esiimole if your picture will hove sufficient depth-
    of-field. But if you wont to be very occurote, you
    should refer to the focusing scole on ihe lens
    ring (l).The depth-of-field extends from the
    operture number which is shown in the view-
    finder on the left of ihe focused fooioge to the
    some operture number on its right scole (5).
    Setting the film speed
    You should moke ii o rule to set the speed (in
    ASA or DlN, os morked on ihe film corion)
    before you put the film in the comero. Correct
    exposure depends on it!
    You will find ihe ASA ond DIN scoles (14 ond 16)
    next to the block shuller speed ring. First depress
    key (2) with the thumb; then ploce your index
    finger on the rigid grip on the other side of the
    ring, ond turn lhe film speed scole so thot the
    correct ASA or DIN number clicks in opposite
    the red mork.
    Fis. ll
    Fis. lll
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