ViewSonic Pj506d Projector User Manual
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PJ506D DLP Projector ViewSonic ® Model No. : VS11452 - User Guide - Guide de l’utilisateur - Bedienungsanleitung - Guía del usuario - Guida dell’utente - Guia do usuário - Användarhandbok - Käyttöopas - Pyководство пользователя - 使用手冊 (繁體) - 使用手冊(简体)

ViewSonic PJ506D Compliance Information For U.S.A. Th s dev ce compl es w th part 15 of FCC Rules. Operat on s subject to the follow ng two cond t ons: (1) th s dev ce may not cause harmful nterference, and (2) th s dev ce must accept any nterference rece ved, nclud ng nterference that may cause undes red operat on.Th s equ pment has been tested and found to comply w th the l m ts for a Class B d g tal dev ce, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These l m ts are des gned to prov de reasonable protect on aga nst harmful nterference n a res dent al nstallat on. Th s equ pment generates, uses, and can rad ate rad o frequency energy, and f not nstalled and used n accordance w th the nstruct ons, may cause harmful nterference to rad o commun cat ons. However, there s no guarantee that nterference w ll not occur n a part cular nstallat on. If th s equ pment does cause harmful nterference to rad o or telev s on recept on, wh ch can be determ ned by turn ng the equ pment off and on, the user s encouraged to try to correct the nterference by one or more of the follow ng measures: • Reor ent or relocate the rece v ng antenna. • Increase the separat on between the equ pment and rece ver. • Connect the equ pment nto an outlet on a c rcu t d fferent from that to wh ch the rece ver s connected. • Consult the dealer or an exper enced rad o/TV techn c an for help. Warning: You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party respons ble for compl ance could vo d your author ty to operate the equ pment. For Canada • Th s Class B d g tal apparatus compl es w th Canad an ICES-003. • Cet appare l numér que de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. CE Conformity for European Countries The dev ce compl es w th the requ rements of the EEC d rect ve 89/336/ EEC as amended by 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC Art.5 w th regard to “Electromagnet c compat b l ty”, and 73/23/EEC as amended by 93/68/EEC Art.13 w th regard to “Safety.” Following information is only for EU-member states: The mark shown to the r ght s n compl ance w th the Waste Electr cal and Electron c Equ pment D rect ve 2002/96/EC (WEEE). The mark nd cates the requ rement NOT to d spose the equ pment as unsorted mun c pal waste, but use the return and collect on systems accord ng to local law.

ViewSonic PJ506D Important Safety Instructions 1. Read these nstruct ons completely before us ng the equ pment. 2. Keep these nstruct ons n a safe place. 3. Heed all warn ngs. 4. Follow all nstruct ons. 5. Do not use this equipment near water. Warning: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose th s apparatus to ra n or mo sture. 6. Clean w th a soft, dry cloth. If further clean ng s requ red, see “Clean ng the D splay” n th s gu de for further nstruct ons. 7. Do not block any vent lat on open ngs. Install the equ pment n accordance w th the manufacturer’s nstruct ons. 8. Do not nstall near any heat sources such as rad ators, heat reg sters, stoves, or other devices (including amplifiers) that produce heat. 9. Do not attempt to c rcumvent the safety prov s ons of the polar zed or ground ng- type plug. A polar zed plug has two blades w th one w der than the other. A ground ng type plug has two blades and a th rd ground ng prong. The w de blade and the third prong are provided for your safety. If the plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electr c an for replacement of the outlet. 10. Protect the power cord from be ng tread upon or p nched, part cularly at the plug, and the po nt where f emerges from the equ pment. Be sure that the power outlet s located near the equ pment so that t s eas ly access ble. 11. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer. 12. Use only w th the cart, stand, tr pod, bracket, or table spec f ed by the manufacturer, or sold w th the equ pment. When a cart s used, use caut on when mov ng the cart/equ pment comb nat on to avo d njury from t pp ng over. 13. Unplug th s equ pment when t w ll be unused for long per ods of t me. 14. Refer all serv c ng to qual f ed serv ce personnel. Serv ce s requ red when the un t has been damaged n any way, such as: f the power-supply cord or plug s damaged, f l qu d s sp lled onto or objects fall nto the un t, f the un t s exposed to ra n or mo sture, or f the un t does not operate normally or has been dropped.

ViewSonic PJ506D Declaration of RoHS Compliance Th s product has been des gned and manufactured n compl ance w th D rect ve 2002/95/EC of the European Parl ament and the Counc l on restr ct on of the use of certa n hazardous substances n electr cal and electron c equ pment (RoHS D rect ve) and s deemed to comply w th the max mum concentrat on values ssued by the European Techn cal Adaptat on Comm ttee (TAC) as shown below: SubstanceProposed Maximum ConcentrationActual Concentration Lead (Pb)0.1%< 0.1% Mercury (Hg)0.1%< 0.1% Cadm um (Cd)0.01%< 0.01% Hexavalent Chrom um (Cr6+)0.1%< 0.1% Polybrom nated b phenyls (PBB)0.1%< 0.1% Polybrom nated d phenyl ethers (PBDE)0.1%< 0.1% Certa n components of products as stated above are exempted under the Annex of the RoHS D rect ves as noted below: Examples of exempted components are: 1. Mercury n compact fluorescent lamps not exceed ng 5 mg per lamp and n other lamps not specifically mentioned in the Annex of RoHS Directive. 2. Lead n glass of cathode ray tubes, electron c components, fluorescent tubes, and electron c ceram c parts (e.g. p ezoelectron c dev ces). 3. Lead n h gh temperature type solders ( .e. lead-based alloys conta n ng 85% by we ght or more lead). 4. Lead as an allott ng element n steel conta n ng up to 0.35% lead by we ght, alum n um conta n ng up to 0.4% lead by we ght and as a cooper alloy conta n ng up to 4% lead by we ght.

vViewSonic PJ506D Copyright Information Copyr ght © V ewSon c® Corporat on, 2006. All r ghts reserved. Mac ntosh and Power Mac ntosh are reg stered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. M crosoft, W ndows, W ndows NT, and the W ndows logo are reg stered trademarks of M crosoft Corporat on n the Un ted States and other countr es. V ewSon c, the three b rds’ logo, OnV ew, V ewMatch, and V ewMeter are reg stered trademarks of V ewSon c Corporat on. VESA s a reg stered trademark of the V deo Electron cs Standards Assoc at on. DPMS and DDC are trademarks of VESA. PS/2, VGA and XGA are reg stered trademarks of Internat onal Bus ness Mach nes Corporat on. D scla mer:V ewSon c Corporat on shall not be l able for techn cal or ed tor al errors or om ss ons conta ned here n; nor for nc dental or consequent al damages result ng from furn sh ng th s mater al, or the performance or use of th s product. In the nterest of cont nu ng product mprovement, V ewSon c Corporat on reserves the r ght to change product spec f cat ons w thout not ce. Informat on n th s document may change w thout not ce. No part of th s document may be cop ed, reproduced, or transm tted by any means, for any purpose w thout pr or wr tten perm ss on from V ewSon c Corporat on. Product Registration To meet your future needs, and to rece ve any add t onal product nformat on as t becomes ava lable, please reg ster your product on the Internet at: www.v ewson The V ewSon c W zard CD-ROM also prov des an opportun ty for you to pr nt the reg strat on form, wh ch you may ma l or fax to V ewSon c. For Your Records Product Name: Model Number: Document Number: Serial Number: Purchase Date: PJ506D V ewSon c DLP Projector VS11452 PJ506D-1_UG_ENG Rev. 1B 12-14-06 The lamp n th s product conta ns mercury. Please d spose of n accordance w th local, state or federal laws.

ViewSonic PJ506D1 Safety Instructions Read all of these nstruct ons before you operate your projector and save for future reference. 1. Check that the operat ng voltage of your un t s dent cal w th the voltage of your local power supply. 2. Should any l qu d or sol d object fall nto the cab net, unplug the un t and have t checked by the qualified personnel before operating it further. 3. Do not attempt to serv ce th s product yourself, as open ng or remov ng covers may damage the components ns de and w ll vo d your warranty. 4. Do not place th s product on an unstable cart, stand, or table. The product may fall, caus ng ser ous damage to the product. 5. Unplug the un t from the wall socket f t s not to be used for several days. To d sconnect the cord, pull t out by the plug. Never pull the cord tself. 6. The wall socket should be near the un t and eas ly access ble. 7. Do not place the projector where the cord can be stepped on as th s may result n fray ng or damage to the lead or the plug. Be alert to tr pp ng hazards. 8. Never look nto the projector lens when the lamp s sw tched on as the br ght l ght can damage your eyes. Never let ch ldren look nto the lens when t s on. 9. Do not place your hand or objects near the vent lat on holes. The a r com ng out s hot. 10. Never open any covers on the projector except the lamp cover. Dangerous electr cal voltages ns de the projector can cause severe njury. Except as specifically directed in this User’s Manual, do not attempt to service this product yourself. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. 11. Unplug the projector from the wall socket before clean ng. Use a damp cloth for clean ng the projector hous ng. Do not use l qu d or aerosol cleaners. 12. Keep the plast c pack ng mater als (from the projector, accessor es and opt onal parts) out of the reach of ch ldren as these bags may result n death by suffocat on. Be part cularly careful around the small ch ldren.

2ViewSonic PJ506D 13. For vent lat on reasons, the fan cont nues to operate after the projector has been powered off. Please do not unplug the power cord unt l the fan stops. 14. The projector s equ pped w th vent lat on holes ( ntake) and vent lat on holes (exhaust). Do not block or place anyth ng near these slots, or nternal heat bu ld- up may occur, caus ng p cture degradat on or damage to the projector. 15. When you replace the projector lamp, never touch the new bulb w th your bare hands. The nv s ble res due left by the o l on your hands may shorten the bulb life. Use lint-free gloves or finger cots are recommended. 16. The product should be s tuated away from heat sources such as rad ators, heat registers, stoves, or other products (including amplifiers) that produce heat. 17. Do not overload wall outlets, extens on cords, or ntegral conven ence receptacles as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.

ViewSonic PJ506D3 Ground Notes on AC Power Cord AC Power Cord must meet requirement of country where you use a projector. Confirm an AC plug type w th graph cs below and proper AC Power Cord must be used. If suppl ed AC Power Cord does not match your AC outlet, contact your sales dealer. Th s projector s equ pped w th a ground ng type AC l ne plug. Make sure that your outlet fits the plug. Do not defeat the safety purpose of this grounding type plug. We h ghly recommend us ng a v deo source dev ce also equ pped w th a ground ng type AC line plug to prevent from signal interference due to voltage fluctuation.

4ViewSonic PJ506D CONTENTS Introduction ........................................................................\ .....................................6 Projector Features ........................................................................\ .....................6 Package Contents ........................................................................\ .....................7 Projector Overv ew ........................................................................\ ....................8 Using the Product ........................................................................\ .........................10 Control Panel........................................................................\ ...........................10 Connect on Ports ........................................................................\ .....................11 Remote Control ........................................................................\ .......................12 Remote Control Operat on ........................................................................\ ......14 Installation ........................................................................\ .....................................15 Connect ng the Projector ........................................................................\ .........15 Power ng On/Off the Projector ........................................................................\ 16 Adjust ng the Projected Image ........................................................................\ 17 Menu Operation ........................................................................\ ............................20 Image (Computer / V deo Mode) .....................................................................22 V deo (V deo Mode) ........................................................................\ .................23 D splay (Computer Mode) ........................................................................\ .......23 Language (Computer / V deo Mode) ...............................................................24 Advanced (Computer / V deo Mode) ...............................................................24 Aud o (Computer / V deo Mode) ......................................................................24 Maintenance ........................................................................\ ..................................25 Clean ng the Lens ........................................................................\ ...................25 Clean ng the Projector Hous ng.......................................................................25 Replac ng the Lamp ........................................................................\ ................26 Specifications ........................................................................\ ...............................28 Appendix ........................................................................\ .......................................29 LED Ind cator Messages ........................................................................\ .........29 Compat b l ty Modes ........................................................................\ ................30 Troubleshoot ng ........................................................................\ .......................31

ViewSonic PJ506D5 * means compressed. Introduction Projector Features The projector ntegrates h gh-performance opt cal eng ne project on and a user-fr endly des gn to del ver h gh rel ab l ty and ease of use. The projector offers the follow ng features: S ngle ch p 0.55” Texas Instruments DLP® technology SVGA (800 x 600 p xels) 1.07X manual zoom lens Auto mage re-s z ng (Auto-Sync.) to 800 x 600 full screen w th scal ng compress on compat b l ty for VGA, SVGA, XGA and SXGA* Compat b l ty w th Mac ntosh® computers Compat b l ty w th NTSC, PAL, SECAM, and HDTV Mult -funct on remote control D-Sub 15-p n term nal for analog v deo connect v ty User-fr endly, mult -language on-screen d splay (OSD) Advanced electron c keystone correct on