View-Master View Master Personal Stereo Camera Manual
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tHE fEilgArrotAL 4; It tokes no pholo-grophic experisnce or speciol knowledge tomoke beoutiful lhree dimension pictureswith the View-Mosier Stereo Comerq. Lensond exposure setlings ore so rodicolly simplified even o child con operole the comero. The View-AAosler Siereo Comero user either 20 or 36exposure stondord 35mm color filrir...themost reodily qvoiloble of oll color film.Tokes 37 sleieo poirs on 20, ond 69 on 36exposure cortridger. Its octuolly funto cut 3t€reo piclures with the illuminoted,semi-outomotic View-Moster Film Cutter,.Just fit proper film porforolions on sprockel-prsss i6a71-666; on occurolely die cuistereo poir folls frbm fhe Culfer. Turn knobond n€xt poir is reglstered for cultlng. It lokes onlyo momsnl to slip stereo pcirs into lhe properpockels of o precision mode, seven-sceneView-Moster Personol Reel. Reels ore loughond duroble. Spoce is-provided for describ-ing picturer ond subiecf. .Whoto thrill .-youll get when you.see pictures ofyour fomily, friends, vocotion trovels comefo life in the omozing reolism of threedimensionsl Pictures con be viewed in oView-r\Aosfer Slerioscope-or proiecied in twodimensions with o V.few;Mostgr Proiector. @ ffi [@ @ W AN I NTEGR,ATED TIE.TIBERol

o B a J 3 Q ,raaODED HOIE for otioching View-Mosrer Ftosh Unir.FTASH SWITCH. Built-in outomotic flosh switch synchronizedfor speed type bulbs.DIRECT OPflCAl VIEW-FINDER. Eye tevet, torse view find_er defines exoct picture oreo. Negligible porollox. Hos bub_ble to indicole when comero is level.SKY CONDIIION .,EXPO-SURE CAICUIATOR. Couptedcolibroted diols ouiomoticolly odiust lens opening ond shutterspeed for correct exposure when set for existing c-onditions. Vl @ o o THE VIEW.ftIA3TER, FAIIITY OF

,?nZ fTEREO CAIIE \ RA \ FI]il SPEED AND SEA5ONAI. IIGHT ADJUSTMENT. \Single colibrdted diol setting odiusts exposurs to oni \film speed.BODY CONSTRUCTION. Srurdy, die-cost oluminum bodycom.pleiely seols inner mechonism ogoinsl dust ond lint.Genuine pressed leother cover. Finish: melol etchingundercoot ond enomel second coot.SlNGLE Flttt WINDING KNOB. One bie, non-stip fitmwinding knob does the work of two. Winds film out ofond into cortridge, oulomoficolly cocks shuiter os film isodvonced, counts bxposures. Eliminotes rewinding.Fllfr] TENGTH INDICATOR. Wire indicoror rells wherhercomero is looded with 20 or 36 exposure film. Remindgphotogropher when to stop loking pictures.CABIE RETEASE SOCKEI. Seols itself ogoinst dusr whencoble is detoched. Fits ony stondord coble.SHUTTER RELEASE. Squeeze-type releose minimizes com-ero movement. Indenled to prev€nt occidentol releose.iIATCHED fi}{s:S. View-Moster Anosrismofs, f/3.5,25mm. cooted, color corrected, ond precisely motchedwithin /2 of 10/6 tor imoge size. Lenses ore similor lo eyehoving 20/20 vision ond full color opprecioiion. Being

si#r{ rffi NOW, everyone Gsn enioy (Gome lo liJestereo pictvres P r;,:+.t-+. { ji(# Tj:e !iew-Master Personal Stereo Camera inaue-rirates a revolutionary svstem of three dimensio=nphotography! It opini exciting new fields ofpliotographic enjoyment to economy-mindedpersons with limited photographic experience. Itpermits the taking and enjoyment of thrillingtrue-io-life stereo color transparencies costingless than ordinary black and -white snapshotj.The View-Master Stereo Camera is an ideil family camera because of its amazing simplicity aswell as economy of operation. Ingenious me-chanical innovations make the taking of stereopictures simple and easy, eliminate complicatedsettings, cut 6lm waste, and assure vivid stereopictures every shot. Preparation of stereo pic-tures for vies,ing under the View-Master systembecomes an exciting and enjoyable pastime. TheView-Master Personal Stereo Camera is a com-pact, finely engineered instrument, built for alifetime of trouble-free service. It uses 20 or 36exposure rolls of readily available standard35mm color film. Stereo pictures are quick andeasy to cut with the precision, semi-automaticView-Master Film Cutter. Mounting is simplydone by inserting stereo pictures in accuratelyaligned pockets of durable, seven-scene View-Master Personal Reels. Pictures mav be viewedin three dimensions in low cost View-MasterStereoscopes or projected in two dimensions inView-Master Projectors. View-Master stereopictures, mounted in View-Master PersonalReels, handle safely, are simple to identify, storein small space, are convenient to file and use.

- p0 U)-VI aa For viewing stereq colcr piclures mounted in View-Moster Reels. Duroble plostic ond melcl consiruciion. Accurotelyground ond polished lenses. Light in wcight, eosy to operote, lowin cost. Onlv $2.00.Opticol ronge-finder colculotes correcl ex-oosure One diol operotion. Mirror finish 5in reflector. Floshguord Wired for ouxiliory flosh units Uses low cost midget floshbulbs. Avoiloble obout July l, 1952Die cuts ViewMosler Personol stereopoire to 001 inch occurocy Film is registered by perforgiion. Knobodvonces film ond re-registers stereo-piclures, Press ond cut stereopoirs foll free. llluminoted U.t opproved $19.50,Finest light-tone, soddle-leother cow,hide over spring steel form. Soft suede leother lined, Detochoblefront cover. $14.75Potented, seven-scene Reelsmoke stereo mounling on enioyoble postime Die cut pictures slipsnugly into occurolely registered pockets. Tough, duroble lominotedpoper ond metdl. Spoce for jdentifying subiect ond pictures. 6 for $ISpeciol density ond colormotched cooted oronge filters for coftecting Type A or Tungstencolor film for doylight use. $4.50 o poir.Provides proper illuminotion for ideol view-ing of View-Moster pictures. Duroble plostic ond metol construcfion.Con be mounled on tripod. Uses floshlight bolteries or View-MosterTronsformer ond Cord. Iight otfochment without botieries, $2.00.Uses View-Moster full colorpicture Reels to project brillionf non-stereoscopic imoges up tol6 x l4 inches. Sturdy ploslic ond metol construction. f/3.0Doublet lens. Simple to operote. Low-cost, durobly conslructed.ll0-120 A.C. or D.C, current. U !. opproved $10.95 inc. toxFor superior non-stereo proieclionof full color View-Mdster piciure Reels Proiects imoge to 3 feet inwidth with brillionce ond clority. simple to operole, Mony exclu-sive {eotures. I l0-120 A,C. or D.C. U.t. opgroved. $47.50 inc. tox. WE ARE AN AUTHORIZED VIEW.MASTER CAMERA DEAI.ER litho in U.S.A.AD-UT-C-2@Sowyers Inc., Portlond 7, Ore.