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Uniden Bc92xlt Radio Scanner Owners Manual

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    Special Features
    To turn on the Close Call feature and turn off normal 
    scanning, press Func +   twice.   flashes. 
    To turn off Close Call and turn on normal scanning, 
    press Func +   three times.   disappears.
    Chain Search
    This feature lets you search through preset 
    frequency ranges. You can also change each range 
    to a range you set. There are three modes within 
    this feature: chain search mode, chain search hold 
    mode, and program band select mode.
    The preset frequency ranges are:
    Chain Search Mode
    Press Func + Src to start chain search mode. SRCH, 
    the enabled search bank number, and   or   
    (indicating the search direction) appear. The search 
    bank number being searched flashes.Bank 
    No.Frequency (MHz) Step 
    1 25.0000-27.9950 
    28.0000-29.6950 5
    29.7000-49.9950 5
    50.0000-54.0000 5
    137.0000-143.9950 5
    144.0000-147.9950 5
    406.0000-419.99375 6.25
    420.0000-449.99375 6.25
    450.0000-469.99375 6.25
    806.0000-956.0000 12.5
    BC92XLT Paper OM.fm  Page 41  Tuesday, August 24, 2004  3:56 PM 
    Special Features
    Press 0-9 to enable or disable the search bank 
    number being searched in this mode. Enabled bank 
    numbers appear. (Disabled bank numbers 
    At least one search bank must be enabled. (The 
    scanner sounds an error tone if you try to disable all 
    the search banks). The search bank and the 
    frequency where chain search starts depends on 
    how the scanner was set before you selected chain 
    search mode.
    Chain Search Hold Mode
    To start chain search hold mode, press Hold in 
    chain search mode. The scanner stops searching 
    and Hold appears. In this mode, pressing 
    Func +    changes the search direction downward 
    and pressing Func +    changes the search 
    direction upward.   or    appears according to the 
    current search direction.
    Storing Frequencies Found During 
    Chain Search into Channel Memory
    You can store frequencies you find in chain search 
    mode or chain search hold mode.
    1. Press Func + Pgm in chain search mode or 
    chain search hold mode. The lowest blank 
    channel and bank appear.
    2. Press E to store the frequency into the blank 
    channel. To select another channel, press Func 
    +  or Func +    before you press E. You can 
    also press 0-9 to select the bank.
    If you try to save a frequency that is already stored, 
    the scanner sounds an error tone and displays the 
    channel that was duplicated. If you entered the fre-
    quency by mistake, press  . To enter the frequency 
    anyway, press E to accept.
    BC92XLT Paper OM.fm  Page 42  Tuesday, August 24, 2004  3:56 PM 
    Special Features
    The scanner sets itself to program mode after you 
    store a frequency.
    Program Band Select Mode
    You can use this mode to define the search range 
    used during a chain search in each search bank. To 
    set the scanner to program band select mode, press 
    Func and PSrc. SRCH appears. Then select a 
    search bank. 
    When you select the search bank, the lower limit 
    and upper limit frequency assigned in the search 
    bank alternate on the display.
    To select another search bank, press Func + PSrc 
    or Func +    to increase the search bank number 
    or Func +   to decrease it. Hold down Func +   or 
    Func +   for about 1 second to quickly move 
    through the search bank numbers. 
    After choosing the search bank, follow these steps 
    to set the lower limit and upper limit frequency.
    1. Enter the lower limit frequency by using the 0-9 
    and . keys.
    2. Press E to select the lower limit frequency.
    3. Enter the upper limit frequency by using the 0-9 
    and  keys.
    4. Press E to select the upper limit frequency.
    Direct Entry Search
    You can use direct entry search to search up or 
    down from the currently displayed frequency.
    1. If the scanner is scanning or searching, press 
    BC92XLT Paper OM.fm  Page 43  Tuesday, August 24, 2004  3:56 PM 
    Special Features
    2. Enter the frequency you want to start from by 
    using the number keys. (Press    to enter a 
    decimal point).
    3. Press Func +   or Func +  . The scanner 
    searches, starting from the frequency you 
    entered in Step 2. 
    If you enter a frequency that is out of range, the 
    scanner sounds an error tone and Error appears.
    Press Func +   to change the search direction 
    downward or Func +   to change the search 
    direction upward. Frequencies appear during the 
    • You can set the delay function on or off during 
    the search or while the search stops.
    • You can skip a frequency when the search stops. 
    After the search skip frequency is set, the scan-
    ner starts direct search again.
    Direct Entry Search Hold Mode
    To stop searching during direct entry search, press 
    Hold. Hold appears. In this mode, pressing Func + 
     changes the search direction downward and 
    pressing Func +   changes the search direction 
    upward.   or    appears depending on the search 
    Press Func +   to decrease the frequency by one 
    step or Func +    to increase it by one step. Hold 
    down     or   for about 1 second to quickly 
    increase or decrease the frequency.
    To resume direct search, press Func + Src or Hold. 
     or   appears on the display, showing the search 
    BC92XLT Paper OM.fm  Page 44  Tuesday, August 24, 2004  3:56 PM 
    Special Features
    Storing Frequencies Found During Direct 
    Entry Search into Channel Memory
    Follow these steps to store frequencies received 
    during direct entry search mode or direct entry 
    search hold mode.
    1. Press Func + Pgm in direct entry search mode 
    or direct entry search hold mode. The frequency 
    and lowest blank channel alternate on the 
    2. Press E to store the frequency into the blank 
    channel. To select another channel, repeatedly 
    press Func +   or Func +   to select the blank 
    channel you want, then press E. You can also 
    use the 0-9 keys to select the bank.
    If you enter a frequency that has already been 
    entered elsewhere, the scanner sounds an error 
    tone and displays the channel that was duplicated. If 
    you entered the frequency by mistake, press  . 
    To enter the frequency anyway, press E to accept.
    The scanner moves to program mode after you 
    stored the frequency.
    Search Skip Memory
    You can skip up to 50 specified frequencies during a 
    search. This lets you avoid unwanted frequencies or 
    those already stored in a channel.
    • You cannot skip frequencies during WX service 
    • Search skip frequencies are shared by service 
    search, direct entry search, chain search, and 
    Close Call modes. If skip frequencies are sent in 
    certain mode, the frequencies are also skipped 
    in other search modes and Close Call mode.
    BC92XLT Paper OM.fm  Page 45  Tuesday, August 24, 2004  3:56 PM 
    Special Features
    To skip a frequency, press Func and L/O when the 
    scanner stops on the frequency during a search or a 
    search hold. The scanner stores the frequency in 
    memory and automatically resumes the search if it is 
    not in hold.
    Follow these steps to clear a single frequency from 
    skip memory so the scanner stops on it during a 
    1. Press Hold to stop the search.
    2. Press Func +   or Func +   to select the 
    frequency. L/O appears.
    3. Press Func + L/O. L/O disappears.
    To clear all the skip frequencies at once while 
    searching or search hold, press Func then press 
    and hold L/O until the scanner beeps.
    • If you selected all frequencies to be skipped 
    within the search range, the scanner beeps 3 
    times and does not search.
    • If you select more than 50 frequencies to skip, 
    each new frequency replaces a frequency 
    previously stored, beginning with the first stored 
    •Press Func +   or Func +   to select a 
    skipped frequency while Hold appears. L/O 
    appears when you select a skipped frequency.
    Sometimes a user might pause before replying to a 
    transmission. To avoid missing a reply on a specific 
    channel, you can program a 2-second delay into any 
    channel or frequency. The scanner continues to 
    monitor the channel frequency for an additional 
    BC92XLT Paper OM.fm  Page 46  Tuesday, August 24, 2004  3:56 PM 
    Special Features
    2 seconds after the transmission stops before 
    resuming scanning or searching. The scanner 
    automatically sets a delay when you store 
    frequencies into channels or when you search 
    frequencies. When the delay feature is on, DLY 
    appears. If it is off, follow one of these steps to 
    program a delay depending on how the scanner is 
    • If the scanner is scanning and stops on an active 
    channel where you want to store a delay, quickly 
    press Func + Dly before it continues scanning 
    again. DLY appears.
    • If the desired channel is not selected, manually 
    select the channel, then press Func + Dly. DLY 
    • If the scanner is searching, press Func + Dly 
    while the scanner is searching. DLY appears and 
    the scanner automatically adds a 2-second 
    delay to every frequency it stops on in that band.
    To turn off the 2-second delay, press Func + Dly 
    while the scanner is monitoring a channel, scanning, 
    or searching. DLY disappears.
    Turning Channel-Storage Banks 
    On and Off
    You can turn each channel-storage bank on and off. 
    When you turn off a bank, the scanner does not 
    scan any of the 20 channels in that bank.
    While scanning, press the number key that 
    corresponds to the bank you want to turn on or off. 
    Numbers appear at the top of the display, showing 
    the currently selected banks.
    The scanner scans all the channels within the 
    displayed banks that are not locked out (see “Lock-
    BC92XLT Paper OM.fm  Page 47  Tuesday, August 24, 2004  3:56 PM 
    Special Features
    ing Out Channels” on Page 48). The bank number 
    flashes when the scanner scans a channel that 
    belongs to the bank.
    • You can manually select any channel within a 
    bank, even if that bank is turned off.
    • You cannot turn off all banks. One bank must 
    always be active.
    Locking Out Channels
    You can increase the scanning speed by locking out 
    channels that have a continuous transmission, such 
    as a weather channel. To lock out a channel, 
    manually select the channel, then press Func + L/O. 
    L/O appears.
    Note: You can still manually select locked-out 
    To remove the lockout from a channel, manually 
    select the channel, then press Func + L/O. 
    L/O disappears.
    To unlock all channels in the banks that are turned 
    on, press Hold to stop scanning, then press Func 
    and press and hold L/O until the scanner beeps 
    The priority feature lets you scan through the 
    channels and still not miss important or interesting 
    calls on specific channels. You can program one 
    stored channel in each bank as a priority channel 
    (10 for the banks).
    BC92XLT Paper OM.fm  Page 48  Tuesday, August 24, 2004  3:56 PM 
    Special Features
    If the priority feature is turned on, as the scanner 
    scans the bank, it checks that banks priority channel 
    for activity every 2 seconds.
    The scanner automatically designates each banks 
    first channel as its priority channel. 
    Follow these steps to select a different channel in a 
    bank as the priority channel.
    1. Manually select the channel you want to select 
    as the priority channel.
    2. Press Func + Pgm, then press Func + Pri. 
    P appears to the left of the selected channel 
    3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the channel in each 
    bank you want to program as a priority channel.
    To turn on the priority feature, press Func + Pri 
    during scanning. PRI appears. Then the scanner 
    checks the designated priority channel every 
    2 seconds in each bank.
    To turn off the priority feature, press Func + Pri. PRI 
    Using Keylock
    Use the scanners keylock to protect it from 
    accidental program changes. When the scanners 
    keys are locked, the only controls that operate are 
    Scan, Func, Hold, ,  , and  .
    To turn on keylock, press Func +  .
     appears. To turn off keylock, press Func +  . 
    Note: Using keylock does not prevent the scanner 
    from scanning channels.
    BC92XLT Paper OM.fm  Page 49  Tuesday, August 24, 2004  3:56 PM 
    Special Features
    Using the Display Backlight
    To turn on the display light for easy viewing at night, 
    press  . The display lights for 15 seconds. To turn 
    off the light sooner, press   again.
    BC92XLT Paper OM.fm  Page 50  Tuesday, August 24, 2004  3:56 PM 
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