U.S. Marine Corps
Radio Antenna
U.S. Marine Corps Antenna Mcrp 6 22D Operating Instructions
U.S. Marine Corps Antenna Mcrp 6 22D Operating Instructions
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5-2 _____________________________________ MCRP 6-22D ranges are assigned to many activities, including citizens (public) communications (e.g., mobile, police, weather, taxis, and general purpose). POLARIZATION In many countries, FM and TV broadcasting in the VHF range use horizontal polarization. One reason is because it reduces ignition interference, which is mainly vertically polarized. Mobile commu- nications often use vertical polarization for two reasons. First, the vehicle antenna installation has physical limitations, and second, so that reception or transmission will not be interrupted as the vehicle changes its heading to achieve omnidirectionality. Using directional antennas and horizontal polarization (when possi- ble) will reduce manmade noise interference in urban locations. Horizontal polarization, however, should be chosen only where an antenna height of many wavelengths is possible. Ground reflections tend to cancel horizontally polarized waves at low angles. Use only vertically polarized antennas when the antenna must be located at a height of less than about 10 meters above ground, or where omnidi- rectional radiation or reception is desired. GAIN AND DIRECTIVITY VHF and UHF (above 30 MHz) antenna gain and directivity are extremely important for several reasons. Assuming the same antenna gain and propagation path, the received signal strength drops as frequency is increased. At VHF and UHF, more of the received signal is lost in the transmission line than is lost at HF. A 10 to 20 dB loss is not uncommon in a 30 meter length of coaxial line at 450 MHz.

Antenna Handbook ______________________________ 5-3 At frequencies below 30 MHz, system sensitivity is almost always limited by receiver noise rather than by noise external to the antenna (e.g., atmospheric and manmade interference). Generally, wider modulation or signal bandwidths are employed in VHF and UHF transmissions than at HF. Since system noise power is directly proportional to bandwidth, additional antenna gain is necessary to preserve a usable S/N ratio. VHF and UHF antenna directivity (gain) aids security by restricting the amount of power radiated in unwanted directions. Receiver sen- sitivity is generally poorer at VHF and UHF (with the exception of high quality state-of-the-art receivers). Obstructions (e.g., build- ings, trees, hills) may seriously decrease the signal strength avail- able to the receiving antenna because VHF and UHF signals travel a straight LOS path. Gain Obtaining communications reliability over difficult VHF and UHF propagation paths requires considerable attention to the design of high-gain, directive antenna arrays at least at one end of the com- munications link. Unlike HF communications, the shorter VHF and UHF wavelengths support walkie-talkie transceivers and simple mobile transmission units. Communicating or receiving with such devices over distances beyond 1 or 2 km requires maximum antenna gain at the base station site or fixed end of the link. Directivity Because VHF and UHF wavelengths are so short, reliable predic- tion of diffraction, refraction, and reflection effects are not practi- cal. One must depend entirely on LOS paths. For best results, attempt to establish VHF and UHF communications paths that are as free of obstacles as possible. The VHF and UHF wavelengths are

5-4 _____________________________________ MCRP 6-22D short enough that it is possible to construct resonant antenna arrays. An array provides directivity (the ability to concentrate radiated energy into a beam that can be aimed at the intended receiver). Arrays of resonant elements, (e.g., half-wave dipoles), can be con- structed of rigid metal rods or tubing or of aluminum or copper foil laid out or pasted on a flat nonconducting surface. Directing power helps to increase the range of the communications path and tends to decrease the likelihood of interception or jamming from hostile radio stations. However, such highly directive antennas place an added burden on the operator to ensure that the antenna is pointed properly. TRANSMISSION LINES Choosing transmission lines at VHF and UHF depends on many factors. Generally, twin-lead has much lower loss than small diame- ter coaxial cable. Twin-lead is preferred over coaxial when trans- mission line lengths exceed 10 meters. Twin-lead is much more susceptible to picking up objectionable manmade noise than is well shielded coaxial cable. Also, most modern VHF and UHF equip- ment employs unbalanced input and output circuitry with a 50-ohm impedance. Such equipment requires either using coaxial cable or a balun to feed a twin-lead or two-wire balanced transmission line. Noise pickup by twin-lead transmission lines may be considerably reduced by twisting the line along its length. When using twin-lead, the spacing between the wires of the line should not exceed 0.05 l. If the spacing is an appreciable part of a wavelength, the line will radiate and receive energy like the antenna. This effect will alter the intended antenna radiation pat- tern. To further reduce local noise pickup, keeping twin-lead clear of metal objects (e.g., gutters and window frames). Twice the wire spacing in the twin-lead is sufficient clearance.

Antenna Handbook ______________________________ 5-5 RADIATORS A radiator is the antenna component that transmits RF energy. Vertical Radiator A vertical radiator for general coverage use at UHF should be one- quarter wavelength long. Longer vertical antennas do not have their maximum radiation at right angles to the line of the radiator. They are not practical for use where the greatest possible radiation paral- lel to the Earth is desired. It is important that the antenna be decou- pled from the coaxial transmission line. This will prevent unwanted radiation currents from flowing along the outside of the cable, which will distort the antenna pattern. Use a sleeve, ground plane, or counterpoise to perform decoupling. Cross Section Radiator Aluminum tubing is commonly used for dipoles and radiation ele- ments. They are so short that the expense of larger diameter con- ductors is relatively low. With such conductors, the antenna will tune much more broadly. This is very desirable, particularly when an antenna or array is used over an entire frequency band. Large cross section radiators have a shorter resonant length than a radiator or mode of small diameter wire. A tubing radiator mode is seldom longer than 90 percent of a half-wavelength for a dipole at frequencies above 100 MHz. INSULATION Insulation or dielectric material quality is more important at VHF and UHF than at frequencies below 30 MHz. Many insulators that perform well in the HF range are poor or unusable for fabricating

5-6 _____________________________________ MCRP 6-22D antennas operating at frequencies above 100 MHz. Ordinary wood is a good example. In minimal rainfall climates, using very dry red- wood, maple, or fir boiled in paraffin wax for several hours is fairly successful up to frequencies as high as 560 MHz. The neck of a glass soft drink bottle or other similar items work reasonably well up to frequencies as high as 1 GHz. Several modern plastics, used throughout the world, also make excellent insulators (e.g., fiber- glass, polystyrine, polyethylene, and Styrofoam). Pieces of these plastics in usable shapes can be found almost everywhere, and, with a little ingenuity, can be used as insulation in the design of many VHF and UHF antennas. Avoiding insulation entirely is possible by choosing an antenna design with elements supported at lower volt- age (high current) points (e.g., the Yagi antenna). INTERFERENCE Obtaining optimum coupling between the antenna and transmission line and between the transmission line and the receiver or transmit- ter circuits is a major concern. Noise While atmospheric and manmade noise usually limit the ultimate sensitivity of an HF receiving system, a VHF or UHF receiving sys- tem is almost always limited by receiver noise. External (atmo- spheric) noise is virtually nonexistent at frequencies higher than 100 MHz. Automobile ignition and other forms of manmade static affect frequencies well into the UHF band. Multipath Interference VHF and UHF radio waves are highly attenuated when they travel through most materials. Select a location which is as free as possi- ble of obstacles in the direction of desired propagation. It is possible

Antenna Handbook ______________________________ 5-7 to use relay stations or carefully placed reflectors when obstacles interfere with the direct path. When operating from areas where the transmission path is bounded rather closely by reflective objects (e.g., buildings or metal towers) the possibility of multipath exists. Whenever conditions are such that radio signals travel two or more separate paths from the trans- mitting to the receiving antenna, a phenomenon known as an inter- ference pattern is created around the receiving antenna. There will be zones where the incoming signal is received very strongly (con- structive interference) with areas of weak signal between (destruc- tive interference). If each of the two signal has the same strength, complete cancellation will occur in the destructive interference zones, and no signal will be received. At VHF and UHF the created interference patterns are small enough to permit moving out of a destructive zone and into a constructive zone within the space of only a meter or so. It is difficult to predict the location of an interference pattern. Opti- mizing antenna location is a must for good results. Sometimes a secondary path is created as the result of reflection from a moving object (e.g., an automobile or airplane). The resulting interference pattern will not be stationary, but will move past the antenna so that the received signal appears to flutter between good and poor recep- tion. Multipath problems can be particularly severe when either the transmitting or receiving antenna is moving. Diversity techniques such as two separated antennas or circular polarization should help to alleviate the effects of multipath interference. High gain (highly directive) antennas, both on the transmitter and the receiver, can reduce signal loss from multipath interference.

5-8 _____________________________________ MCRP 6-22D Vegetated Areas VHF and UHF communications through a dense forest over dis- tances of more than a few kilometers can often be very difficult. In many tropical regions, trees and underbrush absorb VHF and UHF radio energy. In addition to the ordinary free space loss between transmitting and receiving antennas, a radio wave passing through a forest undergoes an additional loss that is measured in dBs per km. This extra loss increases rapidly as the transmission frequency increases. Near the ground (i.e., antenna heights of less than 3 meters) vertical polarization is preferred. However, if it is possible to elevate both receiving and transmitting antennas as much as 10 to 20 meters, horizontal polarization is preferable to vertical polarization. Con- siderable reduction in total path loss results if either or both the transmitting and receiving antennas can be placed above the tree level through which communications must be made. Increasing antenna gain may provide an improved signal strength that exceeds the added antenna gain by reducing the number of multipath reflections from trees along the propagation path. The higher gain antenna exhibits a much narrower radiation pattern which includes fewer trees in its beam. Generally, this effect is most noticeable with antenna gains higher than 15 dB or azimuthal half- power beam of less than 35°. Communications through heavily forested areas over distances greater than 10 kms may require a transmitter power of at least 10 watts and antenna gains of 10 dB or more, depending on antenna height, terrain features, type of trees, moisture content, and numer- ous other factors. If communication is required over distances

Antenna Handbook ______________________________ 5-9 exceeding 30 kms, it may be necessary to use high-angle iono- spheric propagation in the 3 to 10 MHz frequency range (i.e., HF) to obtain a reliable circuit. ANTENNA TYPES The vertical whip is the most commonly used antenna. The OE-254 is a broadband, omnidirectional, biconical antenna. Antennas located in places which are enclosed mostly in a metal shell or con- tainer (e.g., an automobile) cannot be expected to perform as well as if located outside the enclosure. Most of the antenna types usable in the HF range are also usable in the VHF and UHF bands. In the VHF and UHF ranges, use the same antenna for transmitting and receiving. Vertical Whip It is easy to use and part of every radio set. In mobile situations, it is the only antenna that can be used. In stationary operations, the ver- tical whip is not a good choice. It cannot be elevated for good omni- directional VHF LOS communications, and it radiates in useless directions if communications are point-to-point. If the tactical situation prevents using an antenna other than the ver- tical whip, steps can be taken to improve its performance. Ensure that the antenna is vertical. This can be a problem when using the manpack short whip or tape in the prone position. Use the flexible base on the tape to ensure that the antenna is in a vertical position. Place a reflector behind the whip to direct radiation in a general direction. A reflector is a vertical wire or another whip placed one- quarter wavelength behind the radiating whip. Place the reflector at the same height as the whip, and insulate it from the ground. The

5-10 ____________________________________ MCRP 6-22D reflector reflects some of the radio energy back towards the whip and provides a broad beam of energy towards the distant station. Characteristics are— Frequency range:30 to 88 MHz Polarization:Vertical Power capability:Matched to specific radio Radiation pattern Azimuthal (bearing): Vertical (take-off angle): OE-254 The OE-254 (fig. 5-1) is scheduled to replace the RC-292. Unlike the RC-292, the OE-254 does not require tuning for specific bands and can cover the 30 to 87.975 MHz VHF band without adjust- ments. Three upward and three downward radial elements simulate two cones which provide omnidirectional VHF LOS radiation. The antenna is usually mounted on a 33-foot 8-inch mast for an overall height of 41 feet 9 inches. The antenna may be installed at lower heights; however, care should be taken to ensure that the lower and upper mast adapter assemblies are always used. An 80-foot coaxial cable comes with the antenna for direct connection to a radio. Frequency range:30 to 88 MHz Polarization:Vertical Power capability:350 watts Radiation pattern Azimuthal (bearing):Omnidirectional Vertical (take-off angle):

Antenna Handbook ____________________________ 5-11Figure 5-1. Installed OE-254 Antenna.