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TomTom Via 1605tm Reference Guide

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    Change turn 
    Tap this button to change and report incorrect road turn restrictions. 
    Change road speed  
    Tap this button to change and report the road speed limit. 
    Add or remove 
    Tap this button to add or remove a rotary. 
    Add missing POI  
    Tap this button to add a new Point of Interest (POI). 
    For example to add a new restaurant near to your current location: 
    1. Tap Add missing POI. 
    2. Tap Restaurant in the list of POI categories. 
    3. Tap Near you. 
    You can select the location by entering the address or by selecting 
    the location on the map. Select Near you or Near home to open the 
    map at your current location or at your Home location 
    4. Select the location of the missing restaurant. 
    5. Tap Done. 
    6. Type the name of the restaurant then tap Next. 
    7. If you know the telephone number of the restaurant you can type it, 
    then tap Next. 
    If you dont know the number, just tap Next without typing a number. 
    1. Tap Continue. 
    Edit POI  
    Tap this button to edit an existing POI. 
    You can use this button to make the following changes to a POI: 
     Delete the POI. 
     Rename the POI. 
     Change the telephone number of the POI. 
     Change the category that a POI belongs to. 
     Move the POI on the map. 
    Comment on POI  
    Tap this button to enter a comment about a POI. Use this button if you 
    cannot edit the error with the POI using the Edit POI button.  
    Correct house 
    Tap this button to correct the location of a house number. Enter the 
    address that you wish to correct and then indicate on the map the correct 
    location of that house number. 
    Existing street  
    Tap this button to edit an existing street. Once you have selected the 
    street, you can select an error to report. You can select more than one 
    type of error for a street. 
    Missing street  
    Tap this button to report a missing street. You have to select the start 
    and end points of the missing street. 
    Tap this button to report an error about a city, town or village. You can 
    report the following types of error: 
     City is missing 
     Wrong city name 
     Alternative city name 
     Other 
    Highway en-
    Tap this button to report an error about a highway entrance or exit. 
    ZIP code  
    Tap this button to report an error about a ZIP code. 
    Tap this button to report other types of corrections. 
    These corrections are not immediately applied to your map but are saved 
    in a special report. 
    You can report missing streets, errors in highway entrances and exits 
    and missing rotaries. If the correction you want to report is not covered 
    by any of these report types, enter a general description then tap Other.  
    About sounds and voices 
    Your TomTom device uses sound for some or all of the following: 
     Driving directions and other route instructions 
     Traffic information 
    Note: To use a TomTom traffic information service, you may need a subscription or a re-
    ceiver. Traffic services are not supported in all countries or regions. For more information, 
    visit tomtom.com/services. 
     Warnings that you set 
     Hands-free phone calls 
    There are two types of voice available for your device: 
     Voices that speak street names 
    Voices that speak street names are generated by your TomTom. They provide route instruc-
    tions and read aloud city and street names, traffic and other useful information. 
     Human voices 
    These are recorded by an actor and only provide route instructions.  
    About voices that speak street names 
    Your TomTom uses text-to-speech technology to read the street names on your map as it guides 
    you on your route. 
    A voice that speaks street names analyzes the whole phrase or sentence before speaking, to 
    ensure that the sentence sounds as close as possible to natural speech. 
    This type of voice can also recognize and pronounce foreign towns and street names. For exam-
    ple, the English voice can read and pronounce French street names.  
    Selecting a voice 
    To select a different voice on your TomTom device, either tap Change voice in the Settings menu 
    or tap Voices, then tap Change voice and select the required voice.  
    Changing the volume level 
    You can change the volume on your TomTom device in several ways. 
     In the Driving view. 
    Tap the central panel on the status bar and move the slider to adjust the volume. The last 
    route instruction is played so you can hear the new volume level. 
     In the Settings menu. 
    Sounds and voices  
    Tap    in the Main menu, then tap Volume settings and move the slider to adjust the volume. 
    Tap Test to listen to the new volume level.  
    Automatic volume control 
    To set your TomTom device to automatically adjust the volume, do the following: 
    1. Tap Settings in the Main menu. 
    2. Tap Volume. 
    3. Select Link volume to car speed to automatically adjust the volume inside the car in response 
    to changes in the speed of your driving. 
    4. Tap Done.  
    About Settings 
    You can change the way your TomTom device looks and behaves. Most of the settings on your 
    device can be accessed by tapping Settings in the Main menu. 
    Note: Not all settings described here are available on all devices. 
    2D/3D settings 
    2D/3D settings 
    Tap this button to set the default view of the map. To switch between 2D 
    and 3D views while driving, tap the left side of the status bar in the 
    Driving View. 
    It is sometimes easier to view the map from above, such as when navi-
    gating a complex road network. 
    The 2D view shows a two dimensional view of the map as though 
    viewed from above. 
    The 3D view shows a three dimensional view of the map as though you 
    are driving through the landscape. 
    The following buttons are available: 
     In 2D view: rotate map in direction of travel - tap this button so the 
    map is rotated automatically with the direction you are traveling al-
    ways at the top. 
     Switch to 3D view when following a route - tap this button to show 
    the map automatically in 3D view when you are following a route.  
    Advanced settings 
    Advanced settings 
    Tap this button to select the following advanced settings: 
     Show house number before street name - when this setting is 
    selected, addresses are shown with the house number followed by 
    the street name, such as 10 Downing Street. 
     Show street names - when this setting is selected, street names are 
    shown on the map in the Driving View. You do not need to select this 
    option when your TomTom is set to read aloud street names using a 
    computer voice. 
     Show next street name - when this setting is selected, the name of 
    the next street on your route is shown at the top of the Driving View. 
     Show current street name on map - when this setting is selected, 
    the name of the street you are on is shown at the bottom of the Driv-
    ing View. 
     Show location preview - when this setting is selected, a graphical 
    preview of your destination is shown during route planning. 
     Enable automatic zooming in 2D view 
     Enable automatic zooming in 3D view 
     Show lane images - when this setting is selected, a graphical view of 
    the road ahead shows which lane you need when you approach a 
    junction or highway exit. You can choose to see a split-screen lane 
    image, a full-screen lane image or you can switch off lane images al-
    together. This feature is not available for all roads. 
     Show tips - this setting switches tips on and off. 
     Automatically adjust clock for time zone - when this setting is 
    selected, your clock is automatically adjusted for your time zone.   
    Battery saving 
    Battery saving 
    To change the power saving settings, tap this button on your device. 
    Tap this button to set the brightness of the screen. Move the sliders to 
    adjust the brightness level. 
    To view the map and menus in day or night colors, tap Use day colors or 
    Use night colors in the Settings menu. 
    Car symbol 
    Car symbol 
    Tap this button to select the car symbol that shows your current location 
    in the Driving view. 
    Tap this button to select the time format. As soon as you have a GPS fix, 
    the time will be set automatically. If you dont have a GPS fix, you can 
    choose to set the time manually. 
    Tap this button to open the Connections menu. The menu items let you 
    control your navigation devices connections.  
    Enable / Disable Bluetooth 
    Enable Bluetooth  
    Tap this button to enable Bluetooth®. 
    Note: This feature is not available on all TomTom navigation devices.  
    Disable Bluetooth  
    Tap this button to disable Bluetooth®. 
    Note: This feature is not available on all TomTom navigation devices.  
    Enable / Disable flight mode 
    Enable / Disable 
    flight mode 
    Tap this button to enable or disable flight mode. Flight mode stops all 
    communication from the device. 
    Tap this button to add, rename or delete Favorites. 
    Favorites provide an easy way to select a location without the need to 
    enter the address. They do not need to be favorite places, they can 
    simply be seen as a collection of useful addresses. 
    To create a new Favorite, tap Add. Then enter the location address in the 
    same way that you enter an address when you plan a route. 
    To view or change an existing Favorite, tap one of the items in the list. To 
    see more Favorites on the map, tap the left or right buttons.  
    GPS status 
    GPS status 
    Tap this button to see the current status of GPS reception on your 
    Home location 
    Home location 
    Tap this button to set or change your Home location. You enter the 
    address in the same way as you do when you plan a route. 
    Your Home location provides an easy way to plan a route to an important 
    For most people, your Home location will be your home address. How-
    ever, you might prefer to set the location to another regular destination, 
    such as your place of work.  
    Tap this button to select the keyboards that will be available for your use 
    and the layout of the Latin keyboard. 
    You use the keyboard to enter names and addresses, such as when you 
    plan a route or search for the name of a town or a local restaurant. 
    Tap this button to change the language used for all the buttons and 
    messages you see on your device. 
    You can choose from a wide range of languages. When you change the 
    language, you are also given the opportunity to change the voice. 
    Make your own menu 
    Make your own 
    Tap this button to add up to six buttons to your own personalized menu. 
    If there are only one or two buttons in your menu, both buttons are 
    shown in the Driving view. 
    If you have three or more buttons in your menu, then a single button is 
    shown in the Driving view which opens your menu when tapped.  
    Manage POIs 
    Manage POIs 
    Tap this button to manage your own Point of Interest (POI) categories 
    and locations. 
    You can set your TomTom device to let you know when you are near to 
    selected POI locations. For example, you could set the device to let you 
    know when you are approaching a gas station. 
    You can create your own POI categories and add your own POI locations 
    to these categories. 
    You can, for example, create a new POI category called Friends. You 
    could then add all your friends addresses as POIs in this new category.  
    Tap the following buttons to create and maintain your own POIs: 
     Add POI - tap this button to add a location to one of your own POI 
     Warn when near POI - tap this button to set your device to warn you 
    when you are near selected POIs. 
     Delete POI - tap this button to delete a POI. 
     Edit POI - tap this button to edit one of your own POIs. 
     Add POI category - tap this button to create a new POI category. 
     Delete POI category - tap this button to delete one of your own POI 
    Map colors 
    Map colors 
    Tap this button to select the color schemes for day and night map colors. 
    Tap Search to search for a color scheme by typing the name. 
    Map corrections 
    Map corrections 
    Tap this button to correct errors on your map. 
    Me and my device 
    Me and my device  
    Tap this button to find technical information about your TomTom, and to 
    select whether you want to share information with TomTom. 
    A menu opens with the following options: 
    About my device  
    Tap this button to find technical information about your TomTom, such 
    as the device serial number, application version and the map version. 
    My information  
    Tap this button to change whether you want to share information with 
    MyTomTom account 
    Tap this button to log in to your TomTom account. 
    You can only log in to one account at a time on your device. If you have 
    more than one account or several people share the same device, you can 
    switch from one account to another as required. 
    Operate left-handed / Operate right-handed 
    left-handed / 
    Tap this button to make it easier for right- or left-handed operation. 
    This will affect items such as the zoom bar when you are viewing the 
    Tap this button on the Connections menu to open the Phones menu. 
    Reset factory settings 
    Reset factory 
    Tap this button to choose between a full or partial factory reset. 
    A full reset deletes all your personal settings and restores the standard 
    factory settings to your TomTom device. 
    A partial reset deletes your existing personal settings but keeps location 
    information including Favorites, recent destinations, home and work 
    locations, POI categories and POIs. 
    This is not a software update and will not affect the version of the soft- 
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