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TomTom Navigator 5 Manual

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    Related topics: 
    For more information relating to the use of the keyboard, see the sectio\
    ns about using browsers and entering an address.
    4.13. About Navigator 
    To see the version and copyright details of your TomTom Navigator softwa\
    re, tap About Navigator. 
    4.14. Set name display 
    Set your name display preferences by tapping Set name display. 
    This preference lets you specify how you want to show names in the main \
    Show house numbers 
    prefixedaddresses will be displayed as “112 Oxford street” rather than “\
    Oxford street 112”
    De-emphasize E-roadslocal road numbering are preferred over European road numbering, e.g. “\
    A10/E35” is preferred 
    over “E35/A10”
    Show street names on mapthe names of roads and side streets are shown on the map while you are d\
    Place a checkmark in the boxes of the options you wish to enable. 
    4.15. Change Home location 
    Change your home location by tapping Change home location . 
    This preference lets you specify the location that is to be used as your\
    The advantage of the HOME location is simply that you can select it with\
     a single tap of your finger. It is therefore useful to set 
    it to the location that is most central in your travels, such as your ho\
    me, your parking spot or your office. 
    You can pick any type of location as your home location.
    4.16. Set metric units  
    Set the preferred units by tapping Set units.
    This preference lets you specify how distances are expressed (in kilome\
    tres or in miles); how longitudes and latitudes are 
    displayed (using decimals or sexagesimals); and how times are displaye\
    d (using 24-hour format, or using the 12-hour am/pm 
    decimal display sexagesimal display
    (degrees, minutes and seconds) 
    4.17. Left-handed lay-out / Right-handed lay-out
    You can optimise TomTom Navigator for either right-handed or left-handed\
     operation. Left-handed operation, for example. 
    means that important buttons and controls will be located on the left si\
    de of the screen. As a result, you will be able to operate 
    them with your left hand without obscuring the screen.
    If the application operates for right-handed, switch it by tapping Left-handed lay-out. 
    If the application operates for left-handed, switch it by tapping Right-handed lay-out.
    4.18. Set schematic speed 
    Modify the schematic speed by tapping Set schematic speed. 
    You can set TomTom Navigator to hide the map when you go faster than a c\
    ertain speed. Instead of the map, a much simpler, 
    schematic design is used to display driving instructions. The simplicity of the at-a-gl\
    ance schematics can be a true benefit 
    when you need to concentrate on the road.
    If you do not enter a speed, or set the speed extremely high, you disabl\
    e this feature. 
    Related topics:
    To turn the schematic view on/off regardless of speed, use the Turn on/off map display preference option.
    For more information about the schematic view, see the schematic view description.
    4.19. Change voice 
    Change the voice used for driving instructions by tapping Change voice. 
    This preference lets you change the voice used for driving instructions.\
     Voices are available in many different languages. For 
    certain languages, several different voices are available.
    To hear a sample of a voice, tap the TEST button.  
    Related topics:
    To change the volume of the voice instructions, use the Change volume preference option.
    To turn the sound completely off, use the Turn off sound preference option.
    4.20. Switch Language 
    Set the language used by TomTom Navigator by tapping Switch language. 
    This preference will set the language in which the menus and screens are\
     shown. Simply tap the language of your choice.
    When you switch to another language, TomTom Navigator will also ask you \
    to select an appropriate voice in that language.
    Related topics: 
    To change only the language of the voice instructions, use the change voice preference option.
    4.21. POI Appendix 
    TomTom Navigator comes with a powerful POI management tool. Not only you\
     can enable and disable the available POI 
    categories, you can also add new categories of POIs and your own POIs!\
     TomTom Navigator can even warn you when you 
    are near POI in a chosen category.  
    5. Installation
    5.1. Using the CD-ROM
    The CD-ROM provides maps and voices and allows you to install the TomTom\
     Navigator software onto your Palm Powered™ 
    The CD-ROM also includes documentation and provides links to the TomTom \
    website and helps you register you product for 
    future updates, helpdesk support and product news.
    In the CD-ROM case, you will find a sticker with a Product Code. This Pr\
    oduct Code is required for successful installation of 
    TomTom Navigator and the maps. Please store it in a safe place for futur\
    e reference.
    To use the CD-ROM, insert it into your PC running Microsoft Windows ME o\
    r later. If you are not presented automatically with 
    the TomTom Setup Menu, launch it by opening My Computer, then double-cli\
    cking the icon of your CD-ROM drive and then 
    double-clicking setup.exe.
    After choosing your preferred language, carefully read the license agree\
    ment. Next you will be presented with the main Setup 
    Menu. You can use this menu to install TomTom Navigator, to load extra m\
    aps, to change voices and to access further product 
    5.2. Requirements for installation
    To install TomTom Navigator or additional voices or maps, a memory card \
    (such as an industry standard SD Card) for your 
    Palm Powered™ handheld is required.
    When performing an installation, make sure the memory card is inserted i\
    nto your Palm Powered™ handheld.
    Maps can also be loaded directly onto a memory card that is inserted int\
    o a PC Memory Card Reader that is attached to your 
    PC. Installing a map this way is quicker.
    Performing an installation with a memory card that is inserted into your\
     Palm Powered™ handheld requires HotSync® to be 
    installed and working properly. Please refer to the Palm™ Desktop sof\
    tware and documentation that comes with you Palm 
    Powered™ handheld to ensure that it is installed and working properly\
    5.3. First time installation of TomTom Navigator with a map
    If your product includes a TomTom Memory Card, TomTom Navigator is pre-l\
    oaded and you can skip this paragraph.
    Otherwise, you will need to load TomTom Navigator and at least one map o\
    nto a memory card.
    First time installation of TomTom Navigator requires a blank or new memo\
    ry card inserted into your Palm Powered™ handheld. 
    Subtract 5MB (the size required for the TomTom Navigator software) fro\
    m the memory card size to get an indication of the 
    maximum size of the map that you can install. From the main Setup Menu, \
    choose Install TomTom Navigator and follow the 
    installation steps.
    When prompted to perform a HotSync® with your Palm Powered™ handhe\
    ld, insert it into the cradle connected to your PC and 
    press the HotSync® button on the cradle. When HotSync® is finished\
    , the TomTom Navigator is installed to you Palm 
    Powered™ handheld. You now need to install at least one map (if your\
     memory card has sufficient size, you can load multiple 
    maps onto the memory card).
    From the main Setup Menu, choose Add maps and choose the map you requi\
    re. Please make sure its size is smaller than the 
    remaining free memory space on the memory card. After choosing the map, \
    you can use HotSync® to load the map onto the 
    memory card (choose Palm Powered™ handheld). Alternatively, if yo\
    u own a PC Memory Card Reader, insert the memory 
    card into it, and choose PC Memory Card Reader.
    5.4. (Re-)Installing TomTom Navigator, voices and maps
    From the main Setup Menu choose the appropriate option. You will be guid\
    ed through a number of screens to refine your 
    choices. When the software, maps or voices are ready for installation to\
     your Palm Powered™ handheld, you will be asked 
    perform a HotSync® with your Palm Powered™ handheld. Insert the Pa\
    lm Powered™ handheld into the cradle connected to 
    your PC and press the HotSync® button on the cradle. When HotSync®\
     is finished, the installation is complete.
    Maps can be installed directly to a memory card that is inserted into a \
    PC Memory Card Reader that is attached to your PC. 
    When installing a map, choose PC Memory Card Reader. To install using \
    HotSync®, choose Palm Powered™ handheld.
    5.5. Major Roads Map
    Your product comes with a Major Roads map, with coast-to-coast (United \
    States) and/or cross-border (Europe) coverage. This 
    map contains the same highways and main roads as the regional maps, and \
    does not contain minor roads and POIs. The 
    Major Roads map can be found with the other maps and is installed in the\
     same way. 
    Installation Poster
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