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TomTom Go 500 Go 510 Reference Guide

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Page 21

The following navigation buttons are available in the Main Menu screen, in addition to other buttons 
and symbols: 
Note: Not all features are supported on all devices. 
Select this button to search for an address, a place or a Point of Interest, 
then plan a route to that location. 
Drive Home 
Select this button to drive to your home location. If this button is not 
included in your Main Menu, go to My Places to set up your home location. 
Drive to Work 
Select this...

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My Places 
Select this button to show your saved places. 
My Routes 
Select this button to show your saved routes. 
Select this button to find car parks. 
Petrol Station 
Select this button to find petrol stations. 
Voice Control 
Select this button to start voice control. 
Tip: You can also say the wake-up phrase to start voice control. 
TomTom Services 
Select this button to see the status of your connection to the internet. 
Main Menu smaller buttons and...

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Select this button to open the Help Menu. The Help Menu contains help 
about using your GO, together with other information about your device, 
for example, map version, device serial number and legal information. 
Select this button to reorder the buttons in the Main Menu. 
Select this button to return to the previous screen. 
Select this button to return to the map view or guidance view. 
This symbol shows the status of the Bluetooth connection when you use a 

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This button shows that the display is using day colours. Select the button 
to reduce the brightness of the screen and display the map in darker 
When driving at night or when driving through a dark tunnel, it is easier to 
view the screen and less distracting for the driver if the brightness of the 
screen is dimmed. 
Tip: Your device automatically switches between day and night colours 
depending on the time of day. To switch off this feature, select 
Appearance, then Display in...

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Flick the tip of a single finger across the screen. 
Example of when to use this: Scrolling a big distance on the map. 
Tip: Flick isnt available on all devices.  
Press and hold 
Put one finger on the screen for more than 0.5 second. 
Example of when to use this: Opening the pop-up menu for a place on the 
Pinch to zoom 
Touch the screen with your thumb and a finger. Move them apart to zoom 
in or move them together to zoom out. 
Example of when to use this: Zooming in...

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4. Select and move other buttons to the order you want. 
5. Select Done.  

Page 27

About TomTom Traffic 
TomTom Traffic is a TomTom service providing real-time traffic information. 
In combination with IQ Routes, TomTom Traffic helps you plan the optimum route to your 
destination taking into account the current local traffic conditions and the weather. 
Your TomTom GO regularly receives information about the changing traffic conditions. If traffic 
jams, heavy rain, snow or other incidents are found on your current route, your GO will offer to 
replan your route to try and...

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The arrival information panel shows the following information: 
 The estimated time that you will arrive at your destination. 
 The length of time to drive to the destination from your current 
 A parking button is shown near the destination flag when parking is 
available near your destination. 
Tip: If your destination is in a different time zone, you see a plus 
(+) or a minus (-) sign and the time difference in hours and half 
hours in the arrival information panel. The...

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Tip: Select an incident on the map to see more detailed information. 
1. Traffic incident that affects your route in your direction of travel. 
A symbol or number at the start of the incident shows the type of incident or the delay in 
minutes, for example 5 minutes.  
The colour of the incident indicates the speed of traffic relative to the maximum allowed speed 
at that location, with red being the slowest. The stripes on the traffic jam are also animated to 
show the speed of the traffic,...

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To get more information about an incident, select an incident in the route bar. The map opens 
zoomed in on the incident and an information panel opens showing detailed information about the 
traffic incident. 
The information shown includes: 
 The type of traffic incident - general, accident, road works, lane closure or weather such as 
heavy rain or snow.  
 The severity of the incident - slow traffic, queuing traffic or stationary traffic.  
 The delay time. 
 The length of the...
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