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Tascam HD P2 Recorder Quick Start Guide

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    »                     HD-P2 Quick Start Guide
    First Recording
    Apply power
    Connect  the AC  power  adaptor  to  your  HD-P2;  turn 
    it  ON  by  momentarily  pressing  the  spring-loaded 
    p o w e r   s w i t c h .   T h e   H D - P 2   w i l l   p o w e r   u p 
    i m m e d i a t e l y.  T h e  H D - P 2 ’s  o p e r a t i n g  s y s t e m  i s 
    stored  in  internal  memory,  not  the  CF  card,  so  you 
    can turn on the HD-P2 without a CF card inserted.
    Adjust the Display
    Press  the DISPLAY  key.  Turn  the DATA	wheel  to 
    a d j u s t  C o n t r a s t  f o r  o p t i m a l  v i e w i n g .  P r e s s  t h e 
    D I S P L AY  k e y  a g a i n .  Tu r n  t h e D ATA	w h e e l  t o 
    adjust  Brightness.  Press  the CANCEL  key  to  end 
    adjustments.  These  settings  are  remembered  when 
    the unit is power cycled.
    Insert Media
    Insert  a  media  card  into  the  media  slot.  The  HD-P2 
    will  ask  if  you  would  like  to  format  the  media.  If 
    this  is  the  first  time  the  media  has  been  used  with 
    the  HD-P2  (and  it  has  no  other  data  you  wish  to 
    keep)  press  the SELECT  key  to  format  the  media.  
    Once  formatting  is  complete  the  HD-P2  will  make 
    a  default  project  (PROJ0001)  and  return  to  the  main 
    Record Audio
    Flip  the LEFT  INPUT  and RIGHT  INPUT  switches 
    (top  of  unit)  to MIC.  Set  the MIC  switch  to INT.  
    Press  the PAUSE  key  to  enter  Monitor  mode  and 
    while  speaking  into  the  Microphone  adjust  the  input 
    Levels  using  the  on-screen  meters.  Press  the REC 
    key  and  speak  into  the  microphone  for  a  short  test.  
    Press the STOP key when you are done.
    Play Audio
    R e t u r n  t o  t h e  b e g i n n i n g  o f  t h e  a u d i o  y o u  j u s t 
    recorded  by  pressing  the STOP+REW  or LOCATE
    Ô key.  Press  the PLAY key.  Adjust  the  Monitor 
    (Headset)  level  control  to  hear  the  audio  in  the 
    speaker,  or  headset  if  one  is  plugged  in.  Note  that 
    connecting a headset disables the built-in speaker.
    Create a New Project
    	 1.	 Hold 	the 	MENU key 	and 	press 	the 	PROJECT key
    	 2.	 Use	 the	DATA	wheel	to	scroll	 to	Create	 New	
    3.	 Press	the	SELECT key
    	 4.	 Use	 the	DATA	wheel	 to	scroll	 to	Use	 Default	
    5.	 Press	the	SELECT key
    	 6.	 Press	 the	SELECT key	again	 to	confirm	 (or	
    wait	two	seconds)
    Load A Project
    	 1.	 Hold 	the 	MENU key 	and 	press 	the 	PROJECT key
    	 2.	 Use	 the	DATA	wheel	 to	scroll	 to	the	 project	 to	
    be	loaded
    3.	 Press	the	SELECT key
    4.	 Load	Project	should	already	be	selected
    5.	 Press	the	SELECT key
    Delete A Project
    	 1.	 Hold 	the 	MENU key 	and 	press 	the 	PROJECT key
    	 2.	 Use	 the	DATA	wheel	to	scroll	 to	the	 project	 to	
    be	deleted
    3.	 Press	the	SELECT key
    4.	 Use	the	DATA	wheel	to	scroll	to	Delete
    5.	 Press	the	SELECT key
    	 6.	 Press	 the	SELECT key	again	 to	confirm	 this	
    action	cannot	be	undone
    Rename A Project
    1.	 Press	the	MENU key	
    	 2.	 U s e 	t h e 	D ATA	w h e e l 	t o 	s c ro l l 	t o 	P ro j e c t	
    Menu	 (this	references	 the	currently	 loaded	
    3.	 Press	the	SELECT key
    4.	 Use	the	DATA wheel	to	scroll	to	�ename	
    	 5.	 Press	 the	SELECT key	to	enter 	the	 naming	
    Set Up Default Project Settings
    1.	 Press	the	MENU key
    2.	 Use	the 	DATA	wheel 	to 	scroll 	to 	System Menu
    3.	 Press	the	SELECT key
    	 4.	 U s e 	t h e 	D ATA	w h e e l 	t o 	s c ro l l 	t o 	D e f a u l t 
    Project Settings
    5.	 Press	the	SELECT key
    	 6.	 Use	 the	DATA	wheel	 to	scroll	 to	the	 desired	
    setting	to	change
    	 7.	 Press	 the	SELECT key,	change	 the	setting,	
    press	the	SELECT key	again
    8.	�epeat	Step	7	for 	all	desired	settings
    A l l  n e w l y  c r e a t e d  p r o j e c t s  w i l l  u s e  t h e s e 
    settings unless a user defined project template 
    is used.
    Set Up Project Templates
    1.	 Press	the	MENU key
    2.	 Use	the 	DATA	wheel 	to 	scroll 	to 	Project Menu
    3.	 Press	the	SELECT key
    	 4.	 U s e 	t h e 	DATA	wh e e l 	t o 	s c ro l l 	t o 	S a v e  a s 
    Project Template
    5.	 Press	the	SELECT key
    6.	 Name	your 	project	template	and	Save
    	 •	This  will  save  the  system  settings  (excluding 
    recorded  audio  and  markers)  of  the  currently 
    loaded project as a project template.
    	 •	A  list  of  currently  available  project  templates 
    is  available  under  the  System  Menu  where 
    they can be renamed or deleted.
    Input Settings
    This  is  a  two  part  operation  consisting  of  top  panel 
    switch settings and menu settings.
    Top Panel
    	 •	Set the LEFT INPUT and RIGHT INPUT switches 
    to LINE or MIC.  When  set  to LINE,  the  HD-P2 
    a c c e p t s  a n a l o g  i n p u t  f r o m  t h e  a p p r o p r i a t e 
    R C A  j a c k .   W h e n   s e t   t o  M I C,   t h e   H D - P 2 
    accepts  analog  input  from  the  appropriate  XLR 
    jack.  Note  that  one  side  (Left  or  Right)  can 
    accept  input  from  only  one  analog  source  at 
    a  time.  These  settings  for  Left  and  Right  are 
    independent of each other.
    	 •	Set  the MIC  switch  to INT  to  use  the  built-in 
    mono  microphone  or EXT  to  use  microphones 
    connected to the XLR inputs.
     •	E n a b l e  P H A N T O M  i f   m i c r o p h o n e s   a r e 
    c o n n e c t e d  t o  t h e  X L R  i n p u t s  t h a t  r e q u i r e 
    phantom power.
     •	Enable  the LEFT  and/or RIGHT -20dB  PAD  if 
    recording  from  a  particularly  loud  source.  This 
    is only for the XLR inputs.
     •	Enable LOW  CUT  if  there  is  undesirable  low 
    frequency  energy  present  such  as  traffic  or  air 
    conditioning  rumble.  This  introduces  an  analog 
    filter at 100Hz.
     •	Enable LIMTER  to  protect  against  unexpected 
    transients  from  overloading  the  D/A  converters. 
    T h e S T E R E O  L I N K  s w i t c h ,  w h e n  e n a b l e d , 
    causes  the  limiter  to  engage  on  both  channels 
    when  only  one  channel  receives  loud  input.  
    Otherwise  loud  input  on  one  channel  will  not 
    trigger the limiter on the other channel.
    The Left/Right input source can be selected between 
    Analog  and  S/PDIF.  This  setting  cannot  be  made 
    independently  for  the  Left  &  Right  channels.  There 
    are two places where this setting can be selected:
    	 1 .	W i t h i n 	t h e 	c u r r e n t l y 	l o a d e d 	p r o j e c t ’s	
    Settings	menu: 
    Main	Menu 	> 	Project 	Menu 	> 	Settings 	>	
    Input	Source
    C h a n g e s  t h e  s e t t i n g  f o r  t h e  c u r r e n t l y  l o a d e d 
    2.	 Within	Default Project Settings
    M a i n 	M e n u 	> 	S y s t e m 	M e n u 	> 	D e f a u l t	
    Project	Settings	>	Input	Source
    This setting will be used for new projects unless a 
    user defined project template is used. 
    Setting The Clock Source
    There are two places where this setting can be selected:
    	 1 . 	W i t h i n 	t h e 	c u r r e n t l y 	l o a d e d 	p r o j e c t ’s	
    Settings	menu:
    	 	 Main 	Menu 	> 	Project 	Menu 	> 	Settings 	>	
    Clock	Source
    C h a n g e s  t h e  s e t t i n g  f o r  t h e  c u r r e n t l y  l o a d e d 
    2.	 Within	Default Project Setttings
    M a i n 	M e n u 	> 	S y s t e m 	M e n u 	> 	D e f a u l t	
    Project	Settings	>	Clock	Source
    This setting will be used for new projects unless a 
    user defined project template is used. 
    Enabling Time Code Chase
    This  is  a  two  part  operation  consisting  of  a  front 
    panel key setting and menu settings.
    There are two places where this setting can be selected:
    	 1.	 W i t h i n 	t h e 	c u r r e n t l y 	l o a d e d 	p r o j e c t ’s	
    Settings	menu:
    Main 	Menu 	> 	Project 	Menu 	> 	Settings 	>	
    � imecode
    Enables/disables  time  code  functionality  for  the 
    currently loaded project
    	 	 Main 	Menu 	> 	Project 	Menu 	> 	Settings 	>	
    � imecode	Settings
    The  previous  menu  (Timecode)  must  be  enabled 
    to  use  this  menu  to  change  timecode  settings  for 
    the currently loaded project.
    2.	 Within	Default Project Setttings
    M a i n 	M e n u 	> 	S y s t e m 	M e n u 	> 	D e f a u l t	
    Project	Settings	>	� imecode
    This setting will be used for new projects unless a 
    user defined project template is used. 
    M a i n	M e n u 	> 	S y s t e m 	M e n u 	> 	D e f a u l t	
    Project	Settings	>	� imecode	Settings
    S e t t i n g s  h e r e  m a y  b e  m a d e  w h e t h e r  o r  n o t 
    Timecode is enabled in the previous menu.
    Front Panel
    When  Timecode  is  enabled  in  the  project,  pressing 
    the TIME  CODE  key  (LED  illuminates)  sets  the 
    HD-P2  ready  to  chase  incoming  timecode  according 
    to the timecode settings of the project.
    Immediate Record
    Go  to Main	Menu	 >	System	 Menu	>	Immediate	
    �e c o r d  t o  c h a n g e  t h i s  s e t t i n g .  W h e n  e n a b l e d , 
    recording  is  started  simply  by  pressing  the REC 
    key.  When  disabled,  pressing  the REC  key  puts  the 
    HD-P2 into Input Monitor / Record Ready (press the 
    REC key again or the PLAY key to start recording).
    Reformat Media
    G o  t o M a i n 	M e n u 	> 	S y s t e m 	M e n u 	> 	M e d i a	
    Management	>	�eformat	Media.
    This will destroy all data on the inserted media. 
    Be sure to back up the data before reformatting. 
    Phone: +81-422-52-5082 3-7-3, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8550, Japan
    D00903720A  Printed in China
    FireWire Dock
    Dock the HD-P2
    	 1.	 Connect	the 	HD-P2 	to 	a 	WinXP 	or 	OSX	
    10.3+computer 	with	 the	supplied	 FireWire	
    	 2.	 If	this	is	the	 first	 time	 it’s	been	 connected,	
    t h e	c o m p u t e r 	m a y 	n e e d 	a 	m o m e n t 	t o	
    recognize 	the 	device.
    3.	 Go	to	Main	Menu	>	FireWire	Dock
    T h e  m e d i a  i n s e r t e d  i n t o  t h e  H D - P 2  b e c o m e s 
    available to the computer as a drive.
    Undock the HD-P2
    To  prevent  data  loss  and/or  data  corruption,  the 
    HD-P2  must  be  Undocked  before  disconnecting  it 
    from a computer.
    	 •	Right-click  the  drive  icon  representing  the 
    HD-P2’s media and choose Eject. 
    This does not unmount the media from the HD-P2 
    itself.  Unmounting  the  media  from  the  HD-P2 
    must be done on the HD-P2.
    	 •	B e f o r e   d i s c o n n e c t i n g   H D - P 2   f r o m   t h e 
    c o m p u t e r,  c l i c k  o n  t h e  “ S a f e l y  R e m o v e 
    Hardware”  icon  in  the  System  tray  and  select 
    the TASCAM HDP2 device.
    OSX	10.3+
    	 •	Drag  the  drive  icon  representing  the  HD-P2 
    to  the  trash  or  use  the  Eject  button  next  to  the 
    drive icon in the Finder’s drive tree.  
    This does not unmount the media from the HD-P2 
    itself.  Unmounting  the  media  from  the  HD-P2 
    must be done on the HD-P2.
    	 •	There is no further action needed to disconnect 
    the HD-P2.
    Transport & Markers
    Transport Functions
    STOP+REW locates to the beginning of recorded audio.
    STOP+F FWD locates to the end of recorded audio.
        After a record pass, pressing the RETAKE key 
    will  move  audio  files  created  on  that  record 
    pass  to  the  trash  and  locate  the  transport  to 
    where  that  record  pass  began. This  is  a  quick 
    way  to  undo  and  set  up  for  another  take  in 
    one action.
    	�uto	�ppend
        W h e n  e n a b l e d ,  t h i s  o p t i o n  a u t o m a t i c a l l y 
    locates  the  transport  to  the  end  of  recorded 
    audio  before  recording  new  audio.  Please 
    note  that  this  is  not  applicable  during  when 
    timecode chase is enabled.
    	 1.	 P re s s 	t h e 	M A R K E R	k e y 	t o 	p l a c e 	a 	l o c a t e	
    marker 	at	 the	 current	 location.	 Markers	 can	
    be	placed	in	any	transport	mode.
    	 2.	 Press	 the	Ô (LOCATE) key	to	locate	 to	the	
    previous	marker.
    	 3.	 Press	 the	�(LOCATE)	key	 to	locate	 to	the	
    next	marker.
    	 4.	 Hold	 the	MENU	key	 and	 press	 the	LOCATE	
    Ô/�	keys	 to	display	 a	list	 of	the	 current	
    project’s	markers. 
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