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Tascam Digital Production Environment SX 1 Manual

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    							SX-1 Digital Production Environment 
    							The Vision 
    Several years ago, the SX-1 design team envisioned a machine that
    would  combine  the  power  and  flexibility  of  computer- b a s e d
    recording and editing, MIDI sequencing, hardware surface control,
    dynamic mix automation, on-board and plug-in effects, stereo and
    surround mixdown, data backup - all of which would be accessible
    via a powerful and intuitive user interface. Their vision was to
    enable musicians, composers, and music production professionals to
    stay focused on the joys of creating and recording music. Their
    vision was to incorporate all of the important 21st century tech-
    nologies, but eliminate the digital technology conflicts and com-
    puter hardware and software incompatibilities that often accom-
    pany computer-based systems. 
    Their vision is now an exciting reality.
    The SX-1 offers not only an incredibly powerful feature set, but also
    a carefully considered user interface design that ensures smooth
    operation, reliability, and ease of use for a host of professional
    applications in music composition and production. 
    A Powerful Mixer
    At the core of the SX-1 is a powerful mixer, comprised of a com-
    prehensive I/O section that includes both analog and digital inter-
    faces. It starts with 16 high quality mic/line inputs with inserts and
    phantom power, selectable in groups of four. It also includes 8
    channels of ADAT Lightpipe, 2xS/PDIF, and three expansion slots for
    up to 24 more channels of I/O (optional additional 8-channel inter-
    faces include AES/EBU, TDIF, ADAT and balanced Analog). The
    remaining ports include: Word Clock In/Out/Thru, SMPTE In/Out,
    Video In and Thru, Ethernet, VGA, 2 MIDI Ins/4 MIDI Outs and Sony
    9-pin. There is simply no computer DAW or standalone workstation
    on the market with such a comprehensive set of I/O, which also
    allows the SX-1 to be used as a mixer for modular digital multi-
    tracks,  analog  multitracks,
    video decks, and/or computer
    based DAWs.
    The  console’s  design  start s
    with a 40 input, 32x8x8 archi-
    tecture. It has 32 input chan-
    nels,  with  8  busses  and  8
    returns. The SX-1’s mixer has
    true routing flexibility…you can send nearly any signal anywhere.
    For example, you could easily route the talkback mic to the hardThe TASCAM SX-1 VisionThe SX-1 off e r s
    not only an
    i n c redibly 
    p o w e rful 
    f e a t u re set, but
    also a care f u l l y
    c o n s i d e red user
    i n t e rface design
    that ensure s
    re l i a b i l i t y, and
    ease of use for 
    a host of 
    p ro f e s s i o n a l
    in music 
    and production.  
    							disk recorder for slating or funky tracking. Also, if you own high-
    end analog outboard processors (maybe a pair of 1176’s or a
    Fairchild 670),  you could easily patch them into inserts on any mixer
    The SX-1 takes the digital console concept even further with pres-
    tige, name brand, onboard effects by TC Works and Antares. It also
    possesses one of the best surround mixing interfaces on the market
    today, making routing and creation of 5.1 mixes as easy as a few
    button presses.
    The SX-1’s tactile control sur-
    face features 17 touch sensi-
    tive,  100mm,  long  thro w
    motorized faders…16 channel
    faders plus one master. The
    throw of these faders is the
    same as those on large-format
    recording consoles like those
    from SSL and Neve. Other fea-
    tures of the control surface
    include:  horizontal  channel
    strip, Jog and Shuttle wheel and transport control, and 10-key pad.
    A color-matched computer keyboard and mouse come as standard
    equipment with the SX-1. To offer even more functionality, the SX-
    1 has 16 fader banks that determine which parameters are con-
    trolled by the SX-1’s faders.
    Both a large LCD display and a full-color VGA output are provided
    for displaying mixing and editing data.
    Not only is the SX-1’s mixer easy to route - it’s even easier to auto-
    mate. It offers the most extensive automation system ever released
    for a standalone DAW. All of the audio mixing parameters on the
    console can be automated from the control surface.   Innovative
    automation capabilities, such as rendering library recall events into
    the dynamic automation data, set the SX-1’s automation system
    apart from less-advanced systems.  One of the most important fea-
    tures of the SX-1’s automation system is that it is largely transpar-
    ent,  so the operator can concentrate on the mix instead of run-
    ning the automation system. Most functions are accessible by
    pressing a single button, as opposed to other systems that require
    paging through a labyrinth of menus, submenus and parameter
    settings for even simple operations. While the SX-1’s VGA Graphic
    User Interface allows very detailed editing of automation and other
    data, it isn’t required to make a great mix or even to use the
    automation.The TASCAM SX-1 VisionThe SX-1 is:
    • A sophisticated
    40 input, 
    32x8x8 digital
    mixing console
    with highly 
    flexible ro u t i n g ,
    i n t e rnal 
    and a plug-in 
    e ffects 
    a rc h i t e c t u re
    • A high-end 
    MIDI sequencer
    that offers 
    p rofessional 
    editing tools 
    with the 
    audio re c o rd e r
    • A pro f e s s i o n a l
    h a rd disk 
    re c o rder and 
    editor with 
    i n d u s t ry - w i d e
    audio file
    c o m p a t i b i l i t y
    and surro u n d -
    stem re c o rd i n g
    c a p a b i l i t i e s
    • A powerful 
    digital, analog
    and computer
    audio interface  
    							When all components of the SX-1’s digital console are consid-
    e red…40  input/8  bus  arc h i t e c t u re,  touch-sensitive  motorized
    100mm faders, name brand onboard effects, highly sophisticated
    automation, extremely flexible signal routing, surround mixing, etc.
    - the SX-1 is clearly a remarkable value.
    A Professional 128-track Sequencer
    Another of the SX-1’s impressive features
    is  the  onboard,  128-track p ro f e s s i o n a lsequencer, which is tightly integrated with
    the onboard multitrack recorder. The SX-1
    has the ability to import/export Standard
    MIDI Files. Nearly all the features that
    users have come to expect from DAW-
    based sequencers are included in the SX-
    1’s MIDI engine. In addition to standard
    features such as Cut/Copy/Paste, professional users will appreciate
    advanced features such as Step Record, non-destructive Quantize
    and Transpose, MIDI crescendo, MIDI reverse play, and Ripple edit-
    ing modes.
    The SX-1 is the only machine ever built that achieves this level of
    MIDI integration. It is important to note that the SX-1’s sequencer
    does not operate in isolation. The sequencer actually runs the
    automation for the mixing console. Because the playback timing of
    MIDI events is derived from the sample engine of the hard disk
    recorder, the timing is supremely accurate and should impress even
    the most hardened MIDI veterans. 
    Dedicated Multichannel Stem Recorder for Surround Mixing
    The SX-1 features a 6-channel stem re c o rd e rfor surround mastering
    applications.  Mastering  tracks  can  be  polished  with  outboard  com-
    p ression,  EQ,  spatial  effects  and  more,  using  the  SX-1’s  powerf u l
    i n s e rt  routing.  The  stem  re c o rder  re c o rds  files  in  either  Mac  Sound
    Designer II or PC Broadcast WAV formats. By writing in the two indus-
    t ry - s t a n d a rd files formats to removable SCSI drives, the SX-1’s master
    files  can  be  taken  to  virtually  any  computer-based  DAW for  furt h e r
    editing and sweetening without need for time-wasting file transfers.
    The stem re c o rder is also used as the 2-track mixdown re c o rd e r. After
    mixing  down,  you  can  take  those  masters  and  burn  them  to  a  Red
    Book audio CD via the SX-1s built-in CD-RW drive.
    ____________________________________________________________The TASCAM SX-1 VisionWhen all 
    components of
    the SX-1’s
    digital console
    a re considere d …
    40 input/8 bus
    100mm faders,
    name brand
    effects, highly
    flexible signal
    mixing, etc. —
    the SX-1 is
    clearly a
    							A Professional Hard Disk Recorder
    The SX-1’shard disk recorderis derived from the same technology
    in the TEC award-winning MX-2424 and Emmy award-winning MM
    Series film dubbers. The SX-1 can play back 16 uncompressed tracks
    of pristine 24-bit audio at one time, but it’s capable of far more.
    With 999 virtual tracks per project that can be freely assigned to
    any track, anywhere, the SX-1 makes comping together single
    tracks from large numbers of vocal or instrumental takes an easy
    As stated previously, the SX-1
    can read and write to both PC
    and  Mac  discs,  and  writes
    time-stamped Sound Designer
    II and Broadcast Wave files.
    Therefore, audio files can lit-
    erally be taken from the SX-1
    and imported with single sam-
    ple accuracy into a variety of
    DAWs and digital recorders.
    Single  sample  accuracy
    means that when files are transferred, they are put into the exact
    place in a project you intend them to go…with precision to one
    48,000th of a second. This is done by storing the sample rate and
    the sample offset from absolute zero in the file itself. With only
    these two parameters, the file can be placed at the exact sample in
    another DAW’s project that has the ability to spot to a time stamp.
    Some of the compatible DAWs include Pro Tools, Digital Performer,
    Logic Audio and Nuendo. This feature provides tremendous bene-
    fit to recording professionals needing file compatibility with other
    musicians and studios.
    The SX-1 can read and write projects in TimeLine’s Open TL format,
    making it compatible at the session level with popular DAW pro-
    grams such as Logic Audio and Nuendo as well as the TASCAM MX-
    2424. You can literally move a hard drive from the SX-1 into your
    DAW, and open projects in one of these applications.
    ____________________________________________________________The TASCAM SX-1 VisionThe SX-1 can
    play back 16
    tracks of 
    pristine 24-bit
    audio at one
    time, but it’s
    capable of far
    more. With 999
    virtual tracks
    per project that
    can be freely
    assigned to any
    track, anywhere ,
    the SX-1 makes
    together single
    tracks from
    large numbers
    of vocal or
    takes an easy
    							Waveform Editing
    Many  industry  pros  would
    a rgue  that  the  waveform -
    based  display  has  been  the
    most significant new feature
    i n t roduced  over  the  past
    decade to improve the profes-
    sional  audio  re c o rding  and
    editing  process.  The  SX-1’s
    designers saw the possibilities
    for a custom, full color graph-
    ic interface that would take
    advantage of the SX-1’s speed. As such, the SX-1 has a graphic inter-
    face that is accessible by connecting a VGA monitor to a rear panel
    jack. The speed of the waveform display is reminiscent of an oscil-
    loscope’s, with a center-rectified playhead and real-time sample-
    accurate playback. Standard editing conventions have been used in
    order to give the SX-1 a familiar look and feel. Cut, Copy, and Paste
    follow standard DAW commands, while other functions are easily
    accessible via different combinations of controls – including the
    PS/2 keyboard, the control surface, and the Jog/Shuttle wheel. If
    you’ve ever used audio editing software, the SX-1 will feel right at
    home.The TASCAM SX-1 VisionIf you’ve ever
    used audio 
    editing software ,
    the SX-1 will
    feel right at
    							SX-1 Summarized
    V1.0 features
    •40x8 digital console…32 channels with 3-band fully variable EQ,
    comp/gate and DSP insert point each, 8 identical return
    channels without the DSP insert point; 8 busses with DSP insert
    point; touch sensitive 100mm motorized faders; and powerful 
    on-board dynamic mix automation.
    •Onboard effects…TC Works Reverb, Antares mic/speaker 
    modelers, and a proprietary suite of TASCAM effects.
    •16 track HDR with additional 6-track stem recorder that allows 
    printing of a separate 5.1 mix.
    •Professional 128-track MIDI sequencer with non-destructive 
    quantize and transpose, step record and on-the-fly editing, etc.
    •Graphic User Interface from VGA Out allows sophisticated 
    editing of audio and MIDI data.
    •Built-in LCD screen displays waveforms, mix data, etc. 
    •Built-in CD-RW drive enables both data backup and stereo 
    •16 channels of analog input with mic pre, (XLR and TRS ins) with
    insert per channel.
    •Eight channels ADAT I/O.
    •Three option slots for expansion of audio I/O (more ADAT, TDIF,
    AES/EBU or analog, utilizing the same I/O option cards as the 
    TASCAM DM-24 digital mixer.
    • Two S/PDIF I/O
    • Word Clock in/out/thru
    •SMPTE in/out
    •MTC in (dedicated)
    •MIDI in
    •MIDI out x4
    • Video in/thru
    •Sony 9-pin
    •Ultra Wide SCSI
    •VGA out
    • LTC out
    •Keyboard and mouseThe TASCAM SX-1 Vision 
    •FP-MSX black flat-panel VGA monitor
    •ADAT 8-channel I/O card
    •TDIF 8-channel I/O card
    •AES/EBU 8-channel I/O card
    •Analog 8-channel I/O cardsThe TASCAM SX-1 Vision 
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