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Steinberg Nuendo 5 Manual

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Page 371

Remote controlling Nuendo
9.When you are finished, close the Device Setup win-
Now, you can control the specified Nuendo parameters from the MIDI re-
mote device. To select another bank, use the pop-up menu in the Generic 
Remote window (or use a control on the MIDI remote device, if you have 
assigned one for this).
Importing and exporting remote setups
The Export button in the top right corner of the Generic 
Remote Setup window allows you to export the current 
setup, including the Control...

Page 372

MIDI realtime parameters and effects 

Page 373

MIDI realtime parameters and effects
For each MIDI track, you can set up a number of track pa-
rameters, or modifiers, and MIDI effects. These affect how 
the MIDI data is played back, “transforming” MIDI events 
in realtime before they are sent to the MIDI outputs.
On the following pages, the available parameters and ef-
fects are described. Keep in mind:
• The actual MIDI events will not be affected – the changes 
happen “on the fly”.
• Since the modifier settings do not change the...

Page 374

MIDI realtime parameters and effects
ÖNote that the functionality of the Bank and Patch selec-
tor settings (used for selecting sounds in the connected 
MIDI instrument) depends on the instrument to which the 
MIDI output is routed, and how you have set it up in the 
MIDI Device Manager. The MIDI Device Manager allows 
you to specify which MIDI instruments and other devices 
are connected to the various MIDI outputs, thus making it 
possible to select patches by name. See the chapter 
ing MIDI...

Page 375

MIDI realtime parameters and effects
ÖThis setting is also affected by the global Transpose 
settings. For detailed information, see the chapter 
transpose functions” on page 129.
Velocity Shift
This setting lets you change the dynamics of all notes on 
the track. The value in this field is added to the velocity of 
each note message that is sent out (use negative values to 
lower the velocities). The range is -127 to +127 with 0 
representing no change in velocity.
Note that the effect of...

Page 376

MIDI realtime parameters and effects
The Range function lets you specify a note (pitch) or ve-
locity range and either force all notes to fit within this 
range, or exclude all notes outside this range from play
back. As with the Random function, there are two sepa-
rate Range settings. Set them up as follows:
1.Pull down the Range pop-up menu and select one of 
the following four modes:
2.Use the two fields to the right to set the minimum and 
maximum values.
These values will be shown as...

Page 377

MIDI realtime parameters and effects
MIDI effects
Nuendo comes with a number of MIDI effect plug-ins, ca-
pable of transforming the MIDI output from a track in vari-
ous ways.
Just like the MIDI modifiers, MIDI effects are applied in re-
altime to the MIDI data played back from the track (or to 
MIDI you play live “thru” the track).
What are MIDI effects?
Although a MIDI effect can be similar to an audio effect, it 
is important to remember that you’re not processing the 
sound resulting from MIDI...

Page 378

MIDI realtime parameters and effects
MIDI Sends section
This allows you to add up to four MIDI send effects. Unlike 
audio send effects, you can select and activate send ef
fects individually for each track. The section contains the 
following items:
ÖEffects that display their controls in the Inspector can 
be opened in a separate control panel window by press
ing [Alt]/[Option] and clicking the Edit button.
About presets
Several of the MIDI plug-ins come with a number of pre-
sets for instant...

Page 379

MIDI realtime parameters and effects
Applying a MIDI insert effect – an example
Here is a step-by-step example of how to add a MIDI in-
sert effect to a MIDI track:
1.Select the MIDI track and open the Inspector.
2.Open the MIDI Inserts tab in the Inspector.
•Alternatively you can use the Mixer: bring up the ex-
tended Mixer panel and select “Inserts” on the view op-
tions pop-up menu for the track’s channel strip.
3.Click in one of the insert slots to open the MIDI effect 
pop-up menu.
4.Select the...

Page 380

Using MIDI devices 
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