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Steinberg Cubase LE 4 Operation Manual

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Page 21

The Project window
Creating a new project
You create a new project in the following way:
1.Select “New Project” from the File menu.
A dialog appears, listing a number of project templates, including any 
custom templates you may have created (see “Save as Template” on 
page 238). 
2.Select a template and click OK.
A file dialog appears, allowing you to specify a location for the project 
folder. This will contain all files related to the project. 
3.Select an existing folder or type the...

Page 22

The Project window
Zoom and view options
Zooming in the Project window is done according to the 
standard zoom techniques, with the following special 
When you are using the Zoom tool (magnifying glass), 
the result depends on the option “Zoom Tool Standard 
Mode: Horizontal Zooming Only” in the Preferences (Edit-
ing–Tools page).
If this is activated and you drag a selection rectangle with the Zoom tool, 
the window will only be zoomed horizontally (track height will not change). 
If the...

Page 23

The Project window
You can use the Track scale pop-up (opened by clicking 
the arrow button above the vertical zoom control) to set 
the number of tracks to view in the current Project window.
The track height will be adjusted to show only the number of tracks spec-
ified on the pop-up menu. By selecting “Zoom N Tracks” from the pop-
up you can manually set the number of tracks to fit in the current Project 
Tracks can also be divided vertically in lanes – see 
“Editing in Lane Display mode”...

Page 24

The Project window
If you want to delete a preset, select “Organize…” from 
the pop-up menu.
In the dialog that appears, select the preset in the list and click the De-
lete button. The preset is removed from the list.
If you want to rename a preset, select “Organize…” 
from the pop-up menu.
In the dialog that appears, select the desired preset in the list and click 
the Rename button. A second dialog opens, allowing you to type in a 
new name for the preset. Click OK to close the dialogs.
The middle...

Page 25

The Project window
Handling tracks
To add a track to the project, select “Add Track” from the 
Project menu and select a track type from the submenu 
that appears. The new track is added below the currently 
selected track in the Track list.
The items on the “Add Track” submenu are also avail-
able on the Quick menu.
This is accessed by right-clicking in the Track list.
If you select Audio, MIDI, Group Channel or Instrument 
from the Add Track submenu, a dialog opens, allowing 
you to insert several...

Page 26

The Project window
Disabling audio tracks
Audio tracks can be disabled by selecting “Disable Track” 
from the Track list context menu. Disabling a track is simi-
lar to muting it (see “Muting events” on page 33), since a 
disabled track will not be played back. However, disabling 
a track not only “zeroes” the output volume from the track, 
but actually shuts down all disk activity for it. See “About 
track disable/enable” on page 42 for more information.
Adding events to a track
There are a number of...

Page 27

The Project window
Use Settings.
No Options dialog will appear when you import. Instead, you can choose 
to make any of the options below the pop-up the standard action(s). Ac-
tivate any number of the following options to have them performed auto-
matically each time you import audio files:
Creating parts
Parts are containers for MIDI or audio events. If you record 
MIDI, a MIDI part is automatically created, containing the 
recorded events. You can also create empty audio or MIDI 
parts and later...

Page 28

The Project window
Note that scrubbing can be quite a burden on your sys-
tem. To avoid playback problems, you will find the “CPU 
Saving Scrub Mode” option in the Preferences (VST–
Scrub page).
When you activate this option, scrubbing will be less demanding on the 
processor. This can be very useful when scrubbing in a large project, 
where the “normal” scrub behavior leads to processing overloads. When 
“CPU Saving Scrub Mode” is activated, the effects are disabled for 
scrubbing and the resampling...

Page 29

The Project window
 When this option is activated, the up/down arrow keys are 
only used to change the track selection – the current event/
part selection in the Project window will not be altered.
Also in the Preferences (Editing–Tools page), you can 
find the Cross Hair Cursor options section.
This allows you to display a cross hair cursor when working in the Project 
window and editors, facilitating navigation and editing, especially when 
arranging in large projects. You can set up the colors for...

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The Project window
Duplicating events
Events can be duplicated in the following ways:
Hold down [Alt]/[Option] and drag the event to a new 
If Snap is activated, this determines to which positions you can copy the 
events (see “Snap” on page 37). 
Audio and MIDI parts can also be duplicated by press-
ing [Alt]/[Option] + [Shift] and dragging.
This creates a shared copy of the part. If you edit the contents of a 
shared copy, all other shared copies of the same part are automatically 
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