Steinberg Cubase Essential 4 Mackie Control Manual
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media except as specifically allowed in the License Agreement. No part of this publica- tion may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written permission by Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH....
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4 Table of Contents 5Introduction 6The Steinberg layout for Mackie Control 7About Mackie Control XT 8Basic mixing 9About this chapter 9Selecting which channels to control 9Using the faders 10Rec/Rdy 10Mute and Solo 10Using the Select buttons 10A note about automation 11Control strip assignment 12About this chapter 12Basic procedures 14About the symbols used in this chapter 15Selected Channel: EQ 15Selected Channel: FX Send 16Selected Channel: Inserts 17Selected Channel: Instruments 17Fader Set: Pan...
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6 Introduction The Steinberg layout for Mackie Control This chapter describes the Steinberg-specific layout for Mackie Control, and also provides information regarding the Mackie Control XT 8 channel extender unit.An overlay is included with your Mackie Control that shows all Steinberg-specific key assignments for this device. The overlay can be placed over the top right part of Mackie Control, above the transport controls. These key assign- ments are used to remote control Cubase Essential. You...
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7 Introduction About Mackie Control XT Mackie Control XT 8 channel extender units are also sup- ported. All faders and encoder/displays are combined into one continuous surface. The following applies: •When the encoder section is used to display the data for one channel (channel strip mode, or for plug-ins), the parameters are presented over the encoder section of all devices, from left to right. Fader bank navigation and encoder section assignment is controlled by the Mackie Control unit. For...
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9 Basic mixing About this chapter This chapter describes how to work with the faders and the rows of buttons above them (Solo, Mute, Select and Rec), and how to select which channels are affected by the fader settings. Selecting which channels to control Mackie Control’s fader section controls eight different channels in Cubase Essential (plus the master level, which has its own fader). You select which channels to control with the aid of the Fader Banks section of Mackie Control. The Fader Banks...
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10 Basic mixing Rec/Rdy The buttons directly underneath the row of V-Pots are used to arm a track for recording. The LEDs indicate the record arming state for a particular track. The Signal LEDs underneath the Rec/Rdy buttons indi- cate signal activity on the channels. The LED lights up as soon as the level meter for a channel shows any activity. Mute and Solo The two rows of buttons underneath the Rec/Rdy buttons allow you to mute or solo channels. The following rules apply: You can mute or solo...