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Steinberg Cubase 8 Manual

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Page 811

Note Expression
Note Expression and MIDI
3. On the MIDI menu, open the Note Expression submenu and select “Convert 
to Note Expression”.
The MIDI data of the types you specified in the Note Expression MIDI Setup dialog is 
converted from controller lane data into Note Expression data, leaving the 
corresponding controller lanes empty.
During this process, the program searches for notes that are sounding at the same 
time as the controllers and if several notes are playing at the same time,...

Page 812

Note Expression
Note Expression and MIDI
Distributing notes to different channels
If you do not have a VST 3 instrument, but still want to use the Note Expression 
functions, proceed as follows:
1. Add a multi-timbral instrument, open its control panel, and assign the same 
sound to different channels.
2. In the Inspector for the corresponding MIDI track, make sure the MIDI output 
pop-up menu is set to “Any”.
3. Enable the “MIDI as Note Expression” button and record or enter MIDI notes...

Page 813

Note Expression
HALion Sonic SE
HALion Sonic SE
HALion Sonic SE is a VST 3-compatible VST instrument. For use with Note 
Expression, it offers the VST
 3 parameters “Tuning” (Pitch), “Volume”, and “Pan”. 
HALion Sonic SE comes with several presets (with the file name extension 
“*.NoteExp”) that can be used with Note Expression. Use them to get a quick 
overview of the possibilities HALion Sonic SE offers when working with Note 
For detailed information about HALion Sonic SE and its...

Page 814

Chord Functions
The chord functions provide you with many possibilities for working with chords.
The chord functions allow you to:
• Build chord progressions by adding chord events to the chord track.
• Convert chord events to MIDI.
• Use the chord track to control audio playback (Cubase Pro only) or MIDI 
• Use the chord track voicing to change the pitches of your MIDI.
• Extract chord events from MIDI data to get an overview of the harmonic 
structure of a MIDI file.
• Record chord events...

Page 815

Chord Functions
Chord Events
Adding the Chord Track
•Select Project > Add Track > Chord.
The chord track is added to your project.
Chord Events
Chord events are representations of chords that control or transpose playback on 
MIDI, instrument, and audio tracks (Cubase Pro only).
Chord events alter the pitches of MIDI notes and VariAudio segments (Cubase Pro 
only), if their tracks are set up to follow the chord track.
Chord events have a specific start position. Their end, however,...

Page 816

Chord Functions
Chord Events
Chord Editor
The Chord Editor allows you to define or change chord events, and to add new 
chord events.
• To open the Chord Editor, double-click a chord event.
1)Go to Previous/Next Chord
Allow you to select the previous/next chord on the chord track for editing.
2)Add Chord
Adds a new undefined chord event on the chord track.
This works only if the last chord event on the chord track is selected.
3)Chord definition buttons
Activate these buttons to define a root...

Page 817

Chord Functions
Chord Events
Adding Chord Events
Add the chord track.
1. Select the Draw tool and click in the chord track.
An undefined chord event named X is added.
2. Select the Object Selection tool and double-click the chord event.
3. In the Editor, select a root note.
4. Optional: Select a chord type, tension, and bass note.
5. Do one of the following:
• To close the Editor, click anywhere outside the Editor.
• To add a new undefined chord event, click Add Chord.

Page 818

Chord Functions
Chord Events
Chord Assistant
The Chord Assistant allows you to use a chord as a starting point to get 
suggestions for the next chord.
• To open the Chord Assistant, in the Chord Editor, click Chord Assistant.
The Chord Assistant has the following modes:
• Circle of Fifths 

Page 819

Chord Functions
Chord Events
Chord Assistant – List (Cubase Pro only)
The List mode of the Chord Assistant allows you to create harmonic chord 
progressions based on harmonic rules that can be more or less complex.
1)Go to Previous/Next Chord
Allow you to select the previous/next chord on the chord track for editing.
2)Add Chord
Adds a new undefined chord event on the chord track.
This works only if the last chord event on the chord track is selected.
Shows suggestions for the next...

Page 820

Chord Functions
Chord Events
6)Algorithm Mode
Select Cadence to build up a chord progression based on cadences. Select 
Common Notes to build up a progression by specifying how many common 
notes the chords should share.
7)Cadence Type
This option is only available, if you selected Cadence as Algorithm Mode.
Allows you to select a cadence type for the suggestions. This way, only the 
chords with specific harmonic functions are suggested.
8)Chord Assistant tabs
Click the tabs to open one of the...
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