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Steinberg Cubase 8 Manual

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Page 741

MIDI Editors
Score Editor Operations (Cubase Artist only)
Adding Text
1. On the toolbar, select the Text tool.
2. Click anywhere in the score.
A blinking cursor indicates that you can enter text.
3. Enter the text and press [Return].
Editing Text
• To edit existing text, double-click it with the Object Selection tool.
This opens the text for editing. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor, delete 
characters with the [Delete] or [Backspace] keys, press [Return] when your 
are finished.
• To...

Page 742

MIDI Editors
Score Editor Operations (Cubase Artist only)
Set Font Dialog
In this dialog, you can change the font, size, and style of the text that you have added 
to the score display.
To open the Set Font dialog, select MIDI > Scores > Set Font.
Allows you to specify the font for the text. Which fonts are available on the 
pop-up menu depends on the fonts that you have installed on your computer.
Do not use the Steinberg fonts. These are special fonts used by the program, 

Page 743

MIDI Editors
Drum Editor
Drum Editor
The Drum Editor is similar to the Key Editor, but takes advantage of the fact that 
with drum parts, each key corresponds to a separate drum sound. This is the editor 
to use when you are editing drum or percussion parts.
Contains tools and settings.
2)Status line
Informs about the mouse time position, mouse note position, and current 
chord display.
3)Info line
Displays note event information about a selected MIDI note.
4)Drum Editor Inspector

Page 744

MIDI Editors
Drum Editor
Displays the time line.
8)Note display
Contains a grid in which MIDI notes are displayed as boxes.
9)Controller display
The area below the Note display consists of one or multiple controller lanes.
The toolbar contains tools and various settings for the Drum Editor.
• To show or hide the toolbar elements, right-click the toolbar and activate or 
deactivate the elements.
Set up Window Layout
Allows you to show/hide specific window sections, for...

Page 745

MIDI Editors
Drum Editor
Allows you to create a series of contiguous events.
Time Warp
Allows you to adjust the tempo track so that material with a musical time base 
can be matched to material with a linear time base.
Auto Scroll
Auto Scroll
If this button is activated, the project cursor is always visible in the window.
Independent Track Loop
 Independent Track Loop
Activates/Deactivates the independent track loop for the edited part.
Auto Select Controllers
Auto Select Controllers
If this...

Page 746

MIDI Editors
Drum Editor
Nudge Palette
Trim Start Left
Increases the length of the selected element by moving its start to the left.
Trim Start Right
Decreases the length of the selected element by moving its start to the right.
Move Left
Moves the selected element to the left.
Move Right
Moves the selected element to the right.
Trim End Left
Decreases the length of the selected element by moving its end to the left.
Trim End Right
Increases the length of the selected element by moving its end to the...

Page 747

MIDI Editors
Drum Editor
If this option is activated, the snap positions are set with the Grid Type 
pop-up menu. The available options depend on the display format selected for 
the ruler.
Grid Relative
If this option is activated, events keep their relative positions to the grid when 
they are moved.
If this option is activated, the start and end positions of other events and parts 
are magnetic. This means that if you drag an event to a position near the start 
or end of another event,...

Page 748

MIDI Editors
Drum Editor748
Step/MIDI Input
Step Input
Activates/Deactivates the Step Input mode.
MIDI Input/Note Expression MIDI Input
Activates/Deactivates  MIDI Input modes.
Move Insert Mode
Activates/Deactivates the  Move Insert mode. For this function,  Step Input 
must be activated.
Record Pitch
If  Step Input  is activated, use this button to determine that the pitch is 
included when you insert notes.
Record NoteOn Velocity
If  Step Input  is activated, use this button to determine that NoteOn...

Page 749

MIDI Editors
Drum Editor749
Mouse Time PositionDisplays the exact time position of the mouse pointer, depending on the 
cted ruler display format. This lets  you edit or insert notes at exact 
Mouse Note Position Displays the exact pitch of the mouse pointer position. This facilitates finding 
he right pitch when entering or transposing notes.
Independent Track Loop A mini-cycle, affecting only the MIDI  part that is being edited. If Independe
Track Loop  is activated, MIDI events...

Page 750

MIDI Editors
Drum Editor
Allows you to access the main quantize parameters. These are identical with 
the functions on the Quantize Panel.
Contains length-related options, similar to the Functions submenu of the 
MIDI menu.
• To change the length of the selected MIDI events or all events of the 
active part if no events are selected, use the Scale Length/Legato 
At the maximum value the notes reach the beginning of the next note.
• To make the new length settings permanent,...
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