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Steinberg Cubase 8 Manual

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Page 101

MIDI Tracks
MIDI Fader Section
Shows a duplicate of the corresponding MixConsole channel.
Notepad Section
Allows you to enter notes about the track.
Device Panel Section (Cubase Pro only)
Allows you to display and use device panels.
Quick Controls Section
Allows you to configure quick controls to use remote devices, for example. 

Page 102

MIDI Tracks
MIDI Track Controls
The Track List for MIDI tracks contains controls and parameters that allow you to 
edit your MIDI track.
The track list for MIDI tracks contains the following controls:
Track name
Click once to show/hide the basic track settings section. Double-click to 
rename the track.
Opens the Channel Settings window for the track.
Mutes the track.
Solos the track.
Read Automation
Allows you to read track automation.
Write Automation
Allows you to write track...

Page 103

Arranger Track
Edit In-Place
Allows you to edit MIDI events and parts on the track in the Project window.
Drum Map
Allows you to select a drum map for the track.
Allows you to specify the MIDI channel.
Allows you to specify the output for the track.
Allows you to select a program.
Arranger Track
You can use the arranger track for arranging your project by marking out sections 
and determining in which order they are to be played back.
• To add the arranger track to your...

Page 104

Arranger Track
Arranger Track Inspector
The arranger track Inspector displays the lists of available arranger chains and 
arranger events.
The arranger track Inspector contains the following settings:
Track Name
Double-click to rename the track.
Opens the Arranger Editor.
Select Active Arranger Chain + Function
Allows you to select the active arranger chain, to rename it, to create a new 
one, to duplicate or to flatten it.
Current Arranger Chain
Shows the active arranger chain.

Page 105

Chord Track
Jump mode
In this pop-up menu you can define how long the active arranger event is 
played before jumping to the next one.
Arranger Track Controls
The Track List for the arranger track contains controls and parameters that allow you 
to edit the arranger track.
The track list for the arranger track contains the following controls:
Select Active Arranger Chain
Allows you to select the active arranger chain.
Current Item/Current Repeat
Displays which arranger event and which repeat...

Page 106

Chord Track
Chord Track Inspector
The chord track Inspector contains a number of settings for the chord events.
The top section of the chord track Inspector contains the following settings:
Track name
Click to show/hide the basic track settings section.
Mutes the track.
Record enable
Activates the track for recording.
Acoustic Feedback
Allows you to audition the events on the chord track. For this to work, you 
need to select a track for auditioning in the track list.
Toggle Time Base...

Page 107

Chord Track
Mapping Offset
Allows you to specify an offset value to make sure that chord events also 
affect the MIDI notes that have been triggered too early (enter a negative 
value) or too late (enter a positive value).
Chord Track Inspector Sections
Apart from the basic track settings that are always shown, the chord track provides 
other Inspector sections. These are described in the following sections.
Allows you to create and edit TrackVersions.
Notepad Section
Allows you...

Page 108

FX Channel Tracks
Record Enable
Allows you to record chord events.
Resolve Display Conflicts
Allows you to show all chord events on the track properly, even at low 
horizontal zoom levels.
Show Scales
Allows you to show the scale lane in the lower part of the chord track.
Disables all editing of all events on the track.
Toggle Time Base
Switches between musical (tempo related) and linear (time related) time base 
for the track.
FX Channel Tracks
You can use FX channel tracks for adding...

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FX Channel Tracks
Opens the Channel Settings window for the track.
Mutes the track.
Solos the track.
Read Automation
Allows you to read track automation.
Write Automation
Allows you to write track automation.
Toggle Time Base
Switches between musical (tempo related) and linear (time related) time base 
for the track.
Disables all editing of all events on the track.
Allows you to adjust the level for the track.
Allows you to adjust the panning of the track.

Page 110

FX Channel Tracks
Strip Section
Allows you to set up the channel strip modules.
Equalizers Section
Allows you to adjust the EQs for the track. You can have up to four bands of EQ for 
each track.
Sends Section
Allows you to route the track to one or several FX channels. 
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