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Steinberg Cubase 8 Manual

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Page 991

Replacing the Audio in a Video File
• By activating the “Extract Audio on Import Video File” option in the 
Preferences dialog (Video page).
This will automatically extract the audio stream from any video file during 
• By using the “Extract Audio from Video File” option on the Media menu.
This creates an audio clip in the Pool, but does not add any events to the 
Project window.
These functions are not available for MPEG-1 video files.

Page 992

ReWire is a special protocol for streaming audio between two computer 
Developed by Propellerhead Software and Steinberg, ReWire provides the 
following possibilities and features:
• Realtime streaming of up to 256 (Cubase Artist: 128) separate audio 
channels, at full bandwidth, from the “synthesizer application” into the “mixer 
In this case, the “mixer application” is of course Cubase. An example of a 
“synthesizer application” is Propellerhead...

Page 993

Launching and quitting
Launching and quitting
When using ReWire, the order in which you launch and quit the two programs is 
very important.
Launching for normal use with ReWire
1. First launch Cubase.
2. Enable one or several ReWire channels in the ReWire Device dialog for the 
other application.
3. Launch the other application.
It may take slightly longer for the application to start when you are using ReWire.
Activating ReWire channels on page 994
Quitting a ReWire...

Page 994

Activating ReWire channels
Activating ReWire channels
ReWire supports streaming of up to 256 (Cubase Artist: 128) separate audio 
channels. The exact number of available ReWire channels depends on the 
synthesizer application. Using the ReWire Device panels in Cubase, you can 
specify which of the available channels you want to use.
1. Open the Devices menu and select the menu item with the name of the 
ReWire application. All recognized ReWire compatible applications will be...

Page 995

How the ReWire channels are handled
Tempo settings
A s  f a r  a s  t e m p o  g o e s ,  C u b a s e  i s  a l w a y s  t h e  m a s t e r .  T h i s  m e a n s  t h a t  b o t h  p r o g r a m s  
will run in the tempo set in Cubase.
However, if you are not using the tempo track in Cubase, you can adjust the tempo 
in either program, and this will immediately be reflected in the other.
If you are using the tempo track in Cubase (i. e. the Tempo button is...

Page 996

Routing MIDI via ReWire
Routing MIDI via ReWire
When using Cubase with a ReWire-compatible application, additional MIDI outputs 
will automatically appear on the MIDI Output pop-up menus for MIDI tracks. This 
allows you to play the synthesizer application via MIDI from Cubase, using it as one 
or several separate MIDI sound sources.
The MIDI outputs for a Reason song. Here, each output goes directly to a device in 
the Reason rack.
• The number and configuration of MIDI outputs depends on the...

Page 997

Key Commands
Most of the main menus in Cubase have key command shortcuts for certain items 
on the menus. In addition, there are numerous other Cubase functions that can be 
performed via key commands. These are all default settings.
You can customize existing key commands to your liking, and also add commands 
for many menu items and functions that currently have no key command assigned.
You can find out for which functions key commands can be assigned by looking in 
the Key commands...

Page 998

Key Commands
Setting up key commands
Setting up key commands
Adding or modifying a key command
In the Key Commands dialog you will find all main menu items and a large number 
of other functions, arranged in a hierarchical way similar to the Windows Explorer 
and Mac OS Finder. The function categories are represented by a number of 
folders, each containing various menu items and functions.
When you open a category folder by clicking the “+” sign beside it, the items and 
functions it contains are...

Page 999

Key Commands
Setting up key commands
5. Alternatively, you can use the search function in the dialog to find the desired 
For a description of how to use the search function, see below.
6. When you have found and selected the desired item, click in the “Type in Key” 
field and enter a new key command.
You can choose any single key or a combination of one or several modifier keys 
([Alt]/[Option], [Ctrl]/[Command], [Shift]) plus any key. Just press the keys you want 
to use.
7. If the key...

Page 1000

Key Commands
Setting up key commands
Removing a key command
1. Use the list of categories and commands to select the item or function for 
which you wish to remove a key command.
The key command is shown in the Keys column and the Keys list.
2. Select the key command in the Keys list and click the Delete button (the trash 
You are asked whether you really want to remove the key command.
3. Click Remove to remove the selected key command.
4. Click OK to close the dialog.
Setting up...
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