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Steinberg Cubase 7 User Manual

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Page 891

The score and MIDI playback
About this chapter
In this chapter you will learn:
- How to use the Arranger mode to have the playback follow the structure of the 
- How to use the “mapped” Dynamics symbols.
ÖCubase only: You can also play back articulations in the Score using the Expression 
Map and Note Expression functions, see 
“Expression maps (Cubase only)” on page 
555 and “Note Expression” on page 565.
Scores and the Arranger mode
Repeats (bar lines) appear in all layouts, as well as...

Page 892

The score and MIDI playbackWorking with mapped dynamics
Setting up the symbols
You can make settings for the symbols in the Dynamics Mapping Setup dialog. On the 
left in the upper section, the available symbols are listed.
•To open the dialog, right-click on one of the symbols on the Dynamics Mapping 
tab in the Symbols Inspector and select “Dynamics Mapping…”.
When mapped dynamics symbols have been added to the score, you can also 
double-click on a symbol to open the dialog.
In the dialog, you can...

Page 893

The score and MIDI playbackWorking with mapped dynamics
The Merge modes
When you use the parameter VST 3 Volume in the notes and for the dynamics 
symbols, the result depends on the Merge Mode. The following modes are available: 
Send Controller
You can also send an additional MIDI controller (except MIDI controllers 7 and 11, 
which are used for the “Send Volume” function). 
If you combine this with the “Send Volume” function, you can set up a sound which 
gets brighter as it gets louder, which is...

Page 894

The score and MIDI playbackWorking with mapped dynamics
•Likewise, if a crescendo symbol is not followed by a dynamic symbol, an end value 
will be calculated automatically. 
For a crescendo, this is one value above the start value, and for a decrescendo 
one value below the start value.
Modifying/Editing dynamics symbols
You can change the settings for the dynamics symbols at any time in the Dynamics 
Mapping Setup dialog, as described above.
•You can step between the available dynamics symbols by...

Page 895

Tips and Tricks
This chapter provides useful information about editing techniques and answers to a 
number of questions that might arise when you use the Score Editor. For more 
information about the functions referred to, please use the index and check the 
previous chapters.
Useful editing techniques
Use this section to find out more about some editing techniques that help you to use 
the score functions more efficiently.
Moving a note without transposing it
If you hold down...

Page 896

Tips and TricksUseful editing techniques
Using the bar handles
Double-clicking a bar handle opens the Bar Copy dialog. This function is great for 
copying accents, but you can also use it for copying drum phrases, etc. For more 
information, see 
“Moving and duplicating with the bar handles” on page 828.
•If you hold down [Shift] and double-click on a bar handle, this and the next bar are 
This is handy when copying phrases of two or more bars in one go.
Copying a section with...

Page 897

Tips and TricksFrequently asked questions
Examples and scales
If you are creating scale examples and similar, you can use the Real Book option and 
manually hide all symbols at the beginning of the first staff to make the score appear 
like separate unconnected “lines”.
Remember you can also hide the bar lines.
An example scale without bar lines
Controlling the order and appearance of grace notes
Normally, grace notes are beamed. Their order under the beam is controlled by their 
order in the track....

Page 898

Tips and TricksFrequently asked questions
There are a number of short rests after my notes.
Your Rests value for Display Quantize might be set to too small a note value. Raise it. 
Also check the “Clean Lengths” setting.
When I change the length of a note, nothing happens.
This is because the Display Quantize value puts a restriction on what note values can 
be displayed. Check that Display Quantize is set to the smallest note value you have in 
your project.
I have adjusted Display Quantize and the...

Page 899

Tips and TricksFrequently asked questions
When I select a note, nothing is shown on the info line.
The note is probably tied to another note. This means that the second note does not 
really exist, it is just a graphic indication that the main note is long. Try selecting the 
main note instead.
Symbols from the Layout Symbols tab are sometimes invisible when I open the 
This is not a malfunction. Those symbols are part of a layout. If you open the score 
with another layout, for example...

Page 900

Tips and TricksIf you wish you had a faster computer
The note has an accidental when it shouldn’t, or it doesn’t when it should.
Maybe the note is simply of the wrong pitch? Click on it (using the Object Selection 
tool) and look at the info line (if this is not shown, see 
“The info line” on page 735). 
Move it to the correct pitch (see “Editing pitches of individual notes” on page 763). If 
this is not the reason, maybe you have the wrong key set? And finally, you can also 
use enharmonic shifting...
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