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Steinberg Cubase 5 Operation Manual

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Page 461

File handling
Importing Audio from Video files
While you can automatically extract the audio when im-
porting a video file (see “Extracting audio from a video file” 
on page 450), it is also possible to import the audio from a 
video file without importing the video itself:
1.Pull down the File menu, open the Import submenu and 
select “Audio from Video File…”.
2.In the file dialog that opens, locate and select the 
video file and click Open.
The audio in the selected video file is extracted and...

Page 462

File handling
The following file types are supported:
MPEG audio files
MPEG, which stands for Moving Picture Experts Group, is 
the name of a family of standards used for encoding au-
dio-visual information (e. g. movies, video, music) in a digi-
tal compressed format. 
Cubase can read two types of audio MPEG files: MPEG 
Layer 2 (*.mp2) and MPEG Layer 3 (*.mp3). Currently, mp3 
is the most common of these formats, while the mp2 format 
is mostly used in broadcast applications.
Ogg Vorbis files

Page 463

File handling
When referencing media files (see below), you can set 
the referenced output path by entering it in the “Media 
Destination Path” field or by clicking on “Browser…” and 
choosing it in the file dialog that appears.
All file references will be set to this path. You can create references to 
media destinations that do not exist on the system you are currently 
working with, making it easy to prepare files for use in projects on an-
other system or in a network environment.
3.If you want...

Page 464

File handling
Exporting and importing standard 
MIDI files
Cubase can import and export Standard MIDI Files, which 
makes it possible to transfer MIDI material to and from vir-
tually any MIDI application on any platform. When you im-
port and export MIDI files, you can also specify whether 
certain settings associated with the tracks should be in-
cluded in the files (automation tracks, volume and pan set-
tings, etc.). 
Exporting MIDI files
To export your MIDI tracks as a standard MIDI file, pull...

Page 465

File handling
ÖThe MIDI file will include the tempo information of the 
project (i. e. it will include the tempo and time signature 
events of the Tempo Track Editor or, if the Tempo Track is 
deactivated on the Transport panel, the current tempo and 
time signature).
ÖInspector settings other than those specified in the Ex-
port options are not included in the MIDI file!
To include these, you need to convert the settings to “real” MIDI events 
and properties by using the Merge MIDI in Loop function...

Page 466

File handling
Exporting and importing tracks 
(Cubase only)
You can export Cubase tracks (Audio, FX, Group, Instru-
ment, MIDI and Video) as track archives for import into 
other Cubase (or Nuendo) projects. All the information as-
sociated with the tracks will be exported (mixer channel 
settings, automation tracks, parts and events, etc.). If you 
select the option “Copy” (see below), a separate “media” 
folder will be created, containing copies of all referenced 
audio files.

Page 467

File handling
Other Import/Export functions
For exporting scores, see “Exporting” on page 504.
For exporting and importing tempo tracks, see “Expor-
ting and importing tempo tracks” on page 405.
The Cleanup function on the File menu helps you to save 
hard disk space by locating and – if you like – deleting un-
used audio files in the project folders on your disk.
1.Select “Cleanup…” from the File menu.
If there are any open projects, an alert shows. Clicking “Close” closes all 
open projects...

Page 468


Page 469

The user can customize the appearance and functionality 
of Cubase in various ways.
User configurable items described in this chapter are:
By storing different window combinations as workspaces, you can 
quickly switch between different working modes – see “Workspaces” on 
page 469.
Setup dialogs
Several parts of the user interface (toolbars, Transport panel, Inspector, 
info lines and Channel Settings windows) provide a Setup dialog, where 
you can configure which...

Page 470

Creating a new workspace
1.Pull down the Window menu and open the Work-
spaces submenu.
2.Select “New Workspace”.
3.In the dialog that opens, enter a name for the work-
4.Click OK.
The workspace is stored and will appear on the submenu. It is now the 
active workspace.
5.Set up the windows you want to include in the new 
This may include opening, moving and sizing windows, and adjusting 
zoom and track height.
Activating a workspace
1.Pull down the Window menu and open...
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