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Steinberg Cubase 4 Operation Manual

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Page 551

Additional note and rest formatting
3.Drag the handle up or down.
The slant of the beam changes.
Dragging a handle and the effect it has.
ÖYou can adjust the distance between notes and their 
beam without changing the beam slant. Select both handles 
of a beam (by pressing the [Shift] key while selecting the 
second handle) and drag one of the handles up or down.
Mixed staff direction
By dragging the beam handles you can put the beam be-
tween the note heads:
Putting the beam between the notes.

Page 552

Additional note and rest formatting
2.Set the Quantize pop-up menu to an appropriate value.
As usual, this determines where you will be able to click.
3.Click in the bar containing the note(s) you want to cut 
manually, at the position you want them cut. If you work 
with polyphonic voicing, select the desired voice first.
This inserts a cutflag event in the bar at the position you clicked. If you 
hold down [Alt]/[Option], a cutflag event is inserted for all voices in a 
polyphonic staff.

Page 553

Additional note and rest formatting
Cue notes
You can create cue notes by using voices or by converting 
individual notes into cue notes.
Setting a voice to display cue notes
1.Open the Score Settings–Staff page and select the 
Polyphonic tab.
This is described in the section “Setting up the voices” on page 538.
2.Click in the “Cue” column for the voice, so that a tick 
mark appears.
3.Decide how to handle rests for the voice.
You might for example leave “Rests–Show” activated and activate “Re-...

Page 554

Additional note and rest formatting
From here on there are two ways to go:
Select the note(s) and click the “i” icon on the extended 
The Set Note Info dialog appears and you can select the Grace note type 
and make other settings if needed.
Right-click on one of the notes and select “Convert to 
Grace Note” from the context menu.
This turns the note into a grace note without opening any dialog.
Grace notes and beaming
 If two grace notes are at exactly the same position (the same 

Page 555

Additional note and rest formatting
3.Select “Build N-Tuplet” from the Scores menu.
The Tuplets dialog appears.
4.Set the type of tuplet in the Type field.
“5” means a quintuplet, “7” means a septuplet etc.
5.Set the length of the entire tuplet using the “Over” 
6.Activate Change Length, if you need it.
If you do, the program will alter the length of all notes so that they are ex-
actly the note value the tuplet indicates. If you don’t, the lengths of the 
existing notes won’t be affected in...

Page 556

Working with symbols 

Page 557

Working with symbols
About this chapter
In this chapter you will learn:
 What the different types of symbols are.
 How to insert and edit symbols.
 Details about special symbols.
Background: The different layers
A score page is always made up of three layers – the note 
layer, the layout layer and the project layer. When you add 
symbols, these will be inserted into one of these layers, de-
pending on the type of symbol. The symbols that have a re-
lation to notes – accents, dynamic markings, slurs,...

Page 558

Working with symbols
Why three layers?
There are several reasons for this division into layers:
 Many of the symbols that are in the layout layer can be stretched 
to span over several staves, or for other reasons make more 
sense to think of as belonging to a certain group of tracks.
 The layout layer is only one part of the bigger concept of lay-
outs. Layouts allow you to easily extract parts from a full score 
and perform automatic formatting. This is described in the 
chapter “Working with...

Page 559

Working with symbols
If you click the Save button (disk icon) in the Presets 
section, you can name the current configuration and save 
it as a preset.
To remove a preset, select it and click the trash icon.
Saved configurations are available for selection from the 
Presets pop-up in the dialog, or directly from the Inspector 
context menu.
Working with symbol palettes
You can open any of the symbol Inspector sections as 
separate symbol palettes.
Opening tabs as palettes 
1.Right-click on one of the...

Page 560

Working with symbols The “Chord Symbols” palette.
The “Guitar Symbols” palette.
The “Clef etc.” palette.The “Note Symbols” palette. These symbols are always tied to a note.
The “Dynamics” palette.
Clef change
Time signature change
Key change (and/or display transpose change)
Bow up Pizzicato
Tremolo Thumb pos.
Closed Hihat Open Hihat
Staccato Accent
Fermata Fermata
Glissando Glissando
Articulation Doit
Articulation Articulation
StaccatoStaccato Tenuto Staccato
Bow down
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