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Steinberg Cubase 4 Operation Manual

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Page 321

MIDI realtime parameters and effects
MIDI effects
Cubase comes with a number of MIDI effect plug-ins, ca-
pable of transforming the MIDI output from a track in vari-
ous ways.
Just like the MIDI modifiers, MIDI effects are applied in real 
time to the MIDI data played back from the track (or to 
MIDI you play live “thru” the track).
What are MIDI effects?
Although a MIDI effect can be similar to an audio effect, 
it’s important to remember that you’re not processing the 
sound resulting from MIDI...

Page 322

MIDI realtime parameters and effects
MIDI Sends section
This allows you to add up to four MIDI send effects. Unlike 
audio send effects, you can select and activate send ef-
fects individually for each track. The section contains the 
following items:
ÖEffects that display their controls in the Inspector can 
be opened in a separate control panel window by press-
ing [Alt]/[Option] and clicking the Edit button.
About presets
Several of the MIDI plug-ins come with a number of pre-
sets for instant...

Page 323

MIDI realtime parameters and effects
Applying a MIDI insert effect – an example
Here is a step-by-step example of how to add a MIDI in-
sert effect to a MIDI track:
1.Select the MIDI track and open the Inspector.
2.Open the MIDI Inserts tab in the Inspector.
Alternatively you could use the mixer: bring up the ex-
tended mixer panel and select “Inserts” on the view op-
tions pop-up menu for the track’s channel strip.
3.Click in one of the insert slots to open the MIDI effect 
pop-up menu.
4.Select the...

Page 324

MIDI processing and quantizing 

Page 325

MIDI processing and quantizing
This chapter describes the various MIDI processing func-
tions available on the MIDI menu. They offer various ways 
to edit MIDI notes and other events, either in the Project 
window or from within a MIDI editor.
MIDI functions vs. MIDI modifiers
In some cases, the result of a MIDI function can also be 
obtained by using MIDI modifiers and effects (see “MIDI 
realtime parameters and effects” on page 315). For exam-
ple, the operations “Transpose” and...

Page 326

MIDI processing and quantizing
Setting up quantize on the toolbar
At its most basic, setting up quantizing consists of select-
ing a note value from the Quantize pop-up menu on the 
toolbar (in the Project window or a MIDI editor).
This allows you to quantize to exact note values (straight, 
triplet or dotted notes) only. 
Setting up quantize in the Quantize Setup 
If you want more options than those available on the pop-
up menu, select “Quantize Setup…” from the MIDI menu 
(or “Setup…” from...

Page 327

MIDI processing and quantizing
The Quantize Setup dialog contains the following settings:
The Grid and Type pop-ups
These are used to determine the basic note value for the 
quantizing grid. In other words, these have the same func-
tionality as the Quantize pop-up menu on the toolbar.
The Swing slider is only available when a straight note 
value is selected for the grid and Tuplet is off (see below). 
It lets you offset every second position in the grid, creating 
a swing or shuffle feel....

Page 328

MIDI processing and quantizing
Apply and Auto
These functions allow you to apply quantizing directly from 
the dialog, see below.
The Non Quantize setting
This additional setting affects the result of the quantizing. It 
allows you to set a “distance” in ticks (120ths of sixteenth 
Events that already are within the specified distance from 
the quantize grid will not be quantized. This allows you to 
keep slight variations when you quantize, but still correct 
notes that are too far from the...

Page 329

MIDI processing and quantizing
Advanced Quantize functions
Quantize Lengths
This function (on the Advanced Quantize submenu on the 
MIDI menu) will quantize the length of the notes, without 
changing their start positions. At its most basic level, this 
function will set the length of the notes to the Length 
Quantize value on the MIDI editor toolbar. However, if you 
have selected the “Quantize Link” option on the Length 
Quantize pop-up menu, the function will resize the note 
according to the...

Page 330

MIDI processing and quantizing
The Transpose item on the MIDI menu opens a dialog with 
settings for transposing the selected notes:
ÖYou can also use the Transpose track for transposing, 
see “The Transpose functions” on page 111.
This is where you set the amount of transposition.
Scale Correction
Scale Correction transposes the selected notes by for-
cing them to the closest note of the selected scale type. 
This can be used for creating interesting key and tonal 
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