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Steinberg Cubase 4 Operation Manual

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Page 161

Control Room (Cubase only)
5.Click OK and the level change will be performed.
It is possible to view these changes as they occur if you have the Project 
Mixer open and the extended view set to show the Studio Sends.
Using Studio Sends from outputs
Each output also has Studio Sends. Studio Sends from 
the Main Mix output can be used to route the main mix in-
stantly to the Studio output. 
Any level changes made to the main mix will be reflected 
in the signal sent by the Studio Send. Setting the...

Page 162

Audio effects 

Page 163

Audio effects
About this chapter
Cubase comes with a number of effect plug-ins included. 
This chapter contains general details about how to assign, 
use and organize effect plug-ins. The effects and their pa-
rameters are described in the separate manual “Plug-in 
There are three ways to use audio effects in Cubase:
As insert effects.
An insert effect is inserted into the signal chain of an audio channel, which 
means that the whole channel signal passes through the effect. This...

Page 164

Audio effects
Be aware, however, that this can lead to a situation where 
you added more plug-ins on “transport stop” than the sys-
tem can handle on playback. Therefore, you should always 
find the passage with the largest number of events playing 
simultaneously to make sure that your system offers the re-
quired performance.
ÖActivating this option can increase your system perfor-
mance a lot in certain projects, but it also makes it more 
unpredictable whether the project can play back fine on...

Page 165

Audio effects
As you can see, the last two insert slots (for any channel) 
are post-EQ and post-fader. Post-fader slots are best 
suited for insert effects where you don’t want the level to 
be changed after the effect, such as dithering (see “Dith-
ering” on page 167) and maximizers – both typically used 
as insert effects for output busses.
ÖApplying several effects on several channels may be 
too much for your CPU to handle!
If you want to use the same effect with the same settings on several...

Page 166

Audio effects
To bypass all inserts for a track, click the global bypass 
This button can be found at the top of the Inserts section in the Inspector 
or the Channel Settings window. It lights up in yellow to indicate that the 
inserts of this track are bypassed. In the track list and the channel strip in 
the mixer, the Inserts State button will also light up in yellow.
Insert effects in the channel overview
If the “Channel” section is selected in the Inspector or the 
“Channel Overview”...

Page 167

Audio effects
 A line that passes through the effect (with no square input/
output indicators) represent a bypass connection – the audio 
on that speaker channel passes the effect without being pro-
 A “broken” line indicates a broken connection – the audio on 
that speaker channel will not pass on to the output at all.
Here, the effect will process the L and R channels. The Ls, Rs and C 
channels are not processed, while the Lfe connection is broken.
You can move connections to...

Page 168

Audio effects
When should I use dithering?
Consider dithering when you mix down to a lower reso-
lution, either in real-time (playback) or with the Export Au-
dio Mixdown function. 
A typical example is when you mix down a project to a 16-bit stereo au-
dio file for audio CD burning.
What is a “lower resolution” then? Well, Cubase uses 32-
bit float resolution internally, which means that all integer 
resolutions (16 bit, 24 bit, etc.) are lower. The negative ef-
fects of truncation (no dithering)...

Page 169

Audio effects
The Freeze Channel Options dialog is opened, allowing 
you to set a “Tail” time in seconds.
This adds time at the end of the rendered file to allow reverb and delay 
tails to fully fade out.
The program now renders the output of the track, in-
cluding all pre-fader insert effects, to an audio file.
This file is placed in the “Freeze” folder within the Project folder (Win-
dows). On the Mac, the Freeze folder is stored under “User/Documents”.
The frozen audio track is locked for editing...

Page 170

Audio effects
Setting up send effects
Adding an FX channel track
1.Pull down the Project menu and select “FX Channel” 
from the “Add Track” submenu.
A dialog appears.
2.Select a channel configuration for the FX channel 
Normally, stereo is a good choice since most effect plug-ins have stereo 
3.Select an effect for the FX channel track.
This is not strictly necessary at this point – you can leave the plug-in 
pop-up menu set to “No Effect” and add effects to the FX channel later if...
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