Sony Dcrtrv890e Manual
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Added portion Page 6-36New Note : The components identified by mark ! or dotted line with mark ! are critical for safety. Replace only with part number specified.Note : Les composants identifiŽs par une marque ! sont critiques pour la sŽcuritŽ. Ne les remplacer que par une tant le numŽro spŽcifiŽ. < TRANSISTOR > Q3500 8-729-024-48 TRANSISTOR 2SK1830-TE85L Q3501 8-729-036-43 TRANSISTOR HAT1023R-EL Q3502 8-729-036-43 TRANSISTOR HAT1023R-EL Q3503 8-729-804-41 TRANSISTOR 2SB1122-S Q3504 8-729-402-42...
Page 212
: Added portion. , * : Chenged portion. : Deleted portion. C1610 1-164-933-11 CERAMIC CHIP 220PF 10% 16V C1611 1-164-858-11 CERAMIC CHIP 22PF 5% 16V IC1602 8-752-392-25 IC CXD3200R-T6 R1632 1-218-849-11 RES,CHIP 1.2K 0.50% 1/16W R1633 1-208-703-11 RES,CHIP 6.8K 0.50% 1/16W R1635 1-218-849-11 RES,CHIP 1.2K 0.50% 1/16W R1638 1-218-990-11 SHORT 0 R1639 1-218-990-11 SHORT 0 R1641 1-218-990-11 SHORT 0 R1642 1-218-990-11 SHORT 0 R1644 1-218-990-11 SHORT...
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Page 5-35 5-49 5-51New Initial valueAddress AB AC AD AE AF NTSCPA L Remark Fixed data-1 Fixed data-2 Data IC1602 of VI-151 board 00 CXD3200R-T6 02 SN104266PN-TEB Fixed data-1 (Initialized data) 3. C Page Table 3-5-2. BIST Check 1-4. IC1600(SFD) BIST(PB) Check 1) Select page: 0, address: 01, and set data: 01. 2) Select page: C, address: AC, set data: 21, and press the PAUSE button. 3) Select page: C, address: AD, and note down the data. When the data is Ò00Ó, change it to Ò01Ó and press the PAUSE button....
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Ñ 19 Ñ [ Page: 6-9 ] 6-1-9. FRONT PANEL SECTION : Added portion. : Changed portion. 428 A-7094-505-A RING ASSY, MF 429 3-719-845-01 SCREW (B2X4), TAPPING Ref. No.Part No.DescriptionRemarks 407 410 409 408 413 414 410 421 422 423 424 411 D7402 401402 402403 404 405 406415 410412 429 428 (Include 429) not supplied
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DCR-TRV890E/TRV900/TRV900E Ñ 20 Ñ Sony Corporation Personal A&V Products Company 99D1648-1 Printed in Japan ©1999.4 Published by Quality Engineering Dept. (Shinagawa) 9-974-107-82
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