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Sony A 6500 Manual

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Page 231

to the smartphone. This enables you to easily connect the smartphone to \
the product via Wi-Fi at a
later date by selecting the SSID.
Radio wave interference may occur as Bluetooth communications and Wi-Fi \
communications use the
same frequency band. If your Wi-Fi connection is unstable, it may be imp\
roved by turning off the
Bluetooth function of the smartphone. If you do this, the location infor\
mation interlocking function is
not available.
When you record movies using a smartphone as a...

Page 232

Radio wave interference may occur as Bluetooth communications and Wi-Fi \
communications use the
same frequency band. If your Wi-Fi connection is unstable, it may be imp\
roved by turning off the
Bluetooth function of the smartphone. If you do this, the location infor\
mation interlocking function is
not available.
When you record movies using a smartphone as a remote controller, the mo\
nitor of the product
becomes darker. Also, you cannot use the viewfinder during shooting the \
still images or...

Page 233

[235] Using wireless functionsConnecting this product and a Smartphone
Controlling the camera using an iPhone or iPad (QR
You can connect an iPhone or iPad to the camera using the QR code and op\
erate the camera
using the iPhone or iPad. MENU → 
 (Application) → [Application List] → [Smart Remote Embedded].
QR code (A) and the SSID (B) are displayed on the monitor of this product.1
Launch PlayMemories Mobile on your iPhone or iPad and select [Scan QR Code of
the Camera].
Select [OK] on the...

Page 234

Read the QR code displayed on the monitor of this product with the iPhon\
e or iPad.4Install the profile (setting information) by following the instruction\
s shown on the
iPhone or iPad screen and select [OK].
The profile will be installed to the iPhone or iPad.
Select [Settings] on the Home screen → [Wi-Fi]  → this products SSID.
The iPhone or iPad will connect to the product.

Page 235

Once the QR code has been read, this products SSID (DIRECT-xxxx) and \
password are registered
to the iPhone or iPad. This enables you to easily connect the iPhone or \
iPad to the product via Wi-Fi
at a later date by selecting the SSID.
Radio wave interference may occur as Bluetooth communications and Wi-Fi \
communications use the
same frequency band. If your Wi-Fi connection is unstable, it may be imp\
roved by turning off the
Bluetooth function of the smartphone. If you do this, the...

Page 236

Press the  (Delete) button of this product.
This products SSID and password are displayed on the monitor of this pr\
Select the model name of this product (DIRECT-xxxx: xxxx) on the Wi-Fi\
screen of your iPhone or iPad.
Input the password that is displayed on this product.
The iPhone or iPad is connected to the product.
Confirm that your iPhone or iPad was connected to the “SSID” shown\
 on this

Page 237

Radio wave interference may occur as Bluetooth communications and Wi-Fi \
communications use the
same frequency band. If your Wi-Fi connection is unstable, it may be imp\
roved by turning off the
Bluetooth function of the smartphone. If you do this, the location infor\
mation interlocking function is
not available.
When you record movies using a smartphone as a remote controller, the mo\
nitor of the product
becomes darker. Also, you cannot use the viewfinder during shooting the \
still images or...

Page 238

PlayMemories Mobile must be installed on your smartphone.
Menu item details
Select on This Device: 
Selects an image on the product to be transferred to the smartphone.
(1) Select from among [This Image], [All Images on This Date] or [Mult\
iple Images].The options displayed may differ depending on the View Mode selected on \
the camera.
(2) If you select [Multiple Images], select the desired images using t\
he center of the control
wheel, then press MENU → [Enter].
Select on Smartphone: 
Displays all...

Page 239

You cannot send XAVC S or AVCHD format movies.
This product shares the connection information for [Send to Smartphone] with a device that has
permission to connect. If you want to change the device that is permitte\
d to connect to the product,
reset the connection information by following these steps. MENU → 
 (Wireless) → [Wi-Fi
Settings] → [SSID/PW Reset]. After resetting the connection information, you must register the
smartphone again.
When [Airplane Mode] is set to [On], you cannot connect this...

Page 240

About “NFC”
NFC is a technology that enables short-range wireless communication betw\
een various
devices, such as mobile phones or IC tags, etc. NFC makes data communica\
tion simpler with
just a touch on the designated touch-point.NFC (Near Field Communication) is an international standard of short-r\
ange wireless
communication technology.
You can select an image size to be sent to the smartphone from [Original], [2M] or [VGA]. 
To change the image size, refer to the following steps.
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