Sharp Xg C435x L Projector Specifications
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XG\fC46 5X \fL, XG \fC4 35X\fL, XG\fC335X 3\fLC DConfe rence /Classroom Data \fVideo Projectors The Sha rpCon fere nce /Cla ssr oom series XG\f C465X\f L(4 500 AN SI lume ns\b, XG \fC 435X\fL (4000 ANSIlumen s\b,andXG \f C335X (3500 ANSIlumens\boffer asu perior combination ofhigh brightn ess,high image quali ty,full feature set, comp actsize andaff ord ability. Utilizing threepo lysilicon LCDs,these modelsproje ctbrill ia nt ,uni form high quali tyimages forusein most any edu cational, corpor ate, gove rnm entor ho use ofwor ship se tting. Ext ensi ve conn ecti vity inc ludes built\fin LAN (RJ\f45 \b termina l,two 15\fp inRGB input s(sele ctable for co m pute ror com pon ent sources \b,DV I\fD input with HDCP compatibil ity andindep endent compo siteandS\fVideo inputs. Four ste reo audio inp utsare prov ided, as well asselecta bleva ri abl e or fixe dau dio line\fout .Add itiona llythere is RS \f23 2C cont rol, RGB loop \fthrough and aport for“wired” remote control. Projection flexibili tyisforemo st.In add ition to the inc lude dstan dard zo om len s,four optiona llen ses are availabl e, mak ing these models adaptablefo ralmo stan y spe cial ap plic ati on. Plus ,w it h Sha rpÕsrapid releas elen smech an ism, len s chan gesarequick andvirtually effor tless. Featu res: 3 LC DTechn ology forsupe riorco lor accura cyand image det ail. Inp utsinclude two 15\fpin RGBinputswh ich perm itdirect con nection of two PCs (orcom ponent sources\b. ADVI\fD input with HDCP compat ibilityprovidesfur the rPC /Video con nectivity .R G B loo p\fthro ughenab lesconnect iontoa deskt opmonit or or aseco nd projec tor. Sepa rate and indepe nde nt composite andS\fV ideo inputs enab lethe con nection oftwo video sourc es. Rap id Rel ease Lensme cha nism ena bles the standard in clu dedlens tobe easily replaced with oneoffour additio nal,opt ional specia lapplic ationlenses. Fo ur Discre teSte reo Audio Inpu tsare prov ide dfor use withtwo RGBand two vide oso urces .Selectable variable orfixe dvariable audioline\fo utisalso included. XGA (1\b2\f x768) NativeRes oluti onwithPC com patib ility up throu ghSX G A+ (1400 x105 0\b. HDTV /DTV com patib ility (in cludi ng 1080i, 720p, 480pand 480i \balon gwith PC compatib ility up thro ughSXGA+ (1400 x1050\b. Ult raQu ie t O pe rat ionas low as31 dB in low powe r“e co + qui et”m ode (XG\f C4 35X\fL,XG\f C335X\b. Co nve nientSide Access to Lam pand Filtersensures eas y mai nte nanc e–ev en wh enceilin g m ounte d. RJ\f5 LANTerm inalfor rem ote con trol ,m oni tori ng and p roject or man agement. Built\fi n web bro wser allow s dire ct IP addre ssing from anywhe reon th e ne tw ork . Lens Mode l#Lens Type Apert ure (F)FocalLeng th (f)Zoom Ratio Throw Ratio Std . Le n s* inc l u d e d w/pro j ec t or St a nda rd Zoom 1.7 1 . 9 28 33.6 mm1. 2x 1.8 2.1 AN C1 2 M Z Short Throw 2.2 2.7 24. 5 30. 7mm 1. 3x1.5 1.9 AN C1 8 M ZTele photo Zoom 1. 3x 2.2 2.8 AN C2 7 M Z Tele photo Zoom 2.0 2.8 53 . 8 82 .9 mm 1. 5x 3.3 5.1 AN C4 1 M Z Tele photo Zoom 2.1 2.8 83 . 5 1 1 7. 2m m 1. 4x 5.2 7.2 Lens Chart (Manua lZoo m/Focus) 1.7 2 . 2 *provides similarthrow distance to XGC58/68 series projector with standard lens 36.5 46.3mm (ap prox. min /maxpro j ec tiondistance from screen tofro nt of lens)Screen Diag onalScreen Width Screen HeightMinimium Dista nceMaxim um Distance 4032244857 604836785 7258438584675011 1 0 100 806011 9 14 1 200 160 120 28 1 300 240 180 500” 400” 300” Projection DistanceChart(forstandard lens) 10 1 2 42 4 70 9 1 0 23 5 35 2 58 7 XGC\f6 5X L: \f5\b\b AN SI LU ME NS XGC\f3 5X L: \f\b\b\b AN SI LU ME NS XGC335 X:3 5\b\b ANSILU ME NS Mo delshown: XGC\f 65XL

Spe cif ic ations M odel Num ber XGC\f65X L XGC\f3 5XL XGC335X Brightnes s 4500ANSIlumens with 90% CCR 4000ANSIlume ns with 90%CCR 3500ANS Ilumens with90%CCR (3600 ANSIlu men s (3200ANSIlumens (2800ANSIlumens in “eco +quiet ”p ower mod e\b in“eco +quiet” power mode \b in “eco +quie t”power mode\b Cabinet Color Cabinetto p :lig ht metall ic; side /bottom: dark metallic Cabinet to p: light metallic; side/bottom: medium metallic Pixel Reso lution XGA (1024 x768 native with ImageACE resizingforcompatibility upthrough SXGA+\b (1400 x1050\b Disp lay Techno log y 3\f0.79" polysi lliconTFT LCD 3\f0. 79" polysi lliconTFTLCD 3\f0. 79" polysillico nTFT LCD with Micro Len sArra y (550:1contrast ratio\b (600: 1co ntra stratio\b (450:1 contra strati o\b Frequ ency /D ot Clo ck FH15\f70 kHz;fv43\f85 Hz/12\f108 MHz Comp uterCom patibi lity PCcompatibility upthrough SXGA+(1400x1050\b with ImageACE™ resi zing\b ; Mac® computer comp atibility up thro ugh 1152 x870 (wi th ImageACE resizin g\b Video Com patibi lity NTSC/PAL/SECAM \finterface orprogressive scan ;DTV/HD TVcompatible (4:3an d16: 9\b 1080i /720p /576p /540p /480i (50/ 60Hz\b Rem oteContr ol IR rem otewith wired capabilit y(3.5mm connector\b; 38kHz IRcarri erfreq uency Au dio Sys tem Built\fin 2Watt monaural (selectable variable orfixe daud io lin e\fo utp utfor use with large rso un dsyste ms\b Lamp *1Userrep lacea ble275 Watt NSHAC type; est.lamp life:2000 hours(std mode\b, 3000hours (e co +qui et mod e\b Lamp Mod uleNumbe r AN\fC430LPorAN\fC430LP/1 Fan Nois e(st andard /“eco &quiet ”)37dB/32d B 36dB/31dB Power Source 360W(10.9W\b withAC100V, 345W (12.5W\b withAC240V HeatDissipa tion 1228BTU/hour standard mode; 1023BTU/ho ur“eco +qui et” mode Con trol Syste ms CompatiblewithCrestr on®, AMX®, Extron®, Bitlogix® Inpu ts/O utpu ts Inp ut #1 \fanalog RGB/component (15\fpinminiD\fsub\b; audio3.5mm stereominijack In pu t#2 \fan alog RGB/compone nt(15\fpin miniD\fsub\b/ audio3.5 mm stereo minija ck (a udi o“sha re d” inInput 2& Input 3\b In put #3\fD VI\f Digita lRGB /HDC P;a ud io3.5mm stereominijack (audio“shared” inInput 2& Inp ut3\b Inp ut#4 S\fvid eo (4\fp in mini DIN\b ;a ud io: RCA L/R Inp ut #5 \fcom posite vid eo (RCA\b ;aud io:RCA L/Ranalog RGB/component loo p\fthr ough output:15\f pin D\f sub, fixed or variableau d io lin eou tput: 3.5mm stereominijack, RS\f232Cserialport [PC control]; 9\fpinminiD IN ,wi th includ ed D\fsub ad ap te r. RJ\f45 LAN termi nal, US Bpo rt,wir ed remote controlport;3.5mm minijack In clu ded Accessorie s Wireless remoteco ntrol; twoAAbatteries; 5.9ACpower cord;10RGB signal cable; lenscap; le n s cap strap ; CD \fRO Mma nua l;Di nto D\fsub RS\f232C adapter; soft\fsided storagebag O ptional Accessorie s AN\fC600WCChard side dcarr ycase with wheels; AN\fC600SC ATA shippin gcase with wheels; AN \fX GC M55 ceili ng mount; AN\f CMC SS16 16" securit yca ble syste mfor ceiling mount; AN\fCMC SS4646"securi ty ca b le system fo r ce ilin g mo unt; AN\fC 3CP2 10compone nt(3\fRCA\b to 15\fpin HDcable; AN\fLS1ethernet toRS\f232C netw ork conv erte r. Se eLe ns Cha rtfor op tionalle nse s.AN\fE P101B extension tubeforceilin gmo unt; AN\fJT200 an gle mount joint forceiling mount; AN\fMR2 remote IRreceiver (forprese ntati on co ntr ol\b. L im ited Warrant y*23ye arsparts/ laborincl uding 3ye ars ofSharp ER24\fhour turnaround ExpressRepair.90\fd aylamp warranty. D imen sions (wxh xd)(i n inc he s) 12.8"x 4.0 "x 11.0 "(without feet\b Weight(in pound s) 10.8 UPC 07400036539 074000365384 074000365209 *1Upto 3000 hours lamp lifein low pow er (“e co + quiet”\b mode;up to 200 0hours lamp lifeinstan dard mode. *2Seewarr anty state ment inclu dedin the produ ctop eration manual. PDF down load atwww.shar *2Shar p,Image ACEandrelatedtrad ema rksare trademarks orregiste redtrad emarks ofSharp Corp oratio nand/or itsaffilia tedent ities. Mac isaregiste redtradem arkofAp ple Inc. Crestron isaregistered trademark ofCrestron Electronics, Inc.AMX isare gistered trademar kofAMX Corp ora tio n.Bitlogix isaregis tered tradema rkof Bit logix Softwar eLLC. Al lother trade marks are theprope rtyoftheir respective owners. Produ ctspecific ationsand design aresubject tochange without notice. XG\fC465X \fL, XG \fC4 35X\fL, XG\fC335X 3\fLCD Confe rence /Classr oomDat a\fVid eoProjectors SHARP ELECTRONICS CORPORATION SharpPlaza,Mahwah, NJ07495\f1163 For more information call:1\f866\f4\fVISUAL ©20 09 Sharp Electronics Corpo ratio n.All rights reserved. Printed intheU.S. A. 9\f15\f0 9 LC\f02\f35 8 09262 Rear Terminal Panel