Sharp El738 User Guide
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Page 71
70 Linear regression calculation Example Key operation Result xym 1 1 Stat 1 000 252 > 5 JDATA SET=100 25 JDATA SET=200 12 2412 > 24 JDATA SET=300 21 21 2140 40 4021 > 40 > 3 J DATA SET=400 15 2515 > 25 JDATA SET=500 a = f a105a= b = f b183b= r = f r100r= sx = f 4854Sx= sy = f 51567Sy= x = 3 y´ = ?3 . ?6533y´ y = 46 x´ = ?46 . 9246246x´ DATA 2 4UBUJTUJDBM$BMDVMBUJPOTJOEE4UBUJTUJDBM$BMDVMBUJPOTJOEE1.1.
Page 72
71 Quadratic regression calculation Example Key operation Result xym 1 2 Stat 2 000 12 4112 > 41 JDATA SET=100 8138 > 13 JDATA SET=200 525 > 2 JDATA SET=300 23 20023 > 200 JDATA SET=400 15 7115 > 71 JDATA SET=500 a = f a536a= b = f b-312b= c = f a050c= x = 10 y´ = ?10 . ?244910 y´ y = 22 x´ = ?22 . 9 @ @963≈¡= -343≈™= 963≈¡= 3 DATA 4UBUJTUJDBM$BMDVMBUJPOTJOEE4UBUJTUJDBM$BMDVMBUJPOTJOEE1.1.
Page 73
72 Appendix Financial Calculation Formulas TVM solver PMT, PV, FV, N Error I/Y If PMT = 0 then If N = 1 then If PMT ≠ 0 or N ≠ 1 then fi nd i using the fol- lowing equations: + Error i≤ –1 Amortization calculations Calculations (for PV, PMT, and i, see the TVM solver) END INT(1) = ROUND(–PV × i) BGN INT(1) = 0 PRN(1) = –INT(1) + ROUND(PMT) BAL(1) = PRN(1) + PV INT(m) = ROUND(–BAL(m – 1) × i) PRN(m) = –INT(m) + ROUND(PMT) BAL(m) = PRN(m) + BAL(m – 1) ROUND(NUM): If a display notation tab setting has...
Page 74
73 Bond calculations In its bond calculations, this calculator conforms to rules set up by the book titled Standard Securities Calculation Methods, by Jan Mayle, Securities Industry Association, 1993. Bond calculation is based on the following rules: 1. Whenever the redemption date happens to be the last day of a month, coupons are also paid on the last days of months. For example, if coupon payments are semi-annual and the redemp- tion date is September 30, coupon payments occur on March 31 and...
Page 75
74 Depreciation calculations ROUND(NUM): If a display notation tab setting has been chosen, NUM is rounded and truncated to the specifi ed number of places after the decimal point. In the following equations, M01 = START MONTH, LIF = LIFE(N), CST = COST(PV), SAL = SALVAGE(FV), and DB = DB(I/Y). Straight-line method (SL)Calculations If 1 < n < end_year then Results Sum-of-the-yearsʼ digits method (SYD)Calculations Results Declining balance method (DB)Calculations Results Error CST < 0 SAL < 0 CST <...
Page 76
75 30/360 1. Adjust D1 and D2 according to the fol- lowing rules: (1) If D2 and D1 are both the last day of February, change D2 to 30. (2) If D1 is the last day of February, change D1 to 30. (3) If D2 is 31 and D1 is 30 or 31, change D2 to 30. (4) If D1 is 31, change D1 to 30. 2. Calculate using the following formula: DAYS = (Y2 – Y1) × 360 + (M2 – M1) × 30 + (D2 – D1) Actual Percent change/Compound interest calculations where NEW = NEW PRC(FV), OLD = OLD PRC(PV), %CH = %(I/Y), PD =...
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76 Errors and Calculation Ranges Errors An error will occur if an operation exceeds the calculation rang- es, or if a mathematically illegal operation is attempted. When an error occurs, pressing g or y automatically moves the cursor back to the place in the equation where the error oc- curred. Edit the equation or press s to clear the equation. Note: If an error occurs during the automatic calculation of a listed nancial variable, pressing s, g, or y displays the rst variable in the...
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77 Equation too long (Error 4): The equation exceeded its maximum input buffer (160 charac- ters). An equation must be shorter than 160 characters. No solution (Error 5): The iteration limit was exceeded while calculating one of the following values in an overly complex problem: I/Y (TVM solver) IRR (Discounted cash ow analysis) YIELD (Bond calculations) If you get an error while calculating IRR, enter an estimated value into RATE(I/Y) and calculate again. Display error (Error 6): An...
Page 79
78 Calculation ranges of functions Within the ranges speci ed, this calculator is accurate to within ±1 of the least signi cant digit of the mantissa. However, a calculation error increases in continuous calculations due to accumulation of each calculation error. (This is the same for nancial calculations, scienti c calculations [y x, x, ex, ln, n!, etc.], where continuous calculations are performed internally.) Additionally, a calculation error will accumulate and become larger in the vicinity...
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79 Function Calculation range x y y > 0: –10 100 < 1 — x log y < 100 (x ≠ 0) y = 0: 0 < x < 10100 y < 0: x = 2n – 1 (0 < | x | < 1: 1 — x = n, x ≠ 0),* –10 100 < 1 — x log | y | < 100 ex –10 100 < x ≤ 230.2585092 10x –10 100 < x < 100 sinh x , cosh x , tanh x| x | ≤ 230.2585092 sinh –1 x | x | < 1050 cosh–1 x 1 ≤ x < 1050 tanh–1 x | x | < 1 x 2| x | < 1050 x 0 ≤ x < 10100 1/x | x | < 10 100 (x ≠ 0) n! 0 ≤ n ≤ 69* nPr0 ≤ r ≤ n ≤ 9,999,999,999* n! —...