Samsung UE 46D6540 User Manual
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English - 11 ¦Ava\flable dev\fces: d\o\fg\ftal aud\fo system, \oampl\ffier, home theatre Us\fng an Opt\fcal (D\o\fg\ftal) or a Headpho\one Connect\fon ✎DIGITA\b AUDIO OUT (OPTICA\b) xWhen a digital audio system is connected to the DIGITA\b AUDIO OUT (OPTICA\b) jack, decrease the volume o\f both the TV and the system\b x5\b1 CH (channel) audio is available when the TV is connected to an external device supporting 5\b1 CH\b xWhen the receiver (home theatre) is set to on, you can hear sound output \from the TV’s optical jack\b When the TV is receiving a DTV signal, the TV will send 5\b1 CH sound to the home theatre receiver\b When the source is a digital component such as a DVD / Blu-ray player / cable box / STB (Set-Top- Box) satellite receiver and is connected to the TV via HDMI, only 2 CH audio will be heard \from the home theatre receiver\b I\f you want to hear 5\b1 CH audio, connect the digital audio out jack \from your DVD / Blu-ray player / cable box / STB satellite receiver directly to an ampli\fier or home theatre\b ✎Headphones H: You can connect your headphones to the headphones output on your set\b While the headphones are connected, the sound \from the built-in speakers will be disabled\b xSound \function may be restricted when connecting headphones to the TV\b xHeadphone volume and TV volume are adjusted separately\b OPTICAL Aud\fo connect\fon Headphones connect\fo\on [UD6500-XU]BN68-03776F-00Eng.indb 112011-05-09 오후 3:06:45

English - 12 \bonnecting to a \bOM\hMON \fNTERFA\bE slot Attach\fng the CI Ca\ord Adapter Attach the adapter \yas shown below\b To connect the CI C\yARD Adapter, \follow these step\ys\b ✎We recommend attaching the adapter be\fore installing the wall mount, or inserting the “CI or CI+ CARD\b” 1. Insert the CI CARD\y Adapter into the t\ywo holes on the pr oduct 1\b ✎Please \find a two holes on the rear o\f the TV\b A two holes is beside the COMMON INTERFACE port\b 2. Connect the CI CAR\yD Adapter into the \y COMMON INTERFACE port on the product 2\b 3. Insert the “CI or \yCI+ CARD”\b We recommand that you i\ynsert the CI card be\fore you mount the TV \yon a wall\b It may be di\fficult to insert a\ft\yer the mounting\b Insert the card a\fter attaching t\yhe CI CARD Adapter, on TV\b It is di\fficult to attach th\ye module i\f you inse\yrt the card be\fore attaching\b Us\fng the “CI or CI\o+ CARD” To watch paid channe\yls, the “CI or CI+\y CARD” must be ins\yerted\b •I\f you don’t insert the “CI o\yr CI+ CARD,” some \ychannels will displ\yay the message “Scramb\yled Signal”\b •The pairing in\forma\ytion containing a \ytelephone number, the “CI or CI+ CARD” ID the Host \yID and other in\form\yation will be displ\yayed in about 2~3 minutes\b I\f an \yerror message is displ\yayed, please contac\yt your service provider\b •When the configurat\yion o\f channel in\fo\yrmation has finishe\yd, the message “Updating C\yompleted” is displa\yyed, indicating the \ychannel list is updated\b ✎NOTE xYou must obtain a “CI or CI+ CARD” \from a local cable service provider\b xWhen removing the “CI or CI+ CARD”, care\fully pull it out with your hands since dropping the “CI or CI+ CARD” may cause damage to it\b xInsert the “CI or CI+ CARD” in the direction marked on the card\b xThe location o\f the COMMON INTERFACE slot may be di\f\ferent depending on the model\b x“CI or CI+ CARD” is not supported in some countries and regions; check with your authorized dealer\b xI\f you have any problems, please contact a service provider\b xInsert the “CI or CI+ CARD” that supports the current antenna settings\b The screen will be distorted or will not be seen\b TV Rear [UD6500-XU]BN68-03776F-00Eng.indb 122011-05-09 오후 3:06:47

English - 13 Network \bonnection You can connect your\y TV to your LAN thr\yough a standard wireless router or modem\b You can use a wireless network to use the\y Samsung Wireless LAN Adapter w\yhere is built-in the \yTV\b Network Connect\fon -\o W\freless You can connect your\y TV to your LAN thr\yough a standard wireless router or modem\b Samsung’s Wireless LAN adapter s\yupports the IEEE 8\y02\b11a/b/g and n co\ymmunication protocols\b Samsung recommends using IEE\yE 802\b11n\b When you \yplay the video over\y a IEEE 802\b11b/g c\yonnection, the vide\yo may not play smoothly\b Most wireless network syste\yms incorporate a s\yecurity system that\y requires devices that acc\yess the network through an access poi\ynt or wireless router (typically a \ywireless IP Sharer) to transmit an\y encrypted security \ycode called an access ke\yy\b I\f Pure High-throughput (Greenfield) 802\b11n mo\yde is selected and t\yhe Encryption type \yis set to WEP, TKIP or TKIP AES (WPS2Mixed)\y \for your wireless router, Samsung TVs will \ynot support a conn\yection in complian\yce with new Wi-Fi certification s\ypecifications\b Network Connect\fon -\o W\fred There are two main ways to \yconnect your TV to \yyour network using \ycable, depending on\y your network setup\y\b They are illustrated below\y: ✎It is not supported when the network speed is under 10 Mbps\b The Modem Port on t\yhe WallTV Rear Panel LAN Cable Modem Cable External Modem (ADSL / VDSL / Cabl\ye TV) The LAN Port on th\ye Wall TV Rear Panel LAN Cable The LAN Port on the Wall LAN CableWireless IP sharer (router having DHCP \yserver) TV [UD6500-XU]BN68-03776F-00Eng.indb 132011-05-09 오후 3:06:48

English - 14 How to use the e-M\ anual Screen D\fsplay Us\fng the Help Display the e-Manua\yl Guide & the Product Guide by pressing Help\b The e-Manual guide \yappears as above\b The product guide appears\y as above\b How to toggle betwee\on the e-Manual and\o the correspond\fng menu(s). ✎This \function is not enabled in some menus\b E-MANUALYou can read the introduction and instru\yctions about the T\yV \features stored in your TV\b OMENUm → Support → e-Manual → ENTERE ✎I\f you want to return to e-Manual, press E-MANUA\b button on remote\b ✎You can’t use the Try Now \function, i\f the menu is not activated\b Basic Features Changing the Preset Picture Mode Adjusting Picture Settings Changing the Picture Size Changing the Picture Options Setting up the TV with Your PC Index Help TV Screen: Displays the current input source screen\b Help : Displays the e-Manual Gu\fde or Product gu\fde \b Press ENTER E button\b Change the category\b Press l or r button to select category you want\b Displays the sub-menu list\b Press ENTER E button to select sub- menu you want\b Index : Displays index screen\b X : Exit the e-Manual\b Return Chang\fng the Preset P\fcture ModeYou can read the introduction and instru\yctions about the TV \features stored in your TV\b O MENU m → Support → e-Manual → ENTEREBasic FeaturesChanging the Preset Picture Mode Adjusting Picture Settings Changing the Picture Size Changing the Picture Options Setting up the TV with Your PC Index Help Return Sync media from multiple devices with AllShareAllShare™ syncs your digital devices so you can enjoy music, movies and photos from your PC, camera and mobile devices, on your larger TV screen. Connects you to multiple PCs, as well. Help Try NowHome Zoom Index Basic Features > Changing the Preset Picture Mode (5/10) Chang\fng the Preset P\fcture Mode O MENUm → P\fcture → P\fcture Mode → ENTERE ■P\fcture Mode tSelect your pre\ferred picture type\b • Dynam\fc: Suitable \for a br\yight room\b • Standard: Suitable \for a no\yrmal environment\b • Natural: Suitable \for reducing eye strain\b • Mov\fe: Suitable \for watc\yhing movies in a da\yrk room\b • Enterta\fn: Suitable \for watc\yhing movies and gam\yes\b N It is only availabl\ye when connecting \ya PC\b P\fcture P\fcture Mode Standard T\fnt (G/R) G 50 R 50 Colour 50 Sharpness 50 Br\fghtness 45 Contrast 100 Backl\fght 14 E-MANUAL Try Now [UD6500-XU]BN68-03776F-00Eng.indb 142011-05-09 오후 3:06:56

English - 15 Method 1Method 2 1. During watching th\ye e-Manual, move t\yhe cursor to select Try Now, when you want to \yexecute the corresponding menu(s)\b 2. To return to the e-Manual \yscreen, press the E-MANUA\b button\b 1. Press the ENTER E button when selec\yting Contents Area\b The “Are you sure?” is displayed\b Select Yes and then press the ENTER E button\b The OSD win\ydow will be displaye\yd\b 2. To return to the e-Manual \yscreen, press the E-MANUA\b button\b V\few\fng the Contents Us\fng the Zoom mode When you view the e\y-Manual instructio\yn, select the Zoom to magni\fy the scr\yeen\b You can scroll through the magnified screen by using the u or d buttons\b ✎To return to the previous screen, press the RETURN button\b How to search a keyword by us\fng \fndex pa\oge ✎This \function may not supported depending on the language\b 1. I\f you want to sear\y ch a keyword, select Index\b 2. Pr ess the l or r button to select \ya character order you want, and th\yen press the ENTERE button\b 3. Pr ess the u or d button to select \ya keyword you want to see, \yand then press the ENTERE button\b 4. Y ou can view the co\yrresponding e-Manual \yinstruction screen\b ✎To close the Index screen, press the RETURN button\b Basic Features > Changing the Preset Picture Mode (5/10) Help Try Now Home Zoom Index Chang\fng the Pr eset P\fcture Mode OMENUm → P\fcture → P\fcture Mode → ENTERE ■P\fcture Mode tSelect your pre\ferred picture type\b • Dynam\fc : Suitable \for a br\yight room\b • Standar d: Suitable \for a no\yrmal environment\b • Natural : Suitable \for reducing eye strain\b • Mov\fe : Suitable \for watc\yhing movies in a da\yrk room\b • Enterta\fn : Suitable \for watc\yhing movies and gam\yes\b NIt is only availabl\ye when connecting \ya PC\b Try Now : Displays the corresponding menu(s)\b Home : Moves to the e-Manual home screen\b Zoom : Magnifies a screen\b Index : Displays index screen\b Contents Area: You can view the corresponding contents, i\f you selected a sub-menu\b To move previous or next page, press the l or r button\b Return Chang\fng the Pr eset P\fcture Mode OMENUm → P\fcture → P\fcture Mode → ENTERE ■P\fcture Mode tSelect your pre\ferred picture type\b • Dynam\fc : Suitable \for a br\yight room\b • Standar d: Suitable \for a no\yrmal environment\b • Natural : Suitable \for reducing eye strain\b • Mov\fe : Suitable \for watc\yhing movies in a da\yrk room\b • Enterta\fn : Suitable \for watc\yhing movies and gam\yes\b NIt is only availabl\ye when connecting \ya PC\b [UD6500-XU]BN68-03776F-00Eng.indb 152011-05-09 오후 3:06:58

English - 16 \fnstalling the Wall Mount Install\fng the Wall Mount K\ft The wall mount kit\y (sold separately) \yallows you to mount\y the TV on the wal\yl\b For detailed in\format\yion on installing \ythe wall mount, se\ye the instructions\y provided with the wal\yl mount\b Contact a \y technician \for assi\ystance when instal\yling the wall moun\yt bracket\b Samsung Electronics is not responsible \for any \ydamage to the product or injury to \yyoursel\f or others \yi\f you elect to install the TV \yon your own\b Prepar\fng before \fnstall\fng Wall-Mount Case A. Install\fng \othe SAMSUNG Wall-Mount Case B. Install\fng \oanother company’s Wall-Mount To install a wall-m\yount, use the Holde\yr-Ring 1\b 11 [UD6500-XU]BN68-03776F-00Eng.indb 162011-05-09 오후 3:06:59

English - 17 Wall Mount K\ft Spec\ffi\ocat\fons (VESA) Install your wall m\yount on a solid wal\yl perpendicular to \ythe floor\b When attaching to\y other building mat\yerials, please contact your\y nearest dealer\b I\f installed on a \yceiling or slanted \ywall, it may \fall a\ynd result in severe personal injury\b ✎NOTE xStandard dimensions \for wall mount kits are shown in the table below\b xWhen purchasing our wall mount kit, a detailed installation manual and all parts necessary \for assembly are provided\b xDo not use screws that do not comply with the VESA standard screw speci\fications\b xDo not use screws that are longer than the standard dimension or do not comply with the VESA standard screw specifications\b Sc\yrews that are too long may caus\ye damage to the ins\yide o\f the TV set\b xFor wall mounts that do not comply with the VESA standard screw speci\fications, the length o\f the screws may di\f\fer depending on the \ywall mount specific\yations\b xDo not \fasten the screws that are too strongly; this may damage the product or cause the product to \fall, leading to personal injury\b \ySamsung is not liab\yle \for these kinds \yo\f accidents\b xSamsung is not liable \for product damage or personal injury when a non-VESA or non-speci\fied wall mount is used or the consumer \fail\ys to \follow the product installation \yinstructions\b xOur 55” model do not comply with VESA Speci\fications\b There\fore, you should use our dedicated wall mount kit \for this model\b xDo not mount the TV at more than a 15 degree tilt\b Product Family inches VESA Spec\b (A * B) Standard Screw QuantityLED-TV 19~22 75 X 75 M4 4 23~27 200 X 100 32~40 200 X 200 M8 46~60 400 X 400 65~75 600 X 400 Do not install your\y Wall Mount Kit whil\ye your TV is turned on\b It may result in personal \yinjury due to electric sho\yck\b [UD6500-XU]BN68-03776F-00Eng.indb 172011-05-09 오후 3:06:59

English - 18 Troubleshooting I\f you have any ques\ytions about the TV\y, first re\fer to this list\b \yI\f none o\f these tr\youbleshooting tips\y apply, please visit “www\bsamsung\bcom”, then\y click on Support, \yor contact the cal\yl centre listed on the bac\yk-cover o\f this manual\b IssuesSolut\fons and Explan\oat\fons The TV won’t turn on\b • M ake sure the AC power cord is securely plugged in to the wall outlet and the TV\b • M ake sure the wall outlet is working\b • T ry pressing the POWER button on the TV to make sure the problem is not the remote\b I\f the TV turns on, re\fer to “Remote control does not work” below\b There is no picture/video\b • C heck cable connections (remove and reconnect all cables connected to the TV and external devices)\b • S et your external device’s (Cable/Sat Box, DVD, Blu-ray etc) video outputs to match the connections to the TV input\b For example, i\f an external device’s output is HDMI, it should be connected to an HDMI input on the TV\b • M ake sure your connected devices are powered on\b • B e sure to select the TV’s correct source by pressing the SOURCE button on the remote control\b • R eboot the connected device by reconnecting the device’s power cable\b The remote control does not work\b • R eplace the remote control batteries with the poles (+/–) in the right direction\b • C lean the sensor’s transmission window on the remote\b • T ry pointing the remote directly at the TV \from 5~6 \feet away\b The cable/set top box remote control doesn’t turn the TV on or o\f\f, or adjust the volume\b • P rogramme the Cable/Set remote control to operate the TV\b Re\fer to the Cable/Set user manual \for the SAMSUNG TV code\b ✎This TFT LED panel uses a panel consisting o\f sub pixels which require sophisticated technology to produce\b However, there may be a \few bright or dark pixels on the screen\b These pixels will have no impact on the per\formance o\f the product\b ✎You can keep your TV as optimum condition to upgrade the latest \firmware on web site (samsung\bcom → Support → Downloads) by USB\b Licence [UD6500-XU]BN68-03776F-00Eng.indb 182011-05-09 오후 3:07:00

English - 19 List of Features Excellent Digital \yInter\face & Network\ying: With a built-in HD \ydigital tuner, nonsubscription \yHD broadcasts can be viewed without a ca\yble box / STB (Set-\yTop-Box) satellite \yreceiver\b 3D This exciting new \y\feature enables you to vi\yew 3D content\b SMART HUB The Gateway to all \ycontent integrated \yin one place •It’s all integrated to\y guide you to easie\yr and diverse enter\ytainment choices\b •Control your entertainme\ynt li\fe with easy a\ynd simple user \frie\yndly UI\b •Access to diverse A\ypps that are adding up every da\yy\b •Customize your TV, by App grouping & sorting t\yo your taste\b AllShare™ AllShare™ connects your TV\y and compatible Sam\ysung mobile phones\y/devices through a network\b Anynet+(HDMI-CEC) Allows you to contr\yol all connected Sa\ymsung devices that \ysupport anynet+ wit\yh your Samsung TV’s remote\b Storage and Mainte\hnance ✎I\f you attached some stickers on the TV screen, it remains some debris a\fter removing the sticker\b Please clean it to watch TV\b Do not spray water \yor a cleaning agen\yt directly onto the product\b Any liquid th\yat goes into the p\yroduct may cause a \failure, fire, or electric sho\yck\b Clean the product with a so\ft c\yloth dapped in a sm\yall amount o\f water\b [UD6500-XU]BN68-03776F-00Eng.indb 192011-05-09 오후 3:07:00

English - 20 Securing the TV to \hthe wall Caut\fon: Pulling, pushing\y, or climbing onto\y the TV may cause t\yhe TV to \fall\b In p\yarticular, ensure that your children do not hang over\y or destabilize the\y TV; doing so may caus\ye the TV to tip ov\yer, resulting in seriou\ys injuries or death\y\b Follow all sa\fety p\yrecautions provided in the inclu\yded Sa\fety Flyer\b For added stability \yand sa\fety, install \ythe anti-\fall devic\ye as \follows\b To Avo\fd the TV from Fall\fng 1. Put the scr ews into the clamp\ys and firmly \fasten t\yhem onto the wall\b \y Confirm that the sc\yrews have been firml\yy installed onto th\ye wall\b ✎You may need additional material such as an anchor depending on the type o\f wall\b ✎Since the necessary clamps, screws, and string are not supplied, please purchase these additionally\b 2. Remove the scr ews \from the back centre o\f the TV, put the screws into the clamps, and the\yn \fasten the screws onto the TV ag\yain\b ✎Screws may not be supplied with the product\b In this case, please purchase the screws o\f the \following speci\fications\b ✎Screw Speci\fications xFor a 19 ~ 27 inch: M4 xFor a 32 ~ 75 inch:\y M8 3. Connect the clamps\y fixed onto the TV a\ynd the clamps fixed \yonto the wall with a str ong cable and then \ytie the string tig\yhtly\b ✎NOTE xInstall the TV near to the wall so that it does not \fall backwards\b xIt is sa\fe to connect the string so that the clamps \fixed on the wall are equal to or lower than the clamps \fixed on the TV\b xUntie the string be\fore moving the TV\b 4. V eri\fy all connectio\yns are properly secured\b Periodically che\yck connections \for \yany sign o\f \fatigue \y\for \failure\b I\f you have any doubt a\ybout the security o\y\f your connections,\y contact a pro\fessional installe\yr\b Wall [UD6500-XU]BN68-03776F-00Eng.indb 202011-05-09 오후 3:07:00