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Samsung Television UNES7150 User Manual

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Page 361

of the screen. You can select - in 
addition to Recommended -  New 
Releases , Top 20 Movies, Top 20 TV 
Shows , and From Friends.
To select a movie, highlight it, and 
then press the 
E button on the 
remote. The movie's Data screen 
appears. On this screen you can view 
Basic Information, Director /Cast, 
Photos, Awards, and  Related Movies.
To watch the movie, select Wa t c h . A  

Page 362

list of online vendors that have the 
movie available for rent or purchase 
appears. Renting usually means you 
can stream the movie for a certain 
number of hours or days.
NTo go to a vendor's web site, 
you must have that vendor's app 
installed in  Smart Hub. To install 
apps, access Samsung Apps on 
the main Smart Hub  screen.
You can search for a particular  

Page 363

movie. To search, select { with your 
remote. The Search Entry screen and 
a keyboard appear.
Enter the name of the movie into 
the Search field. As you enter 
characters, the Search function will 
display suggestions below. You can 
either continue entering characters, 
or, if your movie appears, move the 
highlight down and select it. The 
movie's Data screen appears (See  

Page 364

Steps 5 and 6).
NIf you are entering using a 
keyboard, you can either press 
Enter or you can move the 
highlight down using the down 
arrow key.
Using the Function and Colored Buttons 
on the Search Tab
●a  Login / 
To log in to your Smart Hub account 
or log out. 

Page 365

●{  Search
To search for movies or videos (Steps 
7 and 8 on the previous page).
●T  My Page
Displays your My Video Bookmarks, 
Likes/Shares (if you have a Facebook 
or Twitter account registered in 
Smart Hub), and lets you establish 
certain Preferences .
●R  Return
Return to the previous menu. 

Page 366

Using Function and Colored Buttons on 
a Movie's Data Page
●a  Login / 
To log in to your Smart Hub account 
or log out.
●b  Bookmark
 / Unbookmark
To bookmark a movie or video or 
to remove the bookmark. When you 
bookmark, Bookmark appears on the 
left side of the screen. Bookmarked  

Page 367

movies or videos are listed on My 
●{  Search
To search for movies or videos (Steps 
7 and 8 above).
●}  Home
To go to the My Video Home screen.
●T  My Page
Displays your My Video Bookmarks, 
Likes/Shares (if you have a Facebook 
or Twitter account registered in  

Page 368

Smart Hub), and lets you establish 
certain Preferences.
●R  Return
Return to the previous page or menu.
Using the Your Video Genre Tab When you start Your Video, the Your 
Video screen displays the Search tab. 
You can also display the Genres  tab 
which sorts movies and videos by 

Page 369

On  the  Your Video Search tab, move 
the highlight to the bottom of the 
screen, and then select Genres . The 
Genres  tab appears.
On  the  Genres tab, select either 
Movies  or TV Show on the left side 
of the screen
On the right side of the screen, 
select the genre (Action/adventure, 
Animated, etc.). Your Video displays 
the Genre Movie or TV Show List  

Page 370

screen with the movies or TV shows 
in the genre you selected.
Highlight a movie or TV show and 
then select it. The Data screen for 
that movie or TV show appears.
Using the Function and Colored Buttons 
on a Genre Movie or TV Show List 
●a  Login / 
To log in to your Smart Hub account  
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