Samsung Television UN55D7000 Specifications
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Use to communicate FPTV 3D Features Finally, entertainment and communication go hand in hand. The future of TV connectivity is calling, and the 55-inch Samsung UN55D7000 LED TV is the answer – with the power of WiFi and Skype built right into the set. Making video calls in real time is a breeze, and both audio and video quality are crystal-clear. Samsung widens your view of what a TV can do, with advanced online connectivity known as Smart TV™ – enhanced web access and a wide range of apps. To top it all off, Samsung 3D technology immerses you in another world with a depth and clarity from 3D movies titles and TV programming that you have to see to believe. It’s all wrapped up in an ultra slim Samsung One Design .2" inch bezel, for a “more screen” appearance. PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS 55" LED HDTV • Samsung Smart TV \f • Exper\bence 3D exc\btem\tent on your TV • Samsung LED w\bth \tUltra Sl\bm bezel UN55D7000 55'' Class (54.6" Diagonal) LED HDTV with 1080p resolution. TV SPECIFICATIONS • Mega Dynam\bc Contras\tt Rat\bo 15,000,000:1 • Auto Mot\bon Plus 240H\tz w\bth Clear Mot\bon Ra\tte • Full HD 1080p resolu\tt\bon • One Des\bgn (0.2" b\tezel) • Exceeds ENERGY ST\tAR ® standards FEATURES • Samsung Smart TV\f - Smart Hub - Search All - Your V\bdeo - Samsung Apps - Web Browser • 3D • QWERTY Remote Control • M\bcro D\bmm\bng Technology • Skype \f on Samsung TV • Bu\blt-\bn W\bF\b • AllShare \f DLNA® network\bng • ConnectShare\f Mov\be • Ultra Clear Panel • W\bde Color Enhancer P\tlus • Eco Sensor • Sw\bvel stand CONNECTIONS • 4 HDMI® • Anynet+\f (HDMI-CEC) • 3 USB AUDIO • Dolby® D\bg\btal Plus • SRS TheaterSound® HD • 15W x 2 NET DIMENSIONS (WxHxD\f TV w\bthout stand: 48.8" x 28.1" x 1.\t2" TV w\bth stand: 48.8" x 31.1" x 12\t.2" UPC 036725235199

SPeCIFIC aTIONS Mega D\bnamic Contrast Rat io 15,000,000:1 Auto Mot ion Plus 24 0Hz w ith C lear Mot ion Rate: Samsung 24 0Hz technolog\f delive\bs even the fastest onsc\been mot ion w ith utte\bl\f lifelike cla\b it\f. Ful l HD 1080p resolut ion: E xpe\b ience a g\beate\b level of detail and cla\b it\f in the pictu\be than \fou eve\b thought possible. One Design: The One Design famil\f of LED T Vs takes stunning T V images \b ight to the ve\b\f edge w ith an amaz ing 0.2-inch f\bamed bo\bde\b that gives the appea\bance of “al l pictu\be.” E xceeds ENERGY STAR® standards: LED Ene\bg\f Eff icient , up to 50% less than the latest ENERGY STAR® specif icat ion depending on se\b ies and sc\been size in standa\bd mode. See w w w.ene\bg\fsta\ fo\b mo\be detai ls. Fea TUR eS Samsung Smart T V ™: An exclusive se\b v ice that tu\bns \fou\b T V into a web-enabled gatewa\f whe\be \fou can inte\bact , watch, pla\f and sha\be w ith f\b iends. 3D: See how 3D HD movies and spo\bts come alive with a t\bue sense of depth and action that leaps f\bom the sc\been. Connect to a Samsung Blu-\ba\f TM 3D Pla\fe\b to pla\f 3D titles o\b intensif\f \fou\b viewing expe\bience b\f upconve\bting \begula\b 2D content to imme\bsive 3D. * * Full 3D expe\bience \bequi\bes 3D-native content; conventional 2D content can also be upconve\bted to nea\b-3D image qualit\f. QWERT Y Remote Control Micro Dimming : Advanced pictu\be cont\bast technolog\f cont\bols and enhances LED sc\been b\b ightness, fo\b even white\b whites and deepe\b blacks. Sk\bpe™on Samsung T V: Enjo\f the convenience and connect iv it\f of f\bee, IP-based, pictu\be-in- pictu\be v ideo cal ls v ia Sk\fpe™ \b ight f\bom \fou\b couch: View it al l lifesize on \fou\b Samsung T V. Built-in WiFi Al lShare™ DLNA® network ing: Feed content f\bom othe\b digital dev ices to \fou\b T V fo\b \fou to enjo\f on sc\been. ConnectShare™ Movie: Connect a thumb d\bive o\b digital came\ba quickl\f and easil\f. Use\b - f\b iend l\f inte\bface al lows access to v ideos, a music pla\flist and pictu\bes v ia the \bemote. U ltra C lear Panel: Advanced technolog\f lets \fou enjo\f c\b isp image details, natu\bal sk in tones, excel lent shadow detail and v ib\bant colo\bs. Wide Color Enhancer Plus: Delive\bs the ent i\be spect\bum of colo\b and luminance fo\b \b ich, satu\bated images w ith intense detail. Sw ivel stand C ONN eCTIONS 4 HDMI® – ve\bsion 1.4 3 USB – ve\bsion 2.0 PC input: 1 (back) Stand-b\b power consumpt ion < 1 watt Component Video input : 1 (back) Composite Video inputs: 2 (1 sha\bed w ith Component) aUDIO Dolb\b® Digital Plus SRS TheaterSound® HD: Get c\b isp, clea\b digital-qualit\f sound v ia advanced SRS technolog\f. 15 watts x 2 audio power stereo broadcast recept ion: Suppo\bts mult i-channel sound (MTS) and second audio p\bog\bam (SAP) w ith 181-channel capacit\f. Component Audio inputs: 2 (back) Digital Audio input: 1 (back) PC Audio input: 1 (back) N eT DI meNSIONS & we IGHT (w xH xD ) T V w ithout stand: 48.8" x 28.1" x 1.\l2" T V w ithout stand weight: 35.5 lbs T V w ith stand: 48.8" x 31.1" x 1\l2.2" T V w ith stand weight: 41.0 lbs SHIPPING DI meNSIONS & we IGHT (w xH xD ) Dimensions: 60.6" x 33.7" x 6.\l9" Weight: 54.5 lbs wa RRaNT y 1-\fea\b pa\bts and 1-\fea\b labo\b wa\b\bant\f (90-da\fs pa\bts and labo\b fo\b comme\bcial use), w ith in-home se\b v ice, backed b\f Samsung tol l-f\bee suppo\bt . ORD eR COD e UN55D7000LF X Z A UPC 036725235199 ©2011 Samsung E lect\bonics Ame\b ica, Inc. All \b ights \bese\bved. Samsung is a \begiste\bed t\badema\bk of Samsung E lect\bonics Co., Ltd. Design and spec if icat ions a\be subject to change w ithout not ice. Non-met\b ic weight s and measu\bement s a\be app\box imate. HDMI , the HDMI logo and H igh-Def init ion Mult imedia Inte\bface a\be t\badema\bks o\b \begiste\bed t\badema\bks of HDMI Licensing LLC. ENERGY STAR is a \begiste\bed t\badema\bk of the U. S. Env i\bonmental P\botect ion Agenc\f. ConnectSha\be, Al lSha\be, Sma\bt T V, A n\fnet+ a\be t\badema\bks of Samsung E lect\bonics Co., Ltd. SRS T heate\bSound HD is a \begiste\bed t\badema\bk of SRS Labs, Inc. Al l othe\b p\boduct and b\band names a\be t\badema\bks o\b \begiste\bed t\badema\bks of thei\b \bespect ive owne\bs. Sc\been images a\be simulated. UN55D7000 55'' Class (54.6" Diagonal) LED HDTV with 1080p resolution .