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Samsung Television PNF5300 User Manual

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Page 131

●If	your	router,	modem,	or	device	is	not	certified,	it	may	not	connect	to	the	
TV	via	the	“Samsung	Wireless	LAN	Adapter”.
●Connection	Methods	:	You	can	setup	the	wireless	network	connection	in	
four	ways:
–Auto	Setup	(Using	the	Auto	Network	Search	function)
–Manual	Setup
–Wi-Fi Direct
●Ensure	the	TV	is	turned	off	before	you	connect	the	Samsung	Wireless	
LAN	Adapter.
●The	TV	may	not	recognize	the	Samsung	Wireless	LAN	Adapter	if	it	is	
connected	to	the	TV	using	a	USB	hub	or	USB...

Page 132

How to connect the Samsung Wireless LAN Adapter
You	can	connect	the	LAN	Adapter	in	one	of	two	ways:
1	 Connect	the	LAN	Adapter	using	the	USB	right	angle	adapter.
2 	 Connect	the	LAN	Adapter	via	the	USB	extension	cable.
◀ ▶ 

Page 133

NThe	picture	may	appear	corrupted	or	have	static	for	some	channels	when	the	TV	
is	connected	to	the	Samsung	Wireless	LAN	Adapter.	In	such	a	case,	connect	the	
Samsung	Wireless	LAN	Adapter	using	the	USB	extension	cable.	Put	the	Adapter	
in	a	place	where	it	does	not	affect	the	picture.
NThe	position	of	the	USB	port	may	differ	depending	on	the	model.
◀ ▶ 

Page 134

Network Status 
→  Network 
→ Network Status 
You	can	check	the	your	TV's	current	network	and	Internet	status.
Network Settings
→  Network 
→ Network Settings 
Set	the	network	connection	to	use	AllShare™.
NYou	can	only	use	the	Internet	to	share	content	via	AllShare™.

Page 135

Auto Network Setup 
Most	wireless	networks	have	an	optional	security	system	that	requires	devices	
that	access	the	network	to	transmit	an	encrypted	security	code	called	an	Access	
or	Security 	Key. 	The 	Security 	Key 	is 	based 	on 	a 	Pass 	Phrase, 	typically 	a 	word 	or 	a	
series	of	letters	and	numbers	of	a	specified	length	you	were	asked	to	enter	when	
you	set	up	wireless	security	for	your	wireless	network.	If	you	use	this	method	of	
setting	up	the	network	connection,	and	have	a	Security	Key...

Page 136

2.	 The	Network	function	searches	for	available	wireless	networks.	When	done,	it	displays	a	list	of	the	available	networks.
3.	 In	the	list	of	networks,	press	the	 ▲/▼	buttons	to	select	a	network,	and	then	
press	ENTER E	button.
NIf	the	wireless	router	is	set	to	Hidden	(Invisible),	you	have	to	select	Add 
Network,	and	then	enter	the	correct	network	name	and	Security	key	to	
establish	the	connection.
4.	 If	the	Enter	security	key	screen	appears,	go	to	step	5.	If	you	select	a	wireless	 router	that	does...

Page 137

5.	 Enter	the	security	key	using	▲/▼/◄/►	buttons,	and	then	select	Done.
NYou	can	also	enter	numbers	by	pressing	the	number	buttons.
NYou	should	be	able	to	find	the	Pass	Phrase	on	one	of	the	set	up	screens	
you	used	to	set	up	your	router	or	modem.
6.	 The	network	connection	screen	appears,	and	network	set	up	is	done.
NIf	the	Security	key	you	enter	fails,	select	Retry	or	IP Settings.
NIf	you	want	to	set	up	the	connection	manually,	select	IP Settings.	For	
detailed	manual	set	up	instructions,	refer...

Page 138

WPS(PBC) Wireless Setup
If	your	router	has	a	WPS(PBC)	button,	follow	these	steps.
1.	 In	the	TV's	menu,	go	to	the	Network Settings	screen.	
	( Network	
→	Network Settings)
2.	 The	Network	function	searches	for	available	wireless	networks.	When	done,	it	 displays	a	list	of	the	available	networks.
3.	 Scroll	through	the	list.	Find,	and	then	select	WPS(PBC).
4.	 Press	the	WPS(PBC)	button	on	your	router	within	2	minutes.	Your	TV	 automatically	acquires	all	the	network	setting	values	it	needs	and	connects...

Page 139

Manual Network Setup
Use	the	Manual	Network	Setup	when	connecting	your	TV	to	a	network	that	
requires	a	Static	IP	address.
NYou	can	get	the	network	connection	values	from	you	Internet	provider.
How to set up manually
To	set	up	your	TV’s	wireless	network	connection	manually,	follow	these	steps.
1.	 In	the	TV's	menu,	go	to	the	Network Settings	screen.	
	( Network	
→	Network Settings)
2.	 The	network	function	searches	for	available	wireless	networks.	When	done,	it	 displays	a	list	of	the	available...

Page 140

4. 	 If	the	Enter	security	key	screen	appears,	go	to	step	5.	If	you	select	a	wireless	router	that	does	not	have	wireless	security,	go	to	step	7.
5. 	 To	set	wireless	security	for	the	router,	enter	the	Security	Key.
–Enter	the	Security	Key	using	the	keyboard	pop-up	screen	and	your	
–You	should	be	able	to	find	the	Pass	Phrase	on	one	of	the	set	up	screens	
you	used	to	set	up	your	router.
6. 	 When	finished,	select	Done.	The	network	connection	screen	appears	and	the	 verification	process	starts....
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