Samsung Series 6 Owners Manual
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Page 121
▶◀▶ English ❑ Blo\fking \brograms OMENU m → System → Se\furity → ENTER E ■ Se\furity When you access th\fe Secu\fity functions\f fo\f the fi\fst time,\f the PIN input sc\feen appea\fs\b Ente\f a 4 d\figit PIN you will \f\femembe\f\b The PIN sc\feen closes and the \f Secu\fty Menu appea\fs\f\b Eve\fy time you ac\fcess the Secu\fity fu\fnctions, the PIN sc\feen will appea\f and\f you must ente\f tha\ft PIN\b ●\brogram Rating Lo\fk (O\iff / On): When tu\fned on, the \brogram Rating Lo\fk...
Page 122
◀▶ English ◀ TV Rating: You can block TV p\fog\fams based on the\fi\f \fatings\b This fun\fction allows you to cont\f\fol what you\f child\fen can watch\b TV Ra\fting displays a g\fi\fd with locks\b The fol\flowing catego\fies a\f\fe on the left side:\f –TV-Y: Young child\fen / TV-Y7: Child\fen 7 and ove\f / TV-G: Gene\fal audience / TV-\bG: Pa\fental guidance / TV-14: Viewe\fs 14 and ove\f /\f TV- MA: Matu\fe audience
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▶◀▶ English The following categ\fo\fies a\fe on top: –ALL: Lock all TV \fatin\fgs\b / FV: Fantasy violence\f / V: Violence / S: Sexual situation / L: Adult Language / \fD: Sexually Suggesti\fve Dialog NTo block ce\ftain con\ftent, you select a\f lock, and p\fess ENTER E (That is, you “click it”\f\b)\b Fo\f example, cli\fck the lock at the\f inte\fsection of V and TV-MA, and you block all\f p\fog\fams that a\fe \fated violent and \f fo\f matu\fe adults\b The locks\f a\fe also assigned to...
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◀▶ English ◀ NTo unblock a catego\f\fy, click the lock\b\f To unblock all the \fcatego\fies in a \fow, click the lock u\fnde\f ALL\b NTo watch a blocked p\f\fog\fam, you must ent\fe\f the Secu\fity code\f when \fequested\b Movie Rating (M\bAA): You can block movie\fs based on thei\f MP\fAA \fating\b The Motion Pictu\fe Association of Am\fe\fica (MPAA) has implemente\fd a \fating system that p\fovides pa\fents o\f gua\fdians with advanced \finfo\fmation on whic\fh films a\fe app\fop\fiate fo\f...
Page 125
▶◀▶ English Movie Rating displays a column \fwith locks and the \ffollowing \fatings catego\fies: –G: Gene\fal audience \f(no \fest\fictions)\b / \bG: Pa\fental guidance sugg\fested\b / \bG-13: Pa\fents st\fongly cautioned\b / \fR: Rest\ficted\b Child\fen unde\f 17 should be accompanied by an adult\b / NC-17: No child\fen unde\f age 17\b / X: Adults only\b / NR: Not \fated\b NTo block ce\ftain con\ftent, you select a\f lock, and p\fess ENTER E (That is, you “click it”\f\b)\b Fo\f example,...
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◀▶ English ◀ Canadian English Ra\iting: You can block TV p\fog\fams based on the\fi\f Anglophone Canadian\f \fating\b Canadian English Ra\iting displays a column \fwith locks and the \ffollowing \fatings catego\fies:\f –C: P\fog\famming intended f\fo\f child\fen unde\f age 8\b / C8+: P\fog\famming gene\fally conside\fed acceptable fo\f ch\fild\fen 8 yea\fs and ove\f \fto watch on thei\f own\b / G: Gene\fal p\fog\famming, suitable\f fo\f all audiences\b \f/ \bG: Pa\fental Guidance\b / 14+:...
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▶◀▶ English NTo block ce\ftain con\ftent, you select a\f lock, and p\fess ENTER E (That is, you “click it”\f\b)\b Fo\f example, cli\fck the 18+ lock and you block\f all TV p\fog\fams \fated 18+\b Th\fe \fating catego\fies\f a\fe also g\fouped so that clicking one categ\fo\fy blocks all the \fcatego\fies a pa\fent would block along with it\b Fo\f \fexample, if you blo\fck the G catego\fy, then \bG, 14+ and 18+ will automaticall\fy be blocked\b NTo unblock a catego\f\fy, click the lock\b\f
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◀▶ English ◀ Canadian Fren\fh Rating: You can block TV p\fog\fams based on the\fi\f F\fench Canadian \fating\b Canadian Fren\fh Rating displays a column \fwith locks and the \ffollowing \fatings catego\fies:\f –G: Gene\fal / 8 ans+: P\fog\famming gene\fally\f conside\fed acceptable fo\f child\fen 8 yea\fs and ove\f \fto watch on thei\f o\fwn\b / 13 ans+: P\fog\famming may not be suitabl\fe fo\f child\fen unde\f the age of \f13\b / 16 ans+: P\fog\famming is not su\fitable fo\f child\fen unde\f the...
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▶◀▶ English NTo block ce\ftain con\ftent, you select a\f lock, and p\fess ENTER E (That is, you “click it”\f\b)\b Fo\f example, cli\fck the 18 ans+ lock and you block\f all TV p\fog\fams \fated 18 ans+\b The \fating catego\f\fies a\fe also g\fouped so that clicking one \fcatego\fy blocks all\f the catego\fies a p\fa\fent would block along with it\b Fo\f \fexample, if you blo\fck the 8 ans+ cate\fgo\fy, then 13 ans+, 16 ans+ and 18 ans+ will automaticall\fy be blocked also\b NTo unblock a...
Page 130
◀▶ English ◀ NNOTE ●If info\fmation is no\ft downloaded f\fom the b\foadcasting station,\f Downloadable U.S. R\iating menu is deactivate\fd\b ●Pa\fental \fest\fiction info\fmati\fon is automaticall\fy downloaded while y\fou watch DTV channels\f\b It may take seve\f\fal seconds\b ●The Downloadable U.S. R\iating menu is available\f fo\f use afte\f info\fmation is downl\foaded f\fom the b\foadcasting station\b\f Howeve\f, depending on the in\ffo\fmation f\fom the b\foadcasting station,\f it may...