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Samsung Plasma TV UN51ES6500 User Manual

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Page 621

connected to your TV.
The picture is good but there is no sound. Set the Speaker Select option to  TV 
Speaker in the Sound  menu.
If you are using an external device, 
check the device’s audio output option. 
(Ex. You may need to change your 
cable box’s audio option to HDMI if 
you have the box connected to your TV 
using an HDMI cable.)
If you are using a DVI to HDMI cable, a  

Page 622

separate audio cable is required.
If your TV has a headphone jack, make 
sure there is nothing plugged into it.
If the TV is connected to an external 
device, reboot the connected device by 
disconnecting, and then reconnecting 
the device’s power cable.
The speakers are making an inappropriate 
noise. Check cable connections. Make sure 
a video cable is not connected to an  

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audio input.
For antenna or cable connections, check 
the signal information. A low signal 
level may cause sound distortion.
Perform a Sound Test. ( Support 
→ Self 
Diagnosis  → Sound Test) 

Page 624

RF (Cable / Antenna) Connection (Troubleshooting)
The TV is not receiving all channels.Make sure the coaxial cable is 
connected securely.
Run  Auto Program to add available 
channels to the channel list. Go to 
Channel  → Auto Program then select 
Cable and make sure to select the 
correct Cable TV signal type. There are 
3 options, STD, HRC and  IRC. Most 
cable systems use STD. If you are  

Page 625

using an antenna, select Antenna or Air  
Verify the antenna is positioned 
No caption on digital channels. Check the Caption Setup menu. Try 
changing  Caption Mode Service1 to 
CC1 .
Some channels may not have caption 
The picture is distorted: macro block error,  

Page 626

small block, dots, pixelization.The compression of video contents 
may cause picture distortion, especially 
with fast moving pictures such as those 
in sports and action movies.
A weak signal can cause picture 
distortion. This is not a TV problem. 

Page 627

PC Connection (Troubleshooting)
A Mode Not Supported message appears.Set your PC’s output resolution so it 
matches a resolution supported by the 
T V.
The video is OK but there is no audio. If you are using an HDMI connection, 
check the audio output setting on your 

Page 628

Network Connection (Troubleshooting)
The wireless network connection failed.Make sure the TV is connected to a 
wireless IP router or modem.
Software Update over the network fails. Run  Network Status in the Network  
menu to confirm the connection.
If you already have the latest Software 
(SW) version, SW upgrade will stop. 

Page 629

Others (Troubleshooting)
Purple/green rolling horizontal bars and 
buzzing noise from the TV speakers with a 
Component cable connection.Remove the left and right audio 
connections from the Set-Top box. If 
the buzzing stops, this indicates that 
the Set-Top box has a grounding issue. 
Replace the Component video cables 
with an HDMI connection.
The picture won’t display in full screen. 

Page 630

HD channels will have black bars 
on either side of the screen when 
displaying upscaled SD (4:3) contents.
Black bars will appear on the top and 
bottom of the screen when you watch 
movies that have aspect ratios different 
from your TV.
Adjust the picture size options on your 
external device or the TV to full screen.
A Mode Not Supported message appears. Check the supported resolution of the  
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