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Samsung Plasma TV UN51ES6500 User Manual

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Page 381

prospective members, select 
Add member, and repeat Steps 4 
through 7.
When finished adding members, 
select Done. The Member Invitation 
Completed screen appears.
If invited by phone number, a 4-digit 
invite code will be generated. 
You need to share the code with 
the prospective member. If the 
prospective member will be notified  

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about the invitation via e-mail. Select 
OK to finish.
To join a group using the received invite 
code, follow these steps:
Start  Family Story and accept the 
You will see a pop-up message 
asking about invitation type. If 
you were invited by phone number, 
please select  Invite Code. If you were 
invited by Samsung account, please  

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select Samsung Account.
If joining by  Samsung Account, a 
list of invitations from your family 
groups will be displayed. Select 
Accept  to join. You can select Deny 
if you don't want to join the inviting 
If joining by  Invite Code, first enter 
your phone number using your 
remote. When done, select Done. 
Then you will see a list of invitations  

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from your family groups. Select 
Accept to join. You can select Deny 
if you don't want to join the inviting 
group. Enter the 4-digit invite code 
shared by your family member, and 
then select Done to finish.
Select  OK. The process is complete.
Creating an Album You can upload pictures from a USB 
device and create a picture album  

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which other group members can view 
and add to.
To create a picture album, follow these 
Attach a USB device to your TV 
containing the pictures you want to 
upload to the picture album.
Log into your Smart Hub account, 
and then start Family Story .
Highlight and select the "create 
album" display on the left side of  

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the Family Story screen or select b 
using your remote. The Create  screen 
Highlight and select Add on the 
Album  tab. The File Browser screen 
Highlight and select the USB device. 
The device opens, displaying either 
folders or picture files.
If picture files are displayed, 
highlight and select each file you  

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want to upload. A check appears on 
each file.
If folders are displayed, highlight and 
select the folder that contains the 
pictures you want to upload. Then, 
select each file you want to upload. 
A check appears on each file.
NYour can highlight and select the 
Select All  button on the right side 
if you want to select all displayed 

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When finished, highlight and select 
the OK button on the right side. The 
Create  screen re-appears displaying 
some or all the photos you want to 
NTo delete a photo from the 
upload queue, select  T Tools. 
In the Tools menu, select Delete 
Photos. Either highlight and select 
individual photos or select Delete 
All . When done, select the Delete   

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button on the bottom of the page. 
A pop-up appears asking whether 
you want to delete the photos. 
Select Ye s.
Highlight and select the  Done button 
on the bottom of the screen. The 
photos are uploaded, and then the 
Story of the Day  screen appears, 
displaying the photos.
R Return
. The Cover Story 
(Main Family Story) screen appears  

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displaying the photos. 
NThe Cover Story screen runs a 
continuous slide show of photos 
you uploaded. It also displays 
some of the photos on a "shelf" 
below the slide show area.
Deleting a Picture To delete a picture, follow these steps:1.  
On  the  Cover Story screen, highlight 
and select the strip of photos on the  
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