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Samsung Plasma TV UN51ES6500 User Manual

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Page 271

If you feel eye strain, stop viewing 
3D TV, remove your 3D Active 
Glasses, and rest.
Œ A responsible adult should frequently 
check on children who are using the 
3D function. If there are any reports 
of tired eyes, headaches, dizziness, or 
nausea, have the child stop viewing 
3D TV and rest.
Œ Do not use the 3D Active Glasses 
for other purposes (such as general  

Page 272

eyeglasses, sunglasses, protective 
goggles, etc.)
Œ Do not use the 3D function or 3D 
Active Glasses while walking or 
moving around. If you use the 3D 
function or 3D Active Glasses while 
walking or moving around you 
can injure yourself by running into 
objects, tripping, or falling.
●3D Mode 

Page 273

Select the 3D input format.
NIf you want to experience the 3D 
effect fully, put the 3D Active Glasses 
on first, and then select the 3D Mode  
from the list below that provides the 
best 3D viewing experience.
Of f
Of f: Turns the 3D function off.
: Changes a 2D image to 3D.
: Displays two images next to each 
: Displays one image above another. 

Page 274

NThe 3D Mode  may differ depending 
on the input signal.
NSome file formats may not support 
●3D Perspective
Adjusts the overall 3D perspective of 
the on-screen image.
Adjusts the overall depth.
●L/R Change 

Page 275

Swaps the left and right pictures.
●3D Optimize   for LED TV 
Automatically adjusts the picture 
overall to provide an optimal 3D effect.
3D - Supported resolutions (16:9 only) HDMI
3D Format ResolutionFrequency (Hz)
1280 x 720p 59.94 / 60 Hz
1920 x 1080i 59.94 / 60 Hz
1920 x 1080p 23.98 / 24 / 29.97 / 
30 / 59.94 / 60 Hz
Frame Packing 1280 x 720p
59.94 / 60 Hz
1920 x 1080i 59.94 / 60 Hz
1920 x 1080p 23.98 / 24 / 29.97 / 30 Hz 

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ResolutionFrequency (Hz)
1280 x 720p 59.94 / 60 Hz
1920 x 1080i 59.94 / 60 Hz
1920 x 1080p 23.98 / 24 / 29.97 / 30 / 59.94 / 60 Hz
Resolution Frequency (Hz)
1280 x 720p 59.94 / 60 Hz
1920 x 1080i 59.94 / 60 Hz
Videos / Photos (In  AllShare Play )
NRefer to "Supported Subtitle and 
AllShare Play  file formats" in the 
Other Information section. 

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How to watch the 3D imagesSome 3D modes may not be available 
depending on the format of the image 
To watch in 3D, you must wear 3D 
Active Glasses and turn the glasses on 
by pressing the power button.
Go to the 3D screen. ( Picture 
→ 3D)
Select  the  3D Mode. The 3D Mode  
screen appears.
Select  the  3D Mode option for the  

Page 278

image you want to view. The screen 
goes blank for a moment, and then 
reappears in the 3D mode you 
NYou can also access the 3D mode 
by pressing the  X button on your 
Read These Notes Before Using the 3D 
Œ The 3D Mode
 is set to Off  

Page 279

automatically when you access 
Smart Hub function.
Œ The 3D Mode
 is set to its memorized 
configuration value automatically 
when you change the input source.
Œ Some Picture functions are disabled 
in 3D mode.
 is not supported in  3D mode.
Œ 3D Active Glasses from Samsung’s 
previous IR type 3D products and 3D 
glass from other manufacturers are  

Page 280

not supported.
Œ When the TV is initially powered on, 
it may take some time until the 3D 
display is optimized.
Œ The 3D Active Glasses may not work 
properly if there is any other 3D 
product or electronic devices turned 
on near the glasses or TV. If there 
is a problem, keep other electronic 
devices as far away as possible from 
the 3D Active Glasses. 
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