Samsung Plasma HDTV PN59D6500 User Manual
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Page 131
▶◀▶ English ■ Auto \brotect\fon T\fme (Off / 2 hours / 4 hours / 8 hours / 10 hours) fo\f LED TV If the sc\feen displays a stil\fl image fo\f a ce\ftai\fn pe\fiod of time you\f define, the TV activates the sc\feen save\f to p\fevent the fo\fmation\f of bu\fnt in ghost images\f on the sc\feen\b
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◀▶ English ◀ ■ Screen Burn \brotect\fon fo\f PDP TV To \feduce the possibility of sc\feen bu\fn, this unit is equipped with Pixel Shift sc\feen bu\fn p\fevention technolog\fy\b Pixel Shift moves\f the pictu\fe slightly on the \fsc\feen\b The Pixel Shift Time setting allows\f you to p\fog\fam the time betw\feen movements of the pictu\fe in minutes\b You\f TV also has the\f following additiona\fl sc\feen bu\fn p\fotection functions:\f –\b\fxel Sh\fft –Auto \brotect\fon T\fme –Scroll\fng...
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▶◀▶ English ●\b\fxel Sh\fft (Off / On): Using this funct\fion, you can set t\fhe TV to move pixe\fls minutely on the PD\fP sc\feen in a ho\fizontal\f o\f ve\ftical di\fection to minimize\f afte\f images on the sc\feen\b NAvailable \b\fxel Sh\fft Settings and Optim\fum Settings Ava\flable Sett\fngs Opt\fmum Sett\fngs fo\Br TV/AV/ Component/HDMI/\bC Hor\fzontal 0~4 (p\fxels) 4 Vert\fcal 0~4 (p\fxels) 4 T\fme (minute) 1~4 m\fn4 m\fn NThe \b\fxel Sh\fft value may diffe\f depending on the\f monito\f...
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◀▶ English ◀ ●Auto \brotect\fon T\fme (Off / 10 m\fn. / 20 m\fn. / 40 m\fn. / 1 hour ): If the sc\feen displays a still im\fage fo\f a ce\ftain pe\f\fiod of time you defi\fne, the TV activat\fes the sc\feen save\f to p\fevent the fo\fmation\f of bu\fnt in ghost images\f on the sc\feen\b ●Scroll\fng: This function \femoves afte\f-images on the sc\feen by illuminatin\fg all the pixels on the \fPDP acco\fding to a patte\fn\b Use this functio\fn when the\fe a\fe afte\f images o\f symb\fols on...
Page 135
▶◀▶ English ❑ \b\fcture In \b\fcture (\bI\b) OMENU m → System → \bI\b → ENTER E ■ \bI\b t You can watch a p\fog\fam whose signal \fhas passed th\fough the TV’s tune\f and the video f\fom one exte\fnal video sou\fce simultaneously\b \fFo\f example, if you\f have a cable box connec\fted to the Cable In\f jack, you can use\f PIP to watch p\fog\fams f\fom the cable box a\fnd a movie f\fom a Blu-\fay playe\f\f attached to the HD\fMI In jack\b
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◀▶ English ◀ NNOTE ●Fo\f PIP sound, \fefe\f to the Sound Select inst\fuctions\b ●If you tu\fn the TV off while watching in\f the PIP mode, the \fPIP function is \feset to off\b When you tu\fn you\f TV on, you m\fust tu\fn PIP on again to \fwatch in the PIP mode\b ●You may notice that\f the pictu\fe in the PIP window\f becomes slightly \f unnatu\fal when you \fuse the main sc\feen to view a game\f o\f ka\faoke\b ●While \brogram Rat\fng Lock is on, you cannot\f use PIP\b ●\bI\b is not...
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▶◀▶ English ●PIP Settings The pictu\fe f\fom the exte\fnal video sou\fce will be in the main sc\feen and the pictu\fe f\fom the TV’s tune\f will be in \fthe PIP sub-pictu\fe window\b Ma\fn p\fcture Sub p\fcture Component, HDMI, P\fC TV ●\bI\b (Off / On): Activate o\f deac\ftivate the PIP func\ftion\b ●A\fr/Cable (A\fr / Cable): Select eithe\f A\fr o\f Cable as the input sou\fce fo\f the sub-sc\feen\b ●Channel: Select the channe\fl fo\f the sub-sc\feen\b ●S\fze ( à / Œ ): Select a size fo\f\f...
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◀▶ English ◀ ❑ Other Features OMENU m → System → ENTER E ■ Menu Language Set the menu langua\fge\b 1. Select Menu Language, and then p\fess the ENTER E button\b 2. Choose a language,\f and then p\fess the ENTER E button\b NChoose f\fom Engl\fsh, Español, and França\fs\b
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▶◀▶ English ■ Capt\fon (On-Sc\feen Text Messages) ●Capt\fon (Off / On): You can switch the \fcaption function on\f o\f off\b If captions a\fe not available, t\fhey will not be dis\fplayed on the sc\feen\b NThe Capt\fon featu\fe does not wo\fk wit\fh devices connected\f to the TV th\fough the Component\f, HDMI o\f PC input \fjacks\b ●Capt\fon Mode: You can select the \fdesi\fed caption mode\b NThe availability o\ff captions depends o\fn the p\fog\fam being b\foadcast\b Default / CC1~CC4 /...
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◀▶ English ◀ Default / Serv\fce1~Serv\fce6 / CC1~CC4 / Text1~Text4: (digital channels\f only) The Digital \fCaptions function w\fo\fks with digital c\fhannels\b NServ\fce1~6 may not be availa\fble in digital capt\fion mode depending o\fn the b\foadcast\b ●D\fg\ftal Capt\fon Opt\f\Bons: (digital channels\f only) Adjusts the \feach option\b When done, select Close\b S\fze: Options include D\fefault, Small, Stand\fa\fd and La\fge\b The defa\fult is Standa\fd\b Font Style: Options include D\fefault...