Samsung Gear 2 Instruction Manual
Here you can view all the pages of manual Samsung Gear 2 Instruction Manual. The Samsung manuals for Watch are available online for free. You can easily download all the documents as PDF.
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1 Basics Instructional icons Warning: Situations that could cause injury to yourself or others. Caution: Situations that could cause damage to your device or other equipment. Notice: Notes, usage tips, or additional information.
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Basics2 Device layout Gear S2 Front Home/Power button Back button NFC antenna Bezel Light sensor Touchscreen Microphone (behind)
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Basics4 Buttons ButtonFunction Home/Power •P ress and hold to turn the Gear on or off. • P ress to turn on the screen. • P ress and hold for more than 7 seconds to restart the Gear. • P ress to open the Apps screen when you are on the Watch screen. •P ress to open the Watch screen when you are on any other screen. Back •P ress to return to the previous screen. Make sure the Gear’s microphone is not obstructed when you are speaking into it while charging. Do not allow children or animals to chew...
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Basics5 Wireless charger dock USB charger port LED indicator Wireless charging surface Make sure the Gear’s microphone is not obstructed when you are speaking into it while charging.
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Basics6 Battery Charging the battery Charge the battery before using it for the first time or when it sits unused for extended periods. Use only Samsung-approved chargers and accessories which are specifically designed for your device. 1 C onnect the USB cable to the USB power adaptor. Then, connect the other end of the USB cable to the wireless charger dock. Prevent the USB charger port and the small end of the charger from coming into contact with conductive materials, such as liquids,...
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Basics7 2 P lug the USB power adaptor into an electric socket. 3 P lace the Gear into the wireless charger dock. 4 After fully charging your Gear, disconnect it from the wireless charger dock. Unplug the charger from the wireless charger dock, and then unplug the charger from the electric socket.
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Basics8 Checking the charging status When you connect the Gear and the wireless charger dock, the wireless charger dock’s LED indicator flashes certain colors to indicate the battery level. ColorCharging status Red > Green > Yellow Standby mode Red Charging Green Fully charged Orange Connected to a low-power adaptor When a wireless charger dock error occurs, the LED indicator flashes red. Disconnect the Gear from the wireless charger dock and reconnect them. If the error occurs again, contact a Samsung...
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Basics9 Reducing the battery consumption Your Gear provides various options that help you conserve battery power. •W hen you are not using the Gear, switch to sleep mode by covering the screen with your palm. •A ctivate power saving mode. •Close unnec essary apps. •D eactivate the Bluetooth feature when not in use. •D eactivate the Wi-Fi feature when not in use. •D ecrease the screen brightness. •D eactivate the watch always on feature. •D eactivate the voice wake-up feature in S...
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Basics10 Battery charging tips and precautions •If there are obstructions between the Gear and the wireless charger dock, the Gear may not charge properly. •P revent the Gear and the wireless charger from coming into contact with sweat, liquids, or dust. •I f the battery is completely discharged, the Gear cannot be turned on immediately after being connected to the charger. Allow a depleted battery to charge for a few minutes before turning on the Gear. • I f you use multiple apps at once, the...