Ruger Mark III Instruction Manual
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Always unload a firearm before cleaning, lubrication, disassembly or assembly. 2. Insert a blunt, ‘pointed’ instrument in the oval recess of the mainspring housing (at the back of the grip) and swing the housing latch open like the blade of a pocket knife. (Some users find that a paper clip, looped over the latch, is an ideal ‘instrument’ for this phase of disassembly.) 3. Swing the entire housing outward on its pivot and pull downward, removing the mainspring housing and bolt stop pin. With new pistols it may be necessary to lightly tap (with a plastic hammer and wooden dowel) on the top portion of the bolt stop pin—which protrudes above the receiver—while pulling downward on the mainspring housing. Be careful not to damage the rear sight. 4. Fully insert the empty magazine into the frame. Point the muzzle upward in a safe direction and pull the trigger rearward. The bolt will drop out of the receiver or it can readily be removed. 5. With the mainspring housing, bolt stop pin (as an assembly), and bolt removed, a forward blow (with a plastic hammer) on the rear of the receiver will disengage the barrel-receiver assembly from the grip frame. No attempt should be made to remove rivets or staked pins. Further disassembly should be undertaken only by the factory. REASSEMBLY (The procedure is the same for all RUGER® MARK IIIpistols.) 1. Be cer tain the pistol is free of cartridges! The safety must be in the off (F) position for reassembly. 2. Keep your finger off the trigger. Place the hammer in the horizontal (cocked) position. (The hammer is visible by looking down on the grip frame and is the rectangular object inside the grip frame and near the rear. See Figure 6.) 21 Figure 6 Hammer F UNLOAD BEFORE CLEANING WARNING — DISASSEMBLY123

22 If you cannot place the hammer in the horizontal position, it is most likely because the hammer strut is trapped behind the crosspin (see Figure 7 – not applicable to 22/45 models). If this occurs, lift the hammer to free the hammer strut from behind the crosspin and then move the hammer into the horizontal position. If the hammer has been rotated too far forward, it also may be difficult to rotate backwards. Inserting the empty magazine fully into the magazine well will allow the hammer to rotate backwards into a horizontal position. Once the hammer is horizontal, remove the empty magazine. Before placing the barrel receiver onto the frame, make sure that the loaded chamber indicator pin (Part No. A02611 / Key No. 7 on p. 36) has not fallen out of the receiver. Figure 7 Figure 8AFigure 8B 3. Place the barrel receiver on top of the frame so that the square lug engages the square front recess on the underside of the receiver (see Figure 8A). Push the barrel rearward until it stops, with the rear end of the receiver slightly over- hanging the rear end of the grip frame (see Figure 8B). If alignment cannot be achieved by hand pressure, place the pistol (muzzle down) on a padded bench and strike the rear of the grip frame immediately below the receiver with a plastic or wooden mallet. Be careful not to damage the grip frame. HAMMER STRUT CROSSPIN

4. Fully insert the emptymagazine back into the magazine well. Point the muzzle up in a safe direction and pull the trigger. Gravity should cause the hammer to return to the cocked position if it became dislodged in step 3 (see Figure 9). If not, reach into the rear of the receiver and push the hammer back down flat (into the horizontal position). When the hammer is in this position, remove the empty magazine. 5. NOTE: Before sliding the bolt into the receiver, BE CERTAIN that the firing pin stop (part number A03500, a small pin) is in the bolt. (See Figure 10.) Without this pin, the first time the trigger is pulled on an assembled pistol, the firing pin will fly forward so far as to irreparably dent the rear end of the chamber of the barrel, making the pistol useless. Now, slide the bolt (with the recoil spring upward) fully forward into the receiver. (See Figure 10.) 6. Insert the empty magazine into the magazine well, point the muzzle toward the ground in a safe direction and pull the trigger. The hammer should fall to its full for ward position. If it does not, retract the bolt partially and manipulate the hammer through the slot in the rear of the frame until the hammer is in its full forward position. Remove the empty magazine. Point the muzzle toward the ground. With the pistol in this position, hold the mainspring housing bolt stop pin assembly and press the bolt stop pin through the holes in the receiver and bolt until the tip of the pin protrudes beyond the top of the receiver. (See Figure 11.) You may need to tap the mainspring housing into position with a rubber or wooden mallet. The pin must be fully in place to close the latch in Step 8. Do not yet move the mainspring housing into the frame. 23 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 9 PUSH UP UNTIL BOLT STOP PIN PROTRUDES HEREFIRING PIN STOP

8. The housing latch can now be snapped shut, completing assembly. (See Figure 14.) Spring pressure should be felt just before the housing is fully shut if the internal parts are correctly aligned. 9. To determine if reassembly was performed correctly, pull the bolt backward and verify that it opens fully. If not, open the latch and repeat steps 6 - 8, above. 10. Replace empty magazine, point pistol in a safe direction and pull the trigger to uncock the gun. Guns should not be stored loaded or cocked. Note that in order for the internal lock to be engaged, the pistol must remain cocked, and the manual safety must be put “on” safe. (See p. 11.) 24 IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTYREASSEMBLING THE PISTOL, HERE ARE SOME HELPFUL TIPS! If the mainspring housing pulls out of the gun when swung in, the barrel/ receiver assembly is not fully rearward on the frame. Repeat step 3, above. Remember that it is essential that the hammer must be in its vertical, uncocked position as the mainspring housing is swung shut. If the housing is excessively difficult to close, the hammer is probably cocked. Repeat steps 6-9, above. The foregoing may give the impression that reassembly is difficult, but it is quickly and easily done once properly learned. Figure 14 Figure 13 Figure 12 7. Now invert the pistol so that the muzzle is pointed upward. Make sure you can see the hammer strut when you lift the housing up. The hammer strut should go into the oval-shaped cut inside the mainspring housing. (See Figure 12.) Hold the trigger to the rear. While holding the pistol in this position and depressing the trigger, move the mainspring housing into its proper place in the frame. (See Figure 13.) TIP OF HAMMER STRUT OVAL CUT INSIDE MAINSPRING HOUSING

MAGAZINE NOMENCLATURE MAGAZINE DISASSEMBLY TO DISASSEMBLE MAGAZINE: Withdraw magazine from pistol and remove all cartridges (check chamber to be certain no cartridge remains in it).Hold magazine upside down in left hand so that the hole in the Magazine Blockis accessible. 1. With right hand, insert drift punch in hole and depress Magazine Block Retaining Plungerapproximately 1/4. 2. Slide Magazine Blockforward slowly BEING VERY CAREFUL TO KEEP PLUNGER AND SPRING UNDER CONTROL. If not contained, these parts will fly out with considerable force. Therefore keep bottom end of magazine pointed away from persons and objects. 3. With the Magazine Blockfully removed, the Plunger and Spring should be slowly withdrawn. 4. Now, holding magazine flat in left hand, align the Magazine Follower Button with circular opening near the lower end of magazine body and lift out the Magazine Follower Button. 5. The Magazine Followercan then be removed. Reassemble in reverse order, being careful to contain the Spring and Plunger as the Magazine Bottom is slid and locked into place. After reassembly has been completed, test Magazine Followerto ensure it has free movement. Always ‘ride’ the Magazine Follower Button up and down with your thumb. Do not lower Follower Button and then permit it to snap up. 25 FOR 22/45 ONLYFOR ALL OTHER RUGER MARK III PISTOLS

26 MAGAZINE DISASSEMBLY DAMAGED, NON-STANDARD, OR IMPROPERLY ASSEMBLED MAGAZINES SHOULD NOT BE USED. THEY CAN CAUSE THE PISTOL TO MALFUNCTION. CARE AND CLEANING Make Sure Gun is Unloaded! Before cleaning, be certain the pistol and its magazine contain no cartridges. (See “To Unload,” p. 16.) At regular intervals, or whenever the pistol has been exposed to sand, dust, extreme humidity, condensation, immersion in water, or other adverse conditions, disassemble, clean, and oil it. Proper periodic maintenance is essential to the reliable functioning of any firearm. To clean the pistol, proceed as follows; 1. Disassemble (field-strip) the pistol to the extent described on pages 20 - 21. 2. Using a cleaning rod, run a solvent-wetted patch through the bore several times. Then attach a solvent-wetted bristle brush to the rod and run it back and forth the full length of the bore as many times as necessary to remove grease and dirt from the bore and chamber. Clean bore with dry patches and examine. Bore fouling can contribute to reduced accuracy, and grease accumulation in the chamber can interfere with proper feeding of cartridges from the magazine.3 5 14 2Slide Block Forward Push UpRemove Button Remove Spring & Plunger Remove Follower

STORAGE GUNS SHOULD NOT BE STORED LOADED! Do notkeep the pistol stored in a leather holster or case. Leather attracts moisture, even though the holster or case may appear to be perfectly dry. TO RENDER THE PISTOL INOPERATIVE FOR SAFE STORAGE Be certain that the muzzle is pointed in a safe direction and that the safety is “on” (S) if the pistol is cocked. Remove the magazine and carefully check it to verify that it is completely empty. Draw the bolt fully rearward and visually inspect the chamber to be certain that there is no cartridge in itand then release the bolt. Insert the empty magazine into the magazine well until it “clicks” and is fully in place. Place the safety in the “off” (F) position. Point the pistol in a safe direction and pull the trigger to uncock the pistol. Firing a pistol with oil, grease, or any other material even partially obstructing the bore may result in damage to the pistol and serious injury to the shooter and those nearby. Do not spray or apply lubricants directly on ammunition. If the powder of a cartridge is affected by the lubricant, it may not be ignited, but the primer firing may push the bullet into the bore where it may become lodged. Firing a subsequent bullet into the obstructed bore may damage the pistol and cause serious injury or death to the shooter and those nearby. Use lubricants properly. You are responsible for the proper care and maintenance of your firearms. 3. Using powder solvent on a clean patch or bristle brush, remove powder residue from all components of the mechanism. After cleaning, run a dry patch through the bore, then follow with a patch that is very lightly oiled. Wipe all surfaces clean with a cloth, then wipe all surfaces with a patch or cloth that has been very lightly oiled. 4.NOTE:Only a light application of oil is needed to provide adequate lubrication of moving parts and to prevent rust. Excess accumulations of oil tend to attract particles of dust and dirt and may congeal in cold weather which can interfere with the safe and reliable function of the pistol. 5. If magazine becomes dirty, it should be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned (see “Magazine Disassembly” section, p. 25). 6. Before firing remove all oil and grease from the bore. 27 WARNING —LUBRICATION IMPROPER LUBRICATION DESTROYS GUNS USE THE EXTERNAL LOCKING DEVICE SUPPLIED WITH THE PISTOL FOR STORAGE. (SEEPAGE5)

28 Using a paper clip or similar non-marring tool, pull down on the main spring housing latch located at the lower rear of the pistol grip. Swing the main spring housing upward. With the pistol pointed upward, pull the trigger. Now invert the pistol so that it is pointing downward. Keeping the pistol pointing downward swing the main spring housing back in to the pistol grip and push the latch back into the main spring housing until it is flush with the pistol grip. When assembled in this manner, it should be impossible to fully retract the bolt to chamber a cartridge. With the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, test the pistol by attempting to retract the bolt. If the bolt cannot be retracted more than a fraction of an inch, the pistol has been assembled in an inoperative condition. It is uncocked and cannot be fired without correct reassembly. To reassemble the pistol for firing, again using a paper clip or similar non- marring tool, pull down on the main spring housing latch and point the muzzle upward. Pull the trigger and keep the muzzle pointed in an upward direction. Swing the main spring housing back into position and shut the main spring housing latch. Test the pistol to be sure it is correctly reassembled by attempting to retract the bolt fully. If the bolt can be fully retracted, the pistol is correctly reassembled and can be loaded and fired normally. While the pistol is less likely to be used by unauthorized persons when assembled in the above inoperative manner, it is always safest to store the pistol with the supplied external locking device correctly installed on the pistol, or to store the pistol in a gun safe or other secure location away from children and unauthorized adults. Guns should always be stored securely, unloaded and separate from their ammunition. To operate internal lock, see instructions and warnings on page 11. Never place or store any firearm in such a manner that it may be dislodged. Firearms should always be stored securely and unloaded, away from children and careless adults. Use the locking device originally supplied with this firearm for storage. The use of a locking device or safety lock is only one aspect of responsible firearms storage. For increased safety, firearms should be stored unloaded and locked in a location that is both separate from their ammunition and inaccessible to children and any other unauthorized person. STORE SECURELY & UNLOADED WARNING —STORAGE

SIGHT ADJUSTMENT The Standard RUGER®MARK IIIpistol is equipped with a rear sight which is adjustable for windage only. The rear sight can be drifted laterally in its dovetail on the top of the slide by tapping it with a wooden or plastic headed hammer or similar implement. The front sight is fixed. Target models are equipped with adjustable sights. Turning the top (elevation) sight adjustment screw clockwise lowers the impact of the shot. Turning the horizontal (windage) sight adjustment screw clockwise moves the impact of the shot to the left . 29 SUGGESTED SIGHT PICTURE Top of front sight even with top of rear sight blade. Front sight centered in notch of rear sight blade. Target bull’s-eye centered on top of front sight. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ATTACHING THE SCOPE BASE (Target Model Only) 1. Remove the filler screws from the top of the receiver. 2. Degrease the screw holes in the receiver. 3. Degrease the scope base screws. 4. After the degreased areas are dry, place a drop of red LOCTITE adhesive/sealant or equivalent to the scope base screws. 5. Set the scope base on the receiver with the side notch aligned with the ejection port of the receiver. 6. Install the scope base screws and tighten. 7. Set the assembled pistol aside overnight to allow the adhesive to set up. ATTACHING RUGER SCOPE RINGS (Competition Models Only) On the Mark III COMPETITION TARGET MODEL pistol, the rings fit the removable base (A07000), which is attached as described above. Make sure the scope base screws are tight before attaching the scope ring assemblies! Iron sights can be used with the scope base mounted on top of the receiver, so removal of the base is not normally necessary. Three “filler” screws (Part No. B-83) are provided to fill the scope base screw holes if the user decides to remove the base. On the underside of each mounting ring assembly there is a locating “tab.” By reference to this “tab,” the mounting ring can be assembled to the scope so that the tab will fit correctly into the recess on the top of the receiver.

Disassemble one ring and reassemble over the scope body between the turret and the eyepiece so that the clamp nut (D-73) is positioned to the right of the scope. Install the four top screws. Do not tighten. Disassemble the other ring and install it on the forward section of the scope tube with the clamp nut positioned to the right of the scope. Install the four top screws. Again, do not tighten. Assemble the rings to the scope base with the locating “tabs” engaging the recesses in the top surface of the base. Tighten the clamp nuts so that the rings are locked to the semi-circular cuts on the sides of the scope base. Rotate the scope until cross-hairs are aligned properly, and slide scope to desired eye relief. Then tighten the eight top screws a bit at a time to grip the scope body. Sight in according to the directions with your scope. SERVICE AND PARTS POLICY If you have any questions with regard to the performance of your RUGER® MARK III pistol, please call (928-778-6555) or write our Prescott, Arizona Product Service Department, fully describing all circumstances and conditions involved. If you should return your pistol to the factory for repair, or order parts for it, please comply with the following suggestions for prompt service: 30 SHIPPING FIREARMS FOR REPAIR RUGER®MARK IIIpistols returned to the factory for services or repair should be sent to: Sturm Ruger & Co., Inc., Product Service Department, 200 Ruger Road, Prescott, AZ 86301-6181. Telephone: (928) 778-6555. Guns should be sent prepaid. W e will not accept collect shipments. The Federal Gun Control Act, as well as the laws of most States and localities, do not prohibit an individual (who is not otherwise barred from purchasing or possessing a firearm) from shipping a firearm directly to the manufacturer for repair. However, before you ship your firearm to us, be certain that your State or locality does not have a law or regulation which will prohibit you from receiving it from us after it has been repaired. If such receiving is prohibited, then please have a Federally Licensed firearms dealer ship the gun to us. If it is sent to us by a dealer, it will be returned to him after being repaired. If a handgun (pistol or revolver) is shipped by an individual who does not hold a Federal Firearms License, it must be shipped via U.P.S. (Next Day Air). Persons who do not hold a Federal Firearms License are prohibited by Federal law from shipping a handgun by Mail. Handguns mailed in violation of the law are impounded by the Post Office. Please do not include holster, custom grip panels, or custom accessories with a firearm being shipped to the factory for service. DO NOT SEND GUN BOXES OR LITERATURE THAT YOU CONSIDER TO BE COLLECTOR’S ITEMS - THESE ARE INVARIABLY DAMAGED OR DESTROYED IN SHIPMENT. Always insure your shipment. WARNING: BEFORE SHIPPING ANY FIREARM, BE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN THAT IT AND ITS MAGAZINES ARE UNLOADED. DO NOT SHIP CARTRIDGES WITH A FIREARM.