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Ricoh Mp C3000 Service Manual

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Page 721

SM 5-333 B230/B237/D042 
ƒ  If you enter document server mode then  scan 6 pages, the L: count is 6. 
T:LSize Scan PGS      *CTL  [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1] 
8 201  These SPs count the total number of 
large pages input with the scanner 
for scan and copy jobs. Large size paper (A3/DLT) scanned for fax 
transmission are not counted. 
Note: These counters are displayed in  the SMC Report, and in the User 
Tools display. 
F: LSize Scan PGS  *CTL  [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1] 
8 203  These SPs...

Page 722

B230/B237/D042 5-334 SM 
ƒ  If pages are copied but not stored on the document server, these counters do not  change. 
ƒ  If both sides of 3 A4 sheets are copied and st ored to the document server, the C: count 
is 6 and the L: count is 6. 
ƒ  If you enter document server mode then  scan 6 pages, the L: count is 6. 
ADF Org Feeds  *CTL [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1] 
8 221 
These SPs count the number of pages  fed through the ADF for front and 
back side scanning. 
8 221 1  Front  Number of front sides...

Page 723

SM 5-335 B230/B237/D042 
determine the work load on the ADF. 
8 231 1  Large Volume  Selectable. Large copy jobs that cannot be 
loaded in the ADF at one time. 
8 231 2  SADF Selectable. Feeding pages one by one through 
the ADF. 
8 231 3  Mixed Size Selectable. Select “Mixed Sizes” on the operation 
8 231 4  Custom Size 
Selectable. Originals of non-standard size. 
8 231 5  Platen Book mode. Raising t
he ADF and placing the 
original directly on the platen. 
ƒ  If the scan...

Page 724

B230/B237/D042 5-336 SM 
S:Scan PGS/Org *CTL 
[0 to 9999999/  0 / 1] 
8 245 
These SPs count the number of pages  scanned by original type for Scan 
L:Scan PGS/Org  *CTL 
[0 to 9999999/  0 / 1] 
8 246  These SPs count the number of page
s scanned and stored from within the 
document server mode screen at the  operation panel, and with the Store 
File button from within the Copy mode screen 
  8 241  
8 242 8 243 8 245  8 246  
8 24x 1: Text 
Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes   
8 24x 2: Text/Photo  Yes...

Page 725

SM 5-337 B230/B237/D042 
8 256    L:Scan PGS/ImgEdt  *CTL 
8 257    O:Scan PGS/ImgEdt  *CTL  ƒ Erase> Border 
ƒ Erase> Center 
ƒ Image Repeat 
ƒ Centering 
ƒ Positive/Negative 
[0 to 9999999/ 
0 / 1] 
Note: The count totals the number of times the 
edit features have been used. A detailed 
breakdown of exactly  which features have 
been used is not given. 
The L: counter counts the number of pages st ored from within the document server mode 
screen at the operation panel, and with...

Page 726

B230/B237/D042 5-338 SM 
8 291    T:Scan PGS/Stamp  *CTL 
8 293    F:Scan PGS/Stamp  *CTL 
8 295    S:Scan PGS/Stamp  *CTL 
8 296    L:Scan PGS/Stamp  *CTL These SPs count the number of pages 
stamped with the stamp in the ADF unit. 
[0 to 9999999/ 
0 / 1] 
The L: counter counts the number of pages 
stored from within the document server mode 
screen at the operation panel, and with the 
Store File button from within the Copy mode 
T:Scan PGS/Size  *CTL [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1] 
8 301  These SPs...

Page 727

SM 5-339 B230/B237/D042 
8 30x 1  A3 
8 30x 2  A4 
8 30x 3  A5 
8 30x 4  B4 
8 30x 5  B5 
8 30x 6  DLT 
8 30x 7  LG 
8 30x 8  LT 
8 30x 9  HLT 
8 30x 10  Full Bleed 
8 30x 254  Other (Standard) 
8 30x 255  Other (Custom)  - 
T:Scan PGS/Rez  *CTL  [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1] 
8 311 
These SPs count by resolution setti ng the total number of pages scanned 
by applications that can specify resolution settings. 
S: Scan PGS/Rez  *CTL  [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1] 
8 315  These SPs count by...

Page 728

B230/B237/D042 5-340 SM 
8 31x 5  < 199dpi    
ƒ  Copy resolution settings are fixed so they are not counted. 
ƒ  The Fax application does not allow finely-ad justed resolution settings so no count is 
done for the Fax application. 
8 381    T:Total PrtPGS  *CTL 
8 382    C:Total PrtPGS  *CTL 
8 383    F:Total PrtPGS  *CTL 
8 384    P:Total PrtPGS  *CTL 
8 385    S:Total PrtPGS  *CTL 
8 386    L:Total PrtPGS  *CTL 
8 387    O:Total PrtPGS  *CTL  These SPs count the num
ber of pages printed 
by the...

Page 729

SM 5-341 B230/B237/D042 
Note: In addition to being displayed in the SMC Report, these counters 
are also displayed in the User Tools display on the copy machine. 
8 401    T:PrtPGS/LS  *CTL 
8 402    C:PrtPGS/LS  *CTL 
8 403    F:PrtPGS/LS  *CTL 
8 404    P:PrtPGS/LS  *CTL 
8 405    S:PrtPGS/LS  *CTL 
8 406    L:PrtPGS/LS  *CTL  These SPs count the num
ber of pages printed 
from the document server . The counter for the 
application used to print the pages is 
The L:...

Page 730

B230/B237/D042 5-342 SM 
These SPs count by binding and combine, and n-Up settings the number 
of pages processed for printi ng by the fax application.   
P:PrtPGS/Dup Comb  *CTL
[0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1] 
8 424 
These SPs count by binding and comb ine, and n-Up settings the number 
of pages processed for printing by the printer application. 
S:PrtPGS/Dup Comb  *CTL [0 to 9999999/ 0 / 1] 
8 425 
These SPs count by binding and comb ine, and n-Up settings the number 
of pages processed for printi ng by the...
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