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RadioShack Pro 93 Handheld Scanner Owners Manual

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    The scanner scans through all channels (except those
    you have locked out) in the active banks (see Turning
    Channel-Storage Banks Off and On and “Locking Out
    Channels or Frequencies” on Page 42).
     To change the scanning direction, press  
    88 8or 9
    99 9.
    Turning Channel-Storage Banks Off and 
    To turn off banks while scanning, press the banks num-
    ber key so the banks number disappears. For example,
    to turn off bank 1, press 
    1. The scanner does not scan
    any of the channels within the banks you turned off.
    • You cannot turn off all banks. There must be at least
    one active bank.
    • You can manually select any channel in a bank,
    even if the bank is turned off.
    To turn on banks while scanning, press the number key
    until the banks number appears. For example to turn
    bank 1 on again, press 
    Deleting Frequencies from Channels
    1. Press MANUAL.
    2. Use the number keys to enter the channel with the
    frequency you want to delete.
    3. Press 
    MANUAL again.
    4. Press 
    PGM to enter the program mode. )
    )) ) changes
    ,, ,. 
    Special Features
    5. Press FUNC.
    6. Press 
    CL. The frequency number changes and
    òôòòòòýòôòòòòý òôòòòòýappears.
    ˆSpecial Features
     Delay is automatically set as the default for each
    channel when you turn on the scanner.
    Many conversations might have a pause of several sec-
    onds between a query and a reply. To avoid missing a
    reply, you can program a 2-second delay into any of
    your scanners channels. Then, when the scanner stops
    on the channel, 
         appears and the scanner continues to
    monitor the channel for 2 seconds after the transmission
    stops before it resumes scanning or searching.
    To turn delay on or off, press 
    . /DELAY.
    You can scan existing channels or search frequencies
    faster by locking out channels or frequencies that have a
    continuous transmission, such as a weather channel.
    Locking Out Channels
    To lock out a channel while scanning, press L/OUT when
    the scanner stops on the channel. To lock out a channel
    manually, select the channel then press 
    L/OUT so (
    (( ( ap-
     You can still manually select locked-out channels.
    To remove the lockout from a channel, manually select
    the channel and press 
    L/OUT so (
    (( ( disappears. 
    							43Special Features
    Reviewing the Lock-Out Channels
    To review all locked out channels, press MANUAL, then
    repeatedly alternate between pressing 
    FUNC then L/OUT
    to view each locked-out channel. When you finish re-
    viewing locked-out channels, press 
    Locking Out Frequencies
    To lock out a frequency during a search, press L/OUT
    when the scanner stops on that frequency. The scanner
    locks out the frequency, then continues searching.
    • The scanner does not store locked out frequencies
    during a search.
    • You can lock out as many as 50 frequencies in each
    bank. If you try to lock out more, 
    Special Features
    FUNC then L/OUT again to cancel reviewing locked-
    out frequencies.
    Clearing a Locked-Out Frequency
    To clear a locked-out frequency, select that frequency
    (see “Reviewing Locked-Out Frequencies”), then press
    If all locked out frequencies are cleared within a bank,
    Clearing All Locked-Out Frequencies in a 
    Search Bank
    1. Press SEARCH.
    2. Select the search bank in which you want to clear all
    locked-out frequencies.
    3. Press 
    FUNC then press L/OUT. Lockout list appears.
    4. Press 
    FUNC then 6. áFE=@IDý C@JKý :C
    							45Special Features
    teresting transmission on a specific channel. When
    priority is turned on, the scanner checks that channel ev-
    ery 2 seconds, and stays on the channel if there is activ-
    ity until the activity stops.
    • The priority feature does not operate while the scan-
    ner receives trunking (voice channel) frequencies.
    • If you program a weather channel as the priority
    channel, the scanner stays in the priority channel
    only when the scanner detects the weather alert
    To program a frequency in the priority channel:
    1. Press 
    2. Use the number keys to enter the channel number
    which contains the frequency you want to program
    as the priority channel. Then press 
    MANUAL again.
    3. Press 
    FUNC then PRI. ,
    ,, ,I@ý á
    I@ý áI@ý á I@ý á?8EE
    Special Features
    To turn on the priority feature, press PRI so ,
    ,, , appears at
    the top line while scanning. 
    ,.%FE,.%FE ,.%FE (or ,.%NO
    ,.%NO,.%NO ,.%NO if you set the
    priority to a weather frequency) appears on the bottom
    line. If the scanner detects activity on the priority chan-
    ,, ,I@ý á
    I@ý áI@ý á I@ý á?8EE
    							47Special Features
    ! !  !  — accesses the FM Mode, EDACS Trunking System
    (with 4-digit decimal ID code or 5-digit AFS code)
     MO (MOT) and ED modes are not available when
    the scanner tunes up or down through the frequency
    ranges in which the trunking operation is not used.
    To reduce interference or noise caused by strong sig-
    nals, you can reduce the scanners sensitivity to these
    There are two attenuator modes in your scanner. One is
    normal attenuator mode in which you set the attenuator
    in each channel or each band/group in the search and
    tune mode. The other is global mode in which you set
    the attenuator only once. This setting is applied all the
    time in every mode.
    AT T to turn on or off the attenuator while the chan-
    nel number is indicated or while the scanner is searching
    through bands/groups. When the attenuator is on, 
    ãã ã ap-
    pears at the seventh digit in the top line.
    When you turn it off, 
    ãã ã changes to ô
    ôô ô. You cannot set the
    attenuator while the scanner is scanning. 
     FUNC then AT T to set the attenuator to the global
    #CF98Cý ã00ô
    #CF98Cý ã00ô#CF98Cý ã00ô #CF98Cý ã00ô appears for 2 seconds at the bottom
    line and 
    WW W or #
    ## # appears. W
    WW W means the attenuator is on and
    ## # means off. Press ATT to turn on or off the attenuator.
    ã00FEã00FE ã00FE or ã00V
    ã00Vã00V ã00Výappears on the bottom line while scan-
    FUNC then AT T again to turn off the global attenu-
    ation mode. 
    *FID8Cýã00*FID8Cýã00 *FID8Cýã00 is indicated at the bottom line for
    2 seconds.
     If you turn on the attenuator, the scanner might
    not receive weak signals. 
    Special Features
    Each time you press any of the scanners keys, the
    scanner sounds a tone. To turn the scanners key tone
    off or on:
    1. If the scanner is on, turn 
    VOLUME OFF/MAX counter-
    clockwise until it clicks to turn the scanner off.
    2. Turn 
    VOLUME OFF/MAX clockwise to turn the scan-
    ner on. 
    							49Special Features
    that operate are FUNC, / , SQUELCH, and VOL-
     You cannot activate the key lock while you are en-
    tering a frequency into a channel.
    To turn on the key lock, press 
    FUNC then  / . 
    Trunking Operation
    The scanner sends the data. To exit the clone mode, re-
    move the cable.
    ˆTrunking Operation
    The scanner tracks transmissions that use the Motorola
    Type I and Type II (such as Smartnet and Privacy Plus)
    and hybrid analog trunking systems, plus GE/Ericsson
    (EDACS) type systems extensively used in many com-
    munication systems.
    Trunking systems allocate a few frequencies to many dif-
    ferent users. When the mobile unit transmits a signal,
    one frequency is chosen from among the allocated fre-
    quencies in that trunking system. The users ID talk
    group is sent with the signal.
    To receive trunking signals, you must store all the trunk-
    control frequencies for Motorola systems or all the
    group frequencies for EDACS in one bank (see
    “Storing Known Frequencies into Channels” on Page 25)
    and input ID codes in the ID memory (see “Storing Talk
    Group IDs” on Page 58). 
    Your PRO-93 automatically calculates Motorola voice
    channel frequencies when it decodes the control chan-
    nel. This eliminates the need to enter all the Motorola
    group frequencies. 
    The control channels are subject to change depending
    on the day. Therefore enter all the control frequencies in
    the same bank. If you do not know which is the control
    channel, it is better to enter all the system frequencies
    into the same bank. (Refer to the supplied 
    When the scanner decodes the Motorola control channel
    and finds the voice channel, the scanner displays the
    control channel memory location on the top line, the re-
    ceived frequency with VC (voice channel) on the second
    line, the bank and control channel memory location num-
    ber on the third line and the Motorola ID number on the
    bottom line. 
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