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Projector Christie Vista X3 User Manual

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Page 81

Roadster/Vista User’s Manual
the default “Auto” setting by selecting the appropriate motion filter:
1) AUTO: The projector will automatically use the correct motion filter according to
the incoming signal. Note that the “Still Video” filter will be applied for RGB
non-HDTV interlaced signals, and the “Motion” filter will be applied for RGB
HDTV interlaced sources.
2) STILL VIDEO: For static images with no motion, such as graphics from a CD.
Note: Applied for RGB non-HDTV interlaced...

Page 82

Roadster/Vista User’s Manual3-41
Use the Configuration menu to
display and/or set global system
operating parameters that are
typically in effect regardless of
source, or to work with other
settings that are not unique to the
current incoming source.
NOTE: For experienced
users/technicians only.
In the Configuration menu, you
can define a variety of general system parameters to suit your preferences, run certain
diagnostic tests, and access the Service Menu (password required). Settings in the...

Page 83

Roadster/Vista User’s Manual
NOTE: The Channel List and input dialog box cannot be hidden when a menu is
DISPLAY SLIDEBARS — Enter a checkmark to superimpose a small slidebar over the
current image whenever an adjustable parameter is selected directly with a key (the
option does not affect slidebars in menus) such as 
Pixel, Pos it ion, , or Bright. If
“Display slidebars” is unchecked, these slidebars can still be accessed, but will be
hidden during adjustment.

Page 84

Roadster/Vista User’s Manual3-43
between adjacent displays—for Roadster/Vista models, only Color Temp Setup is
COLOR TEMP SETUP — See Image Settings. This function is offered in multiple menu
locations for convenient access.
Auto Power Up
Enter a check mark to enable the projector to automatically power up after losing
power due to a power failure or due to unplugging the projector during operation.
Note that unsaved display adjustments may be lost.
Diagnostics and Calibration

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Roadster/Vista User’s Manual
4) Examine an area of darkest gray (but not black). If there is a 1-pixel wide pattern
present, adjust “Odd Pixel Adjustment” offset for the current color. Stop when the
pattern disappears and the area is smooth.
5) Examine an area of lightest gray (not white). If there is a 1-pixel wide pattern
present, adjust “Odd Pixel Adjustment” gain for the current color. Stop when the
pattern disappears and the area is smooth.
6) Repeat for each color, adjusting offset...

Page 86

Roadster/Vista User’s Manual3-45
Front IR / Back IR
As described in Section 2, the standard IR remote keypad is capable of
sending data to the projector in either one of two protocols called 
A or
B. Likewise, the front and rear IR sensors on the projector can be set to
accept IR data accordingly, responding to 
A, B or both. The projector’s
A or B default is adequate for most single-projector installations. Select
a specific protocol to prevent interference when you are controlling

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Roadster/Vista User’s Manual
only the opposing wired keypad protocol. Or, if you prefer, use the wired keypad to
safely change its own protocol:
1. Select the 
A or B option. This will ensure that once your keypad is manually
changed (see Step 2), it will still be recognized by the projector.
2. Unplug the keypad and change the protocol in the keypad as desired. Do this
either by entering the short-cut software command or by hard-wiring the
keypad as described in 2.10,  Keypad Protocols...

Page 88

Roadster/Vista User’s Manual3-47
NOTES: 1) Requires double serial links— RS-232 and RS-422— between all
projectors in a network. 2) Set each projector’s Broadcast Key OFF. 3) Keypads
cannot broadcast in a split network— use controller(s) instead. 4) Do not use a split
network when downloading new projector software to a network.
Figure 3.25. Split Network Checkbox — ON vs. OFF
Whenever you install a new lamp in the
projector you must access the Lamp submenu
(available from Main) and record the...

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Roadster/Vista User’s Manual
lamp expires, only the status information on the back of the projector will provide the
warning to replace the lamp.
NOTES: 1) It is recommended that the Lamp Message checkbox remain enabled. 2)
When a lamp warning message appears, press 
 to temporarily cancel the
message. The message will continued to appear upon power-up until you install a
new lamp.
LAMP LIMIT to the number of hours you expect to log on the current lamp before
replacing it. This limit...

Page 90

Roadster/Vista User’s Manual3-49
POWER – The number shown here indicates how many watts are applied to the lamp.
In the X3/X4/S3/S4, set from 450-700 watts as desired. In the X5/X6/S5/S6, set from
800-1200 watts as desired. In the X9/S9, set from 1200-1700 watts as desired. For
any model, keep in mind that lower power levels produce dimmer images. When in
Power” or Max Brightness modes, the power level remains constant2. When in
Intensity” mode, the power level will change as necessary3....
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