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Projector Christie Mirage WU12 Specifications

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Page 1

The Christie Mirage Series offers the broadest range of 3-chip 3D active 
stereo projection in either a single projector, or a multi-projector array. 
The first purpose-built stereoscopic projectors, this series represents the 
most installed 3D projectors in the world. Brightness ranges from 3000 
to 18,000 ANSI lumens. SXGA+, HD and the latest WUXGA models are 
designed specifically for use in a variety of 3D applications for all \
of immersive environments including cubes or CAVE-like systems...

Page 2

The Christie Mirage Series features the  
widest source compatibility and has built-in 
Ethernet networking for full compatibility  
with ChristeNET
Why choose Christie DLP® products?
  •      Superior image quality
•      Exceptional brightness
•      Natural life-like color
•      Unrivalled reliability
•         Utmost versatility
Display technology
Featuring high-quality DLP® technology, 
the Christie Mirage Series is highly reliable, 
delivers high brightness and...

Page 3

The Christie Mirage Series provides installation 
flexibility and compatibility with virtually any 
data, video and HDTV source in use today – 
from VGA to QXGA.
•   RGBHV/YPbPr via 5 BNC
•  DVI-I for digital/analog/RGB/YPbPr (HDCP)
•  One composite video, one S-video
•    Two optional slots for analog/digital modules
•  Three RS-232 ports and one RS-422 port
•  On-board ChristieNETTM connectivity (RJ45)
•    Built-in backlit keypad and IR remote control
A suite of optional,...

Page 4

3Image warping and enhanced edge-blending
Christie TWISTTM
Louisiana Immersive Technologies Enterprise (LITE) – a joint effort of the State 
of Louisiana, the Lafayette Economic Development Authority (LEDA) and \
University of Lafayette. The 61,000 square foot complex enables users to 
collaborate and interact in real-time with even the most complete computer 
graphics models. This first of five phases includes an active stereo curved  
screen display for audiences up to 20, featuring Christie...

Page 5

Image warping and enhanced edge-blending4
Direc t key access to the most-used major 
func tions and auto set-up of sources with 
correc t brightness, contrast and position means 
operation and set-up of the Christie Mirage 
Series are intuitive.
When Christie first announced their Mirage S+4K  
projector, VR specialists Virtalis became an early  
adopter, recommending it to the British Geological 
Survey. A Christie Mirage S+4K is rear projected 
with a 0.73:1 lens on a 3.1m x 2.3m screen as part 
of an...

Page 6

Comprehensive Color Adjustment (CCA
Lamp Power
Management (LPMTM)
Natural lamp brightnessLamp power Contrast regulated brightness
SXGA+ (1400 x 1050) – 3 -chip, 0.95" DMD
WUXGA (1920 x 1200) – 3 -chip, 0.96" DMD (Also available in HD (1920 x 1080) – 3 -chip, 0.95" DMD - HD3, HD6, HD12 and HD18)
Mirage S+3K Mirage S+6KMirage S+14K Mirage WU3Mirage WU7 Mirage WU12Mirage WU18
Brightness 3000 ANSI (±10%)
6500 ANSI (±10%) @ 200-240 VAC
5500 ANSI (±10%)...

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SXGA+ (1400 x 1050) – 3 -chip, 0.95" DMDWUXGA (1920 x 1200) – 3 -chip, 0.96" DMD (Also available in HD (1920 x 1080) – 3 -chip, 0.95" DMD - HD3, HD6, HD12 and HD18)
Mirage S+3K Mirage S+6KMirage S+14K Mirage WU3Mirage WU7 Mirage WU12Mirage WU18
Brightness 3000 ANSI (±10%)
6500 ANSI (±10%) @ 200-240 VAC
5500 ANSI (±10%) @100-120 VAC16,000 ANSI (±10%)
3000 ANSI (±10%)6600 ANSI (±10%) @ 200-240 VAC 
5600 ANSI (±10%) @ 100-120 VAC  12,000 ANSI (±10%)
18,000 ANSI (±10%)
Contrast 1500-2000:1 full...

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For the most current specification information, please visit www.christiedigital.com Copyright 2009 Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. All rights reserved. All brand names and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks  
or tradenames of their respective holders. Canadian manufacturing facility is ISO 9001 and 14001\
 certified. Performance specifications are typical.  
Due to constant research, specifications are subject to change without notice. Printed in Canada on recycled paper. 2486 Jun...
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