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Projector Christie Mirage S8k User Manual

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    							Section 3: Operation 
     User’s Manual     3-35. 
    4. FILM: For video images that originated from film. This will optimize image 
    quality and stability. 
    FILM MODE THRESHOLD — This setting determines how sensitively the projector can 
    detect if an incoming video signal originated from film or not. It should not require 
    DETAIL THRESHOLD — Use “Detail Threshold” to define at what frequency level the 
    “Detail” control will begin to magnify high frequencies, which adds details back into 
    the image. Raise the threshold to ignore more of these high frequencies, and lower the 
    threshold to magnify more of these frequencies. A setting of “0”, for example, means 
    no noise will be ignored and all will be magnified. An ideal detail threshold is one in 
    which high frequencies that are causing objectionable noise are not magnified when 
    using “Detail”, but frequencies which can help sharpen an overly-soft image are 
    Use the Configuration menu 
    to define general operating 
    parameters and 
    communications with other 
    projectors and equipment, and 
    to access other advanced 
    processing and image 
    adjustments affecting overall 
    performance. In addition, the 
    Configuration menu provides 
    access to diagnostics, 
    calibration tools and the 
    Service submenu (password-
    Keep in mind that settings in the Configuration menu (and its submenus) are typically 
    “global” settings applied regardless of the type of source your are using. This 
    characteristic is identified with the 
     (globe) icon alongside the option. 
    NOTE: The Configuration menu is recommended for experienced users/technicians 
    The first six options in the Configuration menu are explained below: 
    Choose from available languages to use in the projector’s menus. The change will 
    take effect immediately. 
    Image Orientation 
    Set the orientation of the image according to the orientation of your projector. If the 
    setting is incorrect, projected images will be reversed and/or upside down. 
    No function. 
    3.6 Adjusting 
    Parameters and 
     System Configuration 
     — GENERAL —  
    							Section 3: Operation 
      User’s Manual      
    Auto Power-up 
    Enter a checkmark to enable the projector to automatically power up after losing 
    power due to a power failure or due to unplugging the projector during operation. 
    Note that unsaved display adjustments may be lost. 
    Set Date & Time 
    Enter/read the current year-month-day and hour-minute-second. Changes here reset 
    the projector’s real-time clock. 
    Menu Preferences 
    — SUBMENU 
    Adjust the appearance, content 
    and/or location of on-screen 
    menus and messages. 
    LARGE MENU FONT — Enter a 
    checkmark to enlarge menus and 
    their text. You may have to adjust 
    “Menu Location” to accommodate 
    the increased menu area. 
    MENU LOCATION — Use the pull-down list to choose a pre-defined default or 
    customized location for the display of all on-screen menus.  
    To create a custom menu location quickly, choose a preset that is closest to the desired 
    location. Then adjust “Horizontal Shift” and “Vertical Shift” slidebars to move the 
    menu to the desired location. Avoid locations too close to a corner or edge to prevent 
    cropping of larger menus. 
    HORIZONTAL SHIFT AND VERTICAL SHIFT — Shift your menus as desired, creating a 
    customized menu location. 
    DISPLAY CHANNEL LIST — Enter a checkmark if you want to see a scrollable channel 
    list whenever you press 
    C han nel from your presentation. Channels marked with a list icon 
     in the Channel Setup menu will appear here. The “Display Channel List” option 
    also enables on-screen feedback when using the C han nel key. If you prefer to hide the 
    channel list and input dialog box while switching channels and sources during a 
    presentation clear the checkbox. 
    NOTE: The Channel List and input dialog box cannot be hidden during use of the 
    DISPLAY SLIDEBARS — Enter a checkmark to superimpose a small slidebar over the 
    current image whenever an adjustable parameter is selected directly with a key such as 
    Contra st or
     Bright. If “Display Slidebars” is unchecked, these slidebars can still be 
    accessed, but will be hidden during adjustment. This option does not affect slidebars 
    in menus. 
    DISPLAY ERROR MESSAGES — Choose how you want to be notified of errors detected 
    in either the incoming signal or projector.
     Select “Screen” or “All” (default) to see 
    brief on-screen messages. This is particularly recommended during setup or testing of 
    the projector. Or select “RS232” to receive messages via RS232 (or RS422) serial 
    communication only. To hide error message displays, such as during shows and 
    presentations, select “Off” or “RS232”. 
    							Section 3: Operation 
     User’s Manual     3-37. 
    SPLASH SCREEN SETUP —Use the Splash Screen to choose when you would like to 
    display a special introductory splash screen image, such as your company logo, 
    graphic or message. 
    • Always Off = A splash screen never appears 
    • Always On = A splash screen is always on behind the current display 
    image, similar to wallpaper. 
    • Startup Only – The splash screen logo appears at projector startup only. 
    • Startup And No Signal – A splash screen appears at startup only if there is 
    no source signal. 
    To replace the default “Christie logo” splash screen (or other) with one of your own, 
    use KoRE Librarian to download the desired .bmp to the projector. This will 
    overwrite the current splash screen content in projector memory. 
    Settings in the Communications 
    submenu define and control how 
    single or multiple projectors are 
    linked with each other and with a 
    controlling device. 
    Baud Rates 
    The baud rate setting determines 
    the speed of communication to 
    and from the projector on the 
    RS232 or RS422 links. The 
    maximum rate for the RS232 is 
    115200; for RS422 it is 19200. 
    Set the baud rate to match that of your controlling device, such as your PC. If you are 
    unsure about what baud rate to choose, refer to the documentation for the controlling 
    device. In an existing network of projectors, if you discover that a projector has a 
    different baud rate, make sure to use the pull-down list and select the correct baud rate 
    using the 
     key—do not just scroll this control with  or  keys. Serial 
    communication is always 8 data bits, no parity. 
    Enter a three-digit number (such as “001”) to assign or change a number to the 
    projector currently in use. If the current projector already has a number assigned, that 
    number will appear here (for example, “004” in Figure 3.17. above). Numerical 
    identity for projectors enables you to communicate with a single projector within a 
    multiple-projector application (see also 
    Pr o j key in 3.2, Using the Keypads). If you 
    make a mistake in assigning or changing the projector number, press 
    Ex i t to cancel. 
    Network Routing 
    NOTES: 1) Not applicable for stand-alone projectors or simple serial networks with 
    only one type of controller and linking. 
    Figure 3.17. Communications 
     System Configuration 
    							Section 3: Operation 
      User’s Manual      
    SEPARATE: Select “Separate” (factory default) to keep RS232, RS422 and Ethernet 
    messages on their respective paths instead of being broadcast to the other types of 
    ports. In Figure 3.18A, RS422 controls only the projector to which it is connected. In 
    Figure 3.18B, either RS232 or RS422 will control the network. 
    Figure 3.18. Using the “Network Routing” Option 
    RS232 AND RS422 JOINED: Messages originating from an RS232 or RS422 controller 
    will be relayed to all RS232or RS422 ports. Any Ethernet communication, however, 
    will not. 
    RS232 AND ETHERNET JOINED: Messages to and from the RS232 ports will also be 
    relayed to the Ethernet port, and vice versa. Any RS422 communications will be 
    ALL JOINED: All messages reach all ports, regardless of type. 
    Ethernet Settings 
    NOTES: 1) Recommended for network administrators only. 
    DHCP: Enable this checkbox if you want a DHCP server to automatically change the 
    projector’s default IP address ( to one that is valid and unique for use on the 
    current Ethernet network. On networks without a DHCP server, or to simply override 
    the automatic DHCP server function, delete the checkmark and enter the new “IP 
    Address” settings desired. Remember that only a address will trigger the 
    DHCP addressing service, and only when the DHCP checkbox is enabled. 
    IP ADDRESS: Enter a valid and unique IP address for use on the network to which the 
    projector is currently connected. This address will overwrite any previous IP address 
    such as the projector’s factory-defined default (, or one that has been assigned 
    by a DHCP server or other user. It takes approximately 10 seconds for the projector to 
    respond at its new address.  
    							Section 3: Operation 
     User’s Manual     3-39. 
    PORT: On some Ethernet networks, firewall restrictions may require that the port 
    number of the projector be changed from its default of 3002. If so, enter a new valid 
    port number here. 
    Broadcast Key 
    Enter a checkmark if you want keypad commands sent to one projector to be relayed 
    to all projectors in a serial network. Note that the 
    Pr o j key will temporarily “override” 
    the effect of a broadcast setting and allow you to control a specific projector when 
    necessary. Disable the setting for all but one (any) projector in a network. 
    Toggle to turn the built-in keypad backlighting on and off. 
    Front IR / Back IR 
    As needed for your application, set to “on” so that the front and/or rear IR sensor 
    locations on the projector respond to the IR keypad. Set to “off” to disable. 
    To disable both IR sensors, you cannot use the IR remote keypad to select the second 
    OFF setting. This safeguard prevents accidentally disabling an IR keypad while you 
    are using it. Instead, use either the built-in keypad or a wired remote (optional) to set 
    the remaining active sensor to 
    OFF. The projector will no longer respond to an IR 
    remote keypad. 
    Wired Keypad 
    The wired keypad is ON by default to when connected to the rear of the projector. The 
    projector will then respond to incoming commands from this port. To disable the 
    wired keypad, you must use a different keypad—the built-in or an IR remote 
    keypad—to select “off”. This safeguard prevents you from accidentally disabling the 
    wired keypad during use. 
    In the Configuration menu, select 
    the Geometry and Color submenu 
    when you need to modify overall 
    color performance and/or image 
    geometry for all sources. 
    Test Pattern 
    Choose the desired internal test 
    pattern, or select OFF to turn off a 
    test pattern. Alternatively, use the 
    Te s t key for cycling through test patterns. 
    NOTE: If the optional ChristieTWIST module is installed, this option is Keystone and 
    Warping, and activates a submenu for defining custom image shapes. Please refer to 
    documentation included with your Christie TWIST module. 
    Use to correct a keystoned image shape in which both sides of your image are inclined 
    toward the top or bottom edge. Keystone is typically caused by tilting the projector in 
    relation to the screen, so that the lens surface and screen are no longer parallel to each 
    other.    System Configuration
     — GEOMETRY & COLOR — 
    							Section 3: Operation 
      User’s Manual      
    Figure 3.19. Keystone Adjustment 
    Brightness Uniformity — SUBMENU 
    Brightness Uniformity provides further refinement of displays already matched for 
    their primary colors and overall light output. Use Brightness Uniformity to create an 
    exceptionally smooth image in which no area appears brighter and/or more red, green 
    or blue than another. In the Brightness Uniformity menu, enable the “Uniformity 
    Enable” checkbox to access a multitude of adjustments for critical color light output 
    control in specific areas throughout the image. Your settings apply as long as the 
    “Uniformity Enable” checkbox is enabled and you are using a “User” color 
    temperature defined by the Brightness Uniformity controls. To disable the Brightness 
    Uniformity function, delete the “Uniformity Enable” checkmark. 
    NOTE: See also 3.10, Using Multiple Projectors for the complete step-by-step 
    procedure for achieving uniform brightness in adjacent displays.  
    Edge Blending 
    — SUBMENU 
    The Edge Blending submenu provides a range of controls for smoothing together the 
    overlapping bright edges of multiple adjacent projected images to create a single 
    larger “seamless” image. These controls, which primarily affect whitelevels, are 
    typically used in conjunction with mechanical lens blinders (optional), which are 
    installed on the front of the projector and which primarily affect blacklevels. NOTE: 
    There is a center line (both horizontal and vertical) in the Edge Blending test pattern. 
    The intersection of these lines is the true center of the projector’s display area. 
    NOTE: See also 3.10, Using Multiple Projectors.  
    Color Adjustments by X/Y, and Color Saturation — 
    NOTES: 1) For defining or changing a User 1, 2, 3, or 4 color performance or 
    “gamut”. Sometimes known as Comprehensive Color Adjustment™.  2) Factory-
    defined primary color levels, which ensure a specific color performance from 
    projector-to-projector, can be calibrated in the Service menu only. If you suspect 
    alteration of these defaults, the factory settings can be recovered with selection of 
    “Reset to Factory Defaults?” in the Color Primary Settings submenu accessed via 
    the Service menu (password-protected). 
    From the factory, the projector can utilize 
    any of the 3 pre-defined color performance 
    settings identified at right (default=Max 
    Drives), or colors can be driven on the 
    basis of color temperature. For most 
    applications, one of these gamuts will 
    produce accurate and realistic colors from 
    a variety of sources. They can be applied at 
    any time in the Advanced Image Settings 
    menu (“Select Color Adjustment”), and are 
    not adjustable. 
    Figure 3.20. Color Gamut Choices  
    							Section 3: Operation 
     User’s Manual     3-41. 
    DEFINING “USER” COLOR GAMUTS: In some cases, you may find that none of the pre-
    defined “Select Color Adjustment” options exactly suit your needs. For example, you 
    may require a unique color gamut (range) for a single projector or application, or you 
    may need to precisely match colors across multiple adjacent displays. In such cases, 
    use the Color Adjustments by X,Y or Color Saturation submenu to define the precise 
    hue of each primary color component (red, green, blue, and white) used to generate 
    the millions of colors produced in displays. You can create up to four custom color 
    gamuts (User 1, 2, 3, or 4) with these adjustments. 
    Note that the two menus differ only in their user interface, so use whichever menu 
    best suits your needs and application. A color meter can help with adjustments. 
    • Color Adjustments by X,Y
     — Enter known x/y coordinates from the 
    chromaticity graph. 
    • Color Saturation
     — Adjust color slidebars and judge image color by eye or 
    A user-defined color “adjustment” can be applied by selecting it in the Advanced 
    Image Settings menu (“Select Color Adjustment”). 
    this submenu if you want to create, 
    alter or copy a color gamut (i.e., 
    “color adjustment”). Controls in 
    this menu define the precise hue of 
    each primary color component (red, 
    green, blue, and white) used to 
    generate the millions of colors 
    produced in displays. The x/y 
    coordinates for each color define its 
    location on the standard CIE 
    chromaticity graph (see Figure 
    3.21)—changing either or both of 
    these numbers will change the hue 
    of the color, and relocate the 
    “triangle” for possible colors. For 
    example, changing the x/y 
    coordinates for red may move the color closer to orange or closer to violet, which will 
    in turn affect all displayed colors having a red component. Adjust the slidebars or 
    enter new specific coordinates as desired to define or change up to four “User” color 
    gamuts needed for your environment and applications. Apply at any time in the 
    Advanced Image Settings menu. 
    Figure 3.21. Customize Color  
    							Section 3: Operation 
      User’s Manual      
    Figure 3.22. CIE 1931 Chromaticity Diagram 
    NOTE: Keep new x,y coordinates within the original color gamut triangle shown 
    PROCEDURE FOR X,Y ADJUSTMENTS:  See 3.10, Using Multiple Projectors. 
    submenu if you do not have 
    specific color coordinates in mind 
    and will simply judge color 
    performance by eye or meter. Like 
    the Color Adjustment by X,Y 
    submenu, each color control 
    actually defines new x/y 
    coordinates for that color and 
    changes its hue—it is just a 
    different interface. 
    Adjust the hue of each primary 
    color (red, green, blue, and white) 
    by using more or less of it in 
    relation to the other colors. 
    NOTE: A Color Saturation adjustment defines the corresponding x/y coordinates 
    shown in the Color Adjustment by X,Y submenu. These x/y coordinates will remain 
    stable for this User gamut until they are changed again via either menu. Values 
    displayed in the Color Saturation menu, however, will likely fluctuate as you use the 
    projector, and will be different when you return to this menu at some point in the 
    future. These floating changes do not affect the x/y coordinates or gamut.  
    Figure 3.23. Customize Color  
    							Section 3: Operation 
     User’s Manual     3-43. 
    Test Pattern 
    Choose the desired internal test 
    pattern to display, or select OFF 
    to turn off a test pattern. 
    Alternatively, use the 
    Te s t key 
    for cycling through test patterns. 
    NOTE: There is a center line 
    (both horizontal and vertical) in 
    the Edge Blending test pattern. 
    The intersection of these lines is 
    the true center of the projector’s 
    display area. 
    Test Pattern Grey Level 
    Set the desired level of grey for displaying in the full gray field test pattern. 
    Freeze Image 
    Enter a check mark to freeze (stop) an image on a single frame. This diagnostic tool is 
    useful if you need to examine in detail a still version of an incoming image that cannot 
    be “frozen” at the source. For example, in moving images it is sometimes difficult to 
    observe artifacts such as external deinterlacing/resizing and signal noise. Remove the 
    checkmark to return back to normal. 
    Color Enable 
    Select which color or colors you want to see. This is useful while working with color 
    temperature, input levels or other special setup parameters. Colors can also be 
    enabled/disabled by entering the corresponding function code listed on the back of the 
    standard remote keypad. 
    Odd Pixel Adjustment 
    NOTES: 1) Factory-set and rarely required by user. 2) Source must be >90 MHz. 
    When using certain RGB sources, you may need to adjust the normal gain or offset of 
    odd pixels in relation to even pixels. This will smooth out very narrow (1-pixel wide) 
    “checks” or vertical stripes that indicate adjacent “on” and “off” pixels. Using the 
    Level Detector simplifies this process (see Figure 3.24): 
    1.  Use an external analog native-sized continuous grayscale test pattern with at 
    least 256-levels. 
    2.  Turn “Level Detector” on. 
    3.  Set “Level Value” to ~200. The image should now be black-and-white (or 
    black-and-one color, if you use “Color Enable” function). 
    4. Adjust offset. Half of the pixels will move, the other half will not. 
    5.  Adjust until the two transition regions overlap. The stripe of noise will be 
    minimized, defined by the value in the slidebar. 
    6.  Set “Level Value” to ~800. The image should now be black-and-white. 
    7.  Repeat Steps 4 and 5, but adjusting gain. 
    8.  Repeat Steps 3-7 for all remaining colors. Your RGB source should now be 
    OK.   System Configuration 
    							Section 3: Operation 
      User’s Manual      
    Two sets of values are automatically saved with these controls—one value for Input 
    #1, and one for Input #2 (analog). The current set of values depends on which source 
    is in use. This enables a source to be processed correctly via 2 different inputs. 
    Figure 3.24. Using “Odd Pixel Adjustment” 
    NOTES: 1) Adjust offset before gain, since offset affects gain. 2) A value of 128 
    represents no change in normal odd pixel offset or gain. 3) Odd Pixel Adjustment 
    eliminates “1 pixel on, 1 pixel off” artifact only, not any type of larger artifacts. 
    No function. 
    Peak Detector 
    The “Peak Detector” is a fast method for defining individual input levels, and can 
    improve the accuracy of input levels set by the Auto Input Level function. Enabling 
    the “Peak Detector” activates a special operating mode for detecting only pixels that 
    are considered black or white—all other levels are displayed as a mid-level gray. 
    When used with a 16-step grayscale pattern in which the two black and white bands 
    are known to be at opposite edges of the image, you can watch these isolated areas 
    while adjusting individual blacklevels and input drives until both bands are just 
    visible. Images from this source will then display correct blacks and whites without 
    crushing or washing out. 
    NOTE: If using Peak Detector with PIP, both images must have the same color space. 
    Level Detector 
    The “Level Detector” checkbox enables specific thresholds for blacks and whites—
    input levels that fall below a specified Level Value (see below) are displayed as black, 
    and all others are displayed as white. It aids in Odd Pixel Adjustment. To use: 
    1.  Enable “Level Detector” and display a continuous grayscale. 
    2. Set “Level Value” to near black (such as 200). 
    3.  Adjust Offsets to minimize area of black stripe. 
    4. Set “Level Value” to near white (such as 800). 
    5.  Adjust Gains to minimize area of white stripe. 
    Level Value 
    Level Value defines the value to be used by the Level Detector in recognizing blacks 
    and whites. See Level Detector, above.  
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