ProForm 85 Manual
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\f\f 1\f.Atta chthe con sole assemb lywith six 5/1 6" x1" Bolts (6) and fou r5/16 "Star Washe rs (1 3) (on ly one side issh own ). See steps 4and 6.Tighten the 3/8" x4" Bolts (9). Co nsol e Asse mbly 1 \f 6 13 13 6 9. Hav easecond person holdtheconsole asse m- bly nea rthe Rig htUpr ight(8\f) and theLeft Uprig ht(no tsh own) .Con nect theUprig htWire (79 )to the con sole wire.See theinse tdraw \b ing. The conne ctorsshould slide together easil yand snap into place. Ifthey donot\b turn o ne co nn ecto rand try agai n.IF TH ECONNEC \b TORSARENOTCONNECTED PROPER LY, THECONSO LEMAY BE DAM AGED WHEN THEPOW ERIS TUR NED ON.Then\b remove thewire tie from theUpright Wire. Setthe con sole assem blyon theRi ght Upright (8\f)an dthe Lef tUpr ight (not show n).Be car e\b ful not topinch thewires. Consol e Assem bly Con sole Wire Wi re Tie 79 8\f 79 C onsol e Wire 9
\f2 13.Mak esure that allpar tsare properly tightened beforeyouusethetreadmill. Ifthere aresheetsofclear pla stic on the tre admi llde cals\b remove thepla stic .To protect the floor orcarpet\b pla ce ama tun der thetread - mill.Not e: Ext rahardwar emay be incl uded .Keep theincluded hexkeys inasecure place;on eof the hex keys isuse dto adjust thewal king belt (se epag es23 and 24). 12. Raise theFrame (51) tothe position shown . Haveaseco ndperson holdthe Frame until thisstepis complet ed. Orie nt theSto rag eLatch (48) sotha tthe large b arrel and theLa tch Knob (49) areoriented as sho wn. Attach the upper end ofthe Stor age Latch (48) to thebracke to n theFr am e(51 )wi th a3/8" x2" B olt (7 )and a3/8" Nu t(11) . Attach thelow erend ofthe Stor age Latch (48) to theBase (87) with a3/8" x1 3/4" Bolt(8). Note: It may benecessa ryto move theFrame (51) back andfort hto align theStor age Latch with th e Base . Lower theFrame (51)(see HOW TOLOW ER THETR EA DMILL FOR USE on page 21). 48 87 11 Lar ge Bar rel 8 51 12 7 49 11. If ne cessa ry\bpre sstheLeft Tray (94) and the Righ tTra y(1 \f3 )in to the Consol eBa ck (98 ). See step 8.Firmly tighten thetw o 1/4" x1 1/4" Bolts (1\f). 941\f3 98 11
\f3 OPE RA TION AND ADJUSTMENT THEPRE \bLUBRI CATED WALK ING BELT You rtrea dmill fea tures awalki ngbeltco ated withhig h- perf ormance lubrican t.IMPORTA NT:Neverapply sil\b icone spray orother subst ance sto the walking be ltor the walk ing platfor m. Such substance swill de teriorate thewalking beltand cause excessive wea r. HOWTO PLUG IN THE POWER CORD You rtrea dmill\b likeanyother type ofsop histica ted electronic equ ipmen t\bcan be seri ousl ydama ged by su dden voltag echan gesin yo ur homeʼ spowe r. Volt age surge s\bsp ikes\b andnoi se inter ference can res ult from weather condi tions or fro m other appliances beingturne don or off. Todecr ease thepossibility of yourtreadmill being dam aged, alwaysuse asur ge suppre ssor with your treadm ill(see drawing \fat the right). Topurchase asur gesupp ressor, see your lo cal PRO FORM dealeror call thete le phone number onthe front cover ofthis manual andorder partnu mber \f46\f48, orsee your local electronic s stor e. Use onl yasingle\boutlet surgesuppressor that is UL \f449 listed asatran sient voltage surge sup\b pre ssor (TVSS). Thesurgesuppressor musthavea UL suppressed voltageratingof400 volts orless andami nimum surgedissipat ionof450 joules. The surge suppr essor mustbeelect rically ratedfor \f20vol ts AC and \f5amps. Theremust beamoni \b tor ing light onthe surg esuppressor to indicat e whethe rit is functioning properly.Failure to use a pro pe rly functi oningsurge suppressor couldresult indama getothe contr olsyst emofthe treadmill. If the cont rolsyste misdamaged, the walking belt mayslow ,accelerate, or st op unexpect edly,which mayre sult in afall and serious inj ury. Thi sproduct mustbegrounded. Ifit sho uldmalfu nc- tion orbrea kdo wn\b ground ingprovi des apath oflea st resistan cefor ele ctric curren tto reduce therisk ofele c-tric sho ck.Thispr odu ctis equi pped with acor dhavi ng an eq uipm ent -gr oundi ngcondu ctor and agroundi ng plug. Plug the pow ercor dint oasurge suppressor, and plug the surge suppres sorinto anappr opriate outlet that is properl yinst alled and grounded in acc ordanc ewit h all local codes and ordinances. IM PO RTA NT:The treadmi ll is not compatible with GFC I\bequi pped outlet s. Thi spr oduct is fo r use on anom inal 12\f-volt circuit\b and has agroundi ng plu g that loo ks like theplug illus - tra ted in dr aw in g 1bel ow.A tem por ary adap terthat looks like theadapt erillu str ated in drawing 2may be used to con nect th e sur ge suppr essorto a2-pol e recept acleas sho wnin dr aw ing 2if a properly groun dedoutlet is not avai la bl e. The tem por aryada pter shou ld be used only until a prope rly gr oun ded outlet (dr aw ing 1) canbe instal led b y a qua lif ied elect ricia n. The gree n-col ored rig id ear \blug\b orthe like extending fro m the ada pter must be connect edtoape rm anent groun dsuch asapr ope rly ground edoutlet boxcover . Whenever the adap teris use dit m ust be held inplace by a met al scre w.S ome 2\bpol erece ptacle outletbox cove rsare not grounded. Conta ctaqua lified elec\b tri ci an to de termi neif the out let box cover is grounded before using anada pter. DAN GER :Im proper connect ion ofthe equi pment\bgr oundingconductorcan resul tin an increa sedrisk ofele ctri cshock . Checkwith aqua lified electrician orserv ice\b ma nif you arein doubt asto whethe rthe pro duct is properly grounded.Do not modify the plug prov idedwit hthe product—i fit will not fitthe outle t,ha ve apr oper outlet installed byaqua lified electrician. 1 2Gr ou nded Out let Box G round edOutle tB ox Gr ou ndi ng Plug S ur ge Sup pressor Sur ge Sup pressor G roundi ngPin Ad apt er Lug Met alScr ew Gro unded Out let G ro undi ngPin Gr oun ding Plu g
\f4 FEATURE SOF THE CONSOLE Thetread mill console offer san im pre ssive arrayof fea ture sde sign edtohe lpyou getthemostfrom your wo rkout s.Wh enthema nual mode ofth e co nsole isse - lect ed\b thespeed andincline ofthe treadmill can be changed withthetouch ofabutton. As yo uex ercise \b theconsole willdisp lay con tinuou sexe rcise fe ed back. You can eve nme asu reyour heart rat eusin gthebuilt - inhand grip pulse sen sor. Inaddition \bthe console featuresfiftee npre set work- out s—f iveweigh tloss\b fiveperfor man ce\b and five aero - bicworko uts. Each workout autom aticallycon trols the speed andincline ofthe treadm illas itgu ides you thro ugh aneffe ctive exercise sessio n. Theco nsole also features thenew iFitint era ctive workout system.The iFitsystem enablesth econso le toaccep tiFit inte ractive wor kout cardsco ntain ing workout sde sign edtohel pyou achieve speci ficfitn ess goa ls.Forexa mple \blose unwa nted pounds with the8- week we ight loss workout\b ortrain foralon g-d istan ce runwit hthe mara thon worko ut.iFit workou tsauto ma ti- ca lly con trol thetrea dmill whilethe voice ofa personal train ercoache syo uthro ugh everystep ofyou rwork -out.iFi tcar dsareavai labl esepar ately. Topurchase iFitcards at any time, goto orcall the tel ephone numberonthe front cove rof this manual .iFi tcards are also ava ilable atselect stores. Yo ucan even list en to your favor ite workout musicor audioboo kswit h the consol eʼspr emium stereosound sy ste mwhi le you getin shape .Thi streadmill hasbeen designed speci fical ly to work wit h iP od and has been certi fied byth e deve loper tomee tA pple perfor mance standar ds. Toturn onthe pow er,see page 15. Touse the man \b ualm ode, seepage 15. To use apres etwor kout , seepage 17. To usean iFi tw orkout, seepage 18. Tousethe inf orma tion mode, seepa ge 19. Touse the ste re osound syst em ,see page 19. Note:The consol ecan displ ay spee dand distance in eith er miles orkilom eter s. To fin d out which unit of me asur ement is se lecte dor to ch ange theunitof mea - surem ent \bse eTHE IN FO RM ATI ON MODE onpage 19. Note:Fo rsi m plici ty\b all inst ruct ions inthis secti on referto mile s. CONS OLEDIAGRAMComp atible Music Por tfo riP od Navi gation But tons
\f5 HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ER IMPORTANT: Ifthe treadm illhas been expos edto coldtemperature s,allow itto wa rm to room tem \b pe ratu rebefore turning onthe power. Ifyou donot dothis, youmay damage the console displaysor other electri cal compone nts. Plug inthe power cord (seepa ge 13).Ne xt\b lo- ca te the rese t/off circuit breake ron the treadmill frame nearthe power cord. Switch thecir cuit breake rto the rese tpo sitio n. IMPORTANT: Thecons olefeat ures adisplay demo mode, designe dto be used ifthe treadmill isdis \b played inastore. Ifthe displays lightassoon as you plug inthe power cord and switc hthe reset/off circ uitbrea kerto the reset pos ition, thedem o mode isturned on.Toturn offthe demo mode, holddown theStop button for afew seconds .If the displays remainlit, see THE INFORMATION MODE onpage \f9 to turn offthe demo mode. Next\b stan don the foot railsof thetrea dmill. Find theclipattache dto the key (se ethedrawin gto the rig ht)and slide the clip ontothewaistb andof your clo thes. Then\b insert the ke yinto the con sole. Afteramom ent\bthedisp lays will lig ht.IMP ORTANT: Inan em ergency situation, the key can bepulle dfrom the console, causingthe walking beltto slow toastop. Test theclip by careful lytak ing afew ste ps backward; ifthe key is not pulled from the cons ole,adjust thepos ition of theclip. IMP ORTANT: Ifthere are sheet sof clear plastic on theconsol e,rem ove theplast ic.To preven tdam \b agetothe wal king plat form, wear clean athletic shoes whileusi ng the treadm ill.The first time you us ethe trea dmil l,obse rvethe alignme ntofthe wal king belt,an dcenter thewalking beltifne ces \b sary (see page 24).H O W TO USE TH EMANUAL MO DE \f. Insert the key int othe consol e. See HO W TO TURN ON TH EPO W ER tothe left. 2 . Sel ect the manual mode. Whenthekey is inser ted\b the man- ual mode will be sel ect ed. If a w or kout hasbeen select ed\b resel ect the manua lm ode by rem oving the key and the nre in sert ingit. 3 . Start the wal king belt. To star tthe wal king be lt\b pr ess the Start button\b the Speed incr ease but ton\b orone ofthespeed but- tons num bered1thro ugh 1\f. If yo upr ess theSt artbut ton orthe Speed increase but ton\b the wal king bel twi ll begi nto move at1 mph. As yo uexer cise \bch ange the spe edofthe wal king beltas desi red bypressi ng the Speed in - cr ease anddecr ease butto ns. Each time youpress the Spee dincr ease ordecr ease button\b thespeed setting will ch ang eby \f.1mp h;if you hold down the button \bthe spee dset ting will ch ange inincre - ment sof \f.5mp h.Note: Afte ryou pre ss the but- tons\b it m ay take amom ent for the walking beltto reach the select ed speed setting. I f yo upr ess one ofthe speed but tons numbered 1 thr ough 1\f\b the wal king belt w ill gr adu ally increase in speed unt ilit rea ches the select ed speed setting. Tostop the wal king bel t\b p re ss the Stop button. To rest artthe walki ng belt\b pr ess the Sta rt button\b the Speed incr ease but ton\b orone ofthenumbered spee dbut to ns. 4. Change the incl ine ofthe tr eadm ill as desir ed. Tochan geth e incl ine of the tr ead mill\b pre ss the Incl ine incr ease anddecr ease buttons. Each time you press the In cl ine incr ease ordecrea sebutton\b the incl ine will chang eby \f.5per cent. Tochange the incl ine quickly\bpre ss one ofthein cl ine buttons num bere d \fthro ugh 1\f. Not e: After you press the Incl ine butto ns\b it m ay take amom ent forthe tread - mill to reach th e sel ect ed incl ine setting. Reset Key Cl ip
\f6 5.Selec ta dis playmode and monitor your progres swith the display . When theman ualmode issel ected\b theconso le offers three disp laymod es.Thedispl aymo de that yousele ctwill determi ne which worko utinforma - tio n is sho wn. Press theDisp lay button repeatedly to sele ctthe desire ddispla ym ode . As you walk orrun on the trea dmill\b the display can showthefollo wing workout information: • Th esp ee dof the wal king belt. •Your walkin gor runnin gpace\b inmin utes per mile orminu tesper kilome ter. • Th eapp roximate numb erofcal orie syo uhave burne d. •Th eelap sed tim e. • Th edista nce tha tyou have wal ked or run . •Th enumb eroflaps you have completed.Each la p re pre sent s1/ 4mile (4\f \fmeter s). •Th eincline setting ofthe treadm ill wh enever the incline setting chan ges. •Your heart rate.Note: Yourhear tra te can be displaye don lywhil eyou usethehandgrip pulse se nsor. • Th edispla yca nalso show ananimation ofa road. Regardles sof which disp laymod eyou select\b the s peed orincline set ting willappe arinthedisp lay for afew seconds eachtimeyouchang ethe setting. You ca nchan gethe volum elevel bypressing the Volume increaseanddecr ease button s. Toreset the con sole\b pressthe Stop button\bre- move thekey\b and thenrei nser tthe key.6. Meas ure your heart ra te if des ired. Beforeusi ng the handgr ip pul se sensor \brem ove the clea rpl ast ic fi lm fr om the met alcont acts.In addi tio n\b make su re tha tyou r hands areclean. To mea sur eyour heartra te \bst and onthe foot railsand holdthe met al cont acts— avoid moving yourhands. When your pulseis detected\b your heartrat ewill be show n.For the most accurat e heart ratere adi ng, cont inue to hold thecon \b tacts for about \f5seconds. 7. Turn onthe fan if desi red. Th efanfeatures high\b low\b and auto speed set- tings. Press theFan but ton repea tedly tosel ect a fan speed orto tu rn off the fan. When theauto mod eis sel ect ed\bthe spe edofthefanwill auto - matical ly incre ase and decre ase asthe speed of thewal king beltincr eases anddecr eases .Note: If thefan is on when the wal king beltis stopped\b the fanwill tur noffa ut om atical ly after afew minutes. 8. When youarefinis hed exerc is ing, rem ove the keyfrom the cons ole. St ep onto th e foo trai ls\b pre ss the Stop button\b and adjus tthe incl ine ofthe treadm illto the lowest setting. The incl ine must beatthe lowest set\b ting oryou may damagethe treadmill whenyou foldit to the storage position. Next\b remove the keyfr om the consol ean dput itin asecure place. Whe nyou arefini shed using the tr ead mill\b switch the rese t/of fci rcu it b reake rto the offposition and unplugthe pow er co rd. IM PO RTA NT: Ifyou do notdothis ,the treadm illʼs elect rical com po\b nentsm ay wear prem aturel y. Cont act s
\f7 HOWTO USE APRESE TWORK OUT \f.Ins ert the key into thecons ole. See HO WTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15. 2. Selectone ofthe prese twork outs. Toselect a weightloss worko utor a performa nce workout\bpress th e W eig htLo ss Wo rkou tsbut - to n or the Performa nceWorkou tsbu tton .Pro files ofth espee dset tings ofthe worko utswill ap pea rin th e displa y.To select anaerob icwo rkou t\bpress th e W eig htLo ss Wor kouts button andthenpress th e down Navigation butto nuntil theaero bic pro- file sap pear inthe display. Use theNavi gatio nbu t- to ns to high light thede sired profile .The maximu m speedsetting and maxim umincli nesetting ofth e worko utwill be sho wn. Press Enter tosel ect the worko ut. As each preset worko utisse - lected\b the max - imum speed setting and the maximu min- cline settingof th e wo rkou tw ill flash inthe displ ays forafew sec - onds. The workout durati on and aprofil eof the spe edsetting softhe wor kout willap pear inthe dis - pla y. 3. Startthe work out. Pre ss theSta rtbutto nor the Spe edincrease but - to n to start the wor kou t.A mom ent after youpress th e but ton \bth etre adm ill wi llau tomati callyadjust to th e first spee dan dincl ine settings forthe workou t. Holdthehan drails and begin walki ng. Each workou tis divided into one- minute segments. One sp ee dset ting and one incli nesetting are pro - gra mmed foreach segme nt.Note: The same speedand/o rin clin esetting may be programme d fo r con secu tivesegments.Aprofile of the spee dset ting sof the wor kout will app ear inthe di spl ay. Asm all ar row below the pr ofile will in di - cat eyour progr ess. Atthe end ofthefirst one- min ut esegment ofthe wor kout \ba ser ie s ofto ne swill so und. Ifa differ ent spee dset ting and/ orincli ne setting is progr ammed for thesecon dseg ment\bthe spe edsettin gand/or incl ine settin g wi ll flash in the displ ay for amoment to aler tyo u. Th etreadm ill w ill then autom aticall y adjust to the spe edand incl ine se tting sfor the sec- ond segm ent . The wor kout will cont inue in thi sway until thesmall ar row re aches the right end ofthe profil eand the last segm entends. Thewal king beltwi llthen slow to astop. If the speed orincl in e set ting is too high ortoo low atany time dur in g th e wo rko ut\byou canoverr ide the setting bypressi ng the spee dor incline but- tons; however ,w hen the nex tsegme ntbegins, the treadmi ll wi ll aut oma tic al ly adjust to the spee dand incl ine settings for the next segm ent. Tostop the wor ko ut atany tim e\b press theStop button. Torest artthe wor kou t\bpr ess theStar tbut - ton. The wal king bel twi ll begi nto move at1mph. Whe nthenext segm ent ofthewo rko utbegins\b the tr eadm ill w ill au toma tica lly adj ust to th e speed and incl ine settin gs fo r the nextseg ment. 4. Sel ect adi spl aymode andmonitor your progresswith the displ ay. See step 5on page 16. 5. Measur eyour heartrat eif desired. S ee step 6on page 16. 6. Turn onthe fanif desi red. See step 7on page 16. 7. When youarefini shed exerci sing, remove the key from the cons ole. See step 8on page 16.
\f8 HOWTO USE ANIFIT WORKOU T Topurch aseiFitcardsatany time\bgo m orcall thetelep hone numb eron the front cover ofthis ma nual. iFitcard sare also avail ableat select store s. \f. Ins ert the key into thecons ole. See HO WTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15. 2. Ins ert an iFit car dand selec ta work out. To use aniFit worko ut\binser ta n iFit card into the iFit slot; makesure that the iFit car dis orien tedso th e me talcon tacts are face- downand areinserte d into the iFit slot. Next \bse lect an iFit wor kout bypressin gtheiFit in- crea seand decre asebutto nsnext tothe iFit slot. Wh enaniFit workou tis selected \bthe maximu m speedsetting and the maxim umincli nesettin gof th e wo rkou tw ill flash inthe displ ays forafew sec - onds. The workout durati on and aprofil eof the spe edsetting softhe wor kout willap pear inthe dis - pla y. Each iFit workout isdivid edinto seve ralone- minu teseg men ts.On espeed settingand onein- cline settingare progr ammed foreach segment. Not e:The same speed and/or incli nesettin gma y be pro grammed for consecutive segme nts. 3.Start the work out. Pre ss theSta rtbutto nor the Spe edincrease but - to n to start the wor kou t.A mom ent after youpressthe but ton\bth e tr ead mill wi ll aut omatically adjust to the fir st sp ee dand incl ine settings for th e wor kout. Holdthe handr ails and begi nwal king. Dur ing the wor kout \bthe voice ofapersonal trainer will g ui de you thr ou gh the wor kou t.You canselect an audi oset ting for your per sonal tra iner (see THE INFO RMA TION MODE on page 19). Ifthe spee dor incl ine setting for the current seg- men tis too high ortoo low \byou canma nual lyover - ride the setting bypressi ngthe Spee dor Incl ine but tons; how ever, whe nthe next se gment be\b gins, the treadmi ll wi ll aut oma tic ally adjust to the speedand inc line settings for the next seg\b ment . Tostop the wor kou tat any tim e\b pre ss the Stop button. To rest artthe wor kout \bp re ss the Star tbut - ton or the Spee dincre ase button. The walki ngbelt will b egi nto mo veat1mph .Wh enthe next seg- men tof the workout begins\bthe tr eadmill will auto - matical ly adj ust tothe speed andincline settings forthe next segm ent. 4. Sel ec ta di spl aymode and monitor your progress wit h the displ ay. See step 5on page 16. 5.Mea sure your heart rat eif desire d. Seestep 6on page 16. 6. Turnon the fan if des ired. See step 7on page 16. 7. When youarefinis hed exerc is ing, rem ove the keyfrom the cons ole. S ee step 8on page 16. CAUTI ON :A lw ay srem ove iFi tca rds from the iFi tsl ot when youarenot using them. iFi tS lo t iFit Card
\f9 THEINFORMAT IONMODE Thecon sole feature sa user ʼsmo de that allows youto choose anaudio setting foryour iFit workouts. The userʼs mod ealso keepstrack ofthe total numbe rof mile stha tthe walkin gbe lthas moved and thetotal numbe rof hours that the tread millha sbeen operated . You canalso selectmiles orkilome ters as the unitof me asureme ntan dturn onandturn off the dem omo de. To select the informa tionmode\b holddow ntheStop but ton while inserting thekeyinto theconsol eand then release theSto pbutto n.When theinformati onmode is selected \bthe follo wing informationwillbe shown : You canselect an aud iosettin gforyour person al trainerifde sired. Whenyouuse aniFitca rd\b ape r- so nal train erwill guide you through yourwo rkou ts.If yo usele ctthe ON se tting \bthe person altra iner willgive yo udeta iledinstructio ns.Ifyou select theOFF settin g\b your person altrain erwill simp lygui de you throug h your iFit worko uts. To chang etheaudi osetti ng\bpress theInclin edecre asebutton. Th edisp laywill show thetotal numberofhours the treadmillha sbee nused .Th edispl aywillalso sho wthe tot alnu mbe rof miles (orkilo meter s)tha tthe walkin g belthas move d. Theword ENGLI SHform iles orMETRIC forkilome - terswillapp earin the displ ay.Press theSpeed in- cre ase but ton to chan gethe unito fmeasurem entifde - sire d. Note: The console features adisp laydemo mode\bde - sig ned tobe used ifthe treadm illis disp layed ina store. Whilethe demo mode istur ned on\bthe console will funct ionnormally when you plug inthe powe rcord\b swit chthereset /offcir cui tb rea ker tothe reset position \band inse rtth e key int othe consol e.However\b when you rem ove the key\b th e displ ays will remain lit\b al- thoug hthebut tons will not funct ion. Ifthe demo mode istu rn ed on\b the word ON will app ear in the displ ay whi le thein fo rm ation mod eis sel ect ed. Toturn onor offth edem omod e\bpress the Speed decrease button. Toexitth einfo rm at ion mode \brem ove thekey from the conso le . H O W TO USE TH ESTER EO SO UND SYSTEM Thistre adm ill has been designe dspecifica lly to work with iP od and has been certif ied by the developer to meet Appl eper for mance standa rds. To play musicor aud io books thr ough the con soleʼsstereo speaker s\b youmust conne ctyou riP od\b MP3 pla yer\b CDplayer \b or ot her persona lau dio player tothe console through the aud io jack orthr ough the compati ble musi cpor tfor iP od. The musi cport w ill cha rgeyour iPod while you use it . To use the audio wi re\b locat ethe audio wire andplug it int othe audio jack nearthe spe aker s.Th en plug the aud io wir e int oajack on your MP3 playe r\bCD player \b or ot her persona lau dio player .M ake surethat the a udi owire is ful ly pl ugged in. Touse the compa tibl e musi cpor tfo riPod\b youneed an iFi tu ni ver sal iP od con nect or(n ot includ ed).To pur \b chas ean iFituni versa liP od connector, pleasecall the tel ephone number onthe front cover ofthis manua l.Plug one end in to the musi cport near the speakersand the other end int oyour iPod. Make sure that theiFi tuniv ersal iP od connector isfully plugged in. N ext \bp re ss the Play but ton onyour iPod\b MP3player \b CD pla yer \bor other person alaudi o player. Adjust the volum eon you rpe rso nala udi oplayer orpress the Vol um eincr ease anddecr ease buttons onthe con- sole. If yo uar eusi ng aper sona lC D player andtheCD ski ps\b setthe CD playe ron the floor oranother flat sur - face and noto n th e consol e.
20 HOWTOFOLD AND MOVE THETREAD MIL L HOWTO FOLD THETREA DM ILL FORSTORAGE Be fore foldingthe trea dmill, adjust the inc line tothe lowe stposition .If you donotd o th is,you may dama gethe trea dmil lwhen youfold it.Remo vethe key and unplu gth e po we rcord .CA UTION :You must be able tosaf elylift 45 lbs. (20 kg) torai se,lower ,or move thetreadmill. 1. Hold themeta lfra me firmly in the loca tionshown by thearrow atthe right. CAUTION: Todec reas ethe pos \b sibil ity ofinjury ,do not lift the fr a m eby the plastic foot rails. Mak esure tobend yourlegs and keep your back strai ghtas you raise the fram e.Ra ise theframe a bou th alf way to the vertica lposi tion. 2. Raise theframe untilthe latch knob locks into th e stora ge posit ion. Mak esur ethat the latch knob islock edinthe storage position. To protec tthe floor orcar pet from damage, placea ma tunde rthe treadm ill.Kee pthe trea dmill outofdi\b re ct sunli ght.Donot leav ethe tre admill inthe stor age pos ition intempe ratures above 85°F(30 °C). HO WTO MOV ETHE TREAD MILL Before movin gthe treadmill\bconve rtthetrea dmill tothe stor- age posit ionasdescribe dabove. Mak esure thatthelatc h kn ob isloc ked inthe stora geposition. 1.Hold aha ndrail and the frame andpla ce one foot against one of thewh eels. 2.Tip the treadmill backuntilitrolls freely onthewheel s. Car efully move thetreadmi llto the desired location. Never mov ethe trea dmill without tippi ngitba ck.To reduce the riskof injury, useextreme cautionwhilemoving the tre adm ill.Do not attem pt tomov ethe treadmil l over an uneven surface. 3.Place onefoot aga inst awheel \ba nd care fully lower th e tre ad mill untilitis resting in thesto rag epo sition . Handr ail Fra me Wh eel LatchKno b Fram e Fram e