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Philips Bdl4221v User Manual

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Page 31

On Screen Display
codeChange program lock access code.   Users need to set a four digits 
access code to enable the Auto Lock function.l     Use    to enter code input mode
l     Use number buttons to a new four-digit code
l     Press  to confirm and return to upper level sub menu.
Clear all Clear all of the locked channels.
l     Press  or  to toggle between 
m     On
m     Off
l     Press  to confirm and clear up all locked channel settings. 
 to adjacent upper level sub-menu selections....

Page 32

On Screen Display
l     Press  to confirm and  to return to Zoom Type and exit to 
upper level sub-menu.
Install: press  to enter sub-menu selections. 
Language Choices of languages in user interfaces. 
l     Users can use or  to toggle between 
m     m     DEUTSCH
l     Press  to adjacent sub-menu selections  or  to return 
to main menu.
Monitor ID Assigning a three digits monitor ID to the unit, so it can be identified\
using RS232 to...

Page 33

On Screen Display
SensorTurns on or off the light sensor for automatic brightness control.l     Users can use  or  to toggle between 
m     On
m     Off
l     Press  or  to adjacent sub-menu selections.
Control Users need to turn off remote control function when they want to use 
RS232 protocol to control this unit from afar, so it will remote control\
commands not to conflict with RS232 commands.
l     Users can use  or   to toggle between 
m     On
m     Off
l     Press  or  to...

Page 34

On Screen Display
ModeChoose of tuner signal inputs.
l     Users can press  or   to toggle between 
m     Antenna
m     Cable
m     Auto
l     Then, press     to adjacent sub-menu selections   or 
 to return to main menu.
Program Scan all existing channels from your tuner input.
l     Press  to start.
l     Press  or  to adjacent sub-menu selections,  to 
return to main menu.
Edit Choices to add or delete channels from available channels.
l     Press  to enter Channel Edit...

Page 35

On Screen Display
RatingMovie or TV broadcasters add rating signal in the TV or movie 
broadcasted.Users can use this function to set up an automatic program 
rating and blocking mechanism to prevent underage viewers to watch 
improper movie or TV contents.
l     Press  to enter Rating sub-menu.
l     Press  or   to adjacent sub-menu selections.
Rating sub-menu
Option To enable or disable the TV or Movie block function.
l     Users can use  or  to toggle between 
m     On
m     Off
l     Press...

Page 36

On Screen Display
 to adjacent sub-menu selections. 
TV RatingThere are six TV ratings.
l     Users can use  to enter movie rating sub-menu, and use 
 or  to choose between
1) Y: all children
l     Users can use  or  to toggle between 
m     On
m     Off 
2) Y7: Directed to older children 
l     Users can use  or  to toggle between 
m     Block
m     FV: fantasy violence or comic violence
3) G: General audience
l     Users can use  or  to toggle between 
m     On
m     Off
4) PG: Parental guidance...

Page 37

On Screen Display
m     S: sexual situation
m     L: strong language
m     D: suggestive dialogue
to block all programs in this rating or part of the programs with specif\
6) MA: Matured audience only.
l     Users can use  or  to toggle between 
m     Block
m     V: violence
m     S: sexual situation
m     L: strong language
m     D: suggestive dialogue
to block all programs in this rating or part of the programs with specif\
(More information will be seen at the end of...

Page 38

On Screen Display
ModeThere are nine caption modes to be selected.
l     Users can use  or  to toggle between 
m     CC1
m     CC2
m     CC3
m     CC4
m     TXT1
m     TXT2
m     TXT3
m     TXT4
m     CC Mute
l     Then, press  to confirm and return to upper level sub-menu. 
 Note: The difference between CC and TXT mode is, CC shows 
a few lines of dialogues only while TXT (text) use half or entire page\
display scrolling text information. CC1 ~CC4 are usually showing same 
contents in...

Page 39

On Screen Display
TV mode (Europe, Asia Pacific models)
ProgramScan all existing channels from your tuner input.l     Press  to start.
l     Press  or  to adjacent sub-menu selections, to return 
to main menu.
Store Select a frequency with specific channel.
l     Use  to enter Manual Store sub-menu, and  or  to 
select between selections. 
l     Then,  to confirm.
Setting Choose channel setting to channel edit, channel swap, neme edit, and 
channel sort.
l     Use  to enter...

Page 40

On Screen Display
l     Users can use  or   to toggle between 
m     France: scans pan Europe and French TV systems
m     Western Europe: scans pan Europe TV systems only.
l     Press  or   to adjacent sub-menu selections,  to 
confirm and return to upper level sub-menu.
Store Select a frequency with specific channel.
l     Use  to enter, and use  or  to adjust frequency.
l     Then, press  or  to adjacent sub-menu selections, to 
Number Give a channel number to the...
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