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Philips 32pfl8404 User Manual

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Page 151

4.4.1   Pixel Plus link
Some other devices, DVD or Blu-ray Disc players, might
have their own picture quality processing. To avoid bad
picture quality from interference with the TV processing,
the picture processing of these devices should be
discarded. With Pixel Plus link you can discard this picture
quality processing.
Close this user manual and press h and select Setup >
Installation > Preferences > Pixel Plus link. Select On to
discard the picture processing from connected devices. 

Page 152

4.4.2   Audio sync
When a Home Theatre System is connected, the picture
on your TV and the sound from the Home Theatre System
should be syncronized. A mismatch is visible in scenes
with people talking. When they finish sentences before
their lips stop moving, you need to adjust the Audio sync
delay on the Home Theatre System.
Consult the user manual of the Home Theatre System.
In case you cannot set this delay in the Home Theatre
System or the maximum setting is insufficient, you can
consider to switch...

Page 153

4.5.1   From the Internet
In some cases, it might be necessary to update the TV
software. If your TV is connected to a router, which is
connected to the Internet, you can update the TV software
directly from the Internet. You need a high speed Internet
Close this user manual, press h > Setup > Software
update > Update now and press OK.
Select Internet and press OK.
Follow the instructions on screen.
When the update is done, the TV switches off and back on
again automatically. Wait for the TV...

Page 154

4.5.2      With  a  USB  memory  device
In some cases, it might be necessary to update the TV
software. Start the software update on the TV. Then,
download the TV software from the Internet onto your PC.
Use a USB memory device to upload the software from
your PC to the TV. Preparation
You need a PC with a high speed Internet connection. You
will need a USB memory device with 256 Mb free space
and make sure that the write protection is switched off.
Some USB memory devices might not work with the...

Page 155

4.5.2      With  a  USB  memory  device
1 Identification
Close this user manual, press h > Setup > Software
update > Update now and press OK.
Select USB and press OK.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
The TV will ask to insert the USB device into the USB
connector at the side of the TV. 2 Download from PC to USB
Once the TV identification file is written to the USB device,
insert the USB into your PC that is connected to the
Internet. On the USB device, locate the file 'update.htm'

Page 156

4.5.2      With  a  USB  memory  device
3 Download from USB to TV
Insert the USB memory device back into the TV. Follow the
onscreen instructions to start the new TV software update.
The TV switches off for 10 seconds and back on again.
Please wait.
Do not …
• use the remote control
• remove the USB device from the TV during the software
If a power cut occurs during the update, never remove the
USB memory device from the TV. When the power returns,
the update continues. At the end of the...

Page 157

5.1.1   Power cable
Make sure the power cable is securely inserted in the
TV. Make sure that the power plug in the wall socket is
accessible at all times.
When disconnecting the power cable, always pull the plug,
never the cable.
Although this TV has a very low standby power
consumption, unplug the power cable to save energy if
you do not use the TV for a long time. 

Page 158

5.1.2   Antenna cable
Locate the antenna connection at the back of the TV. Insert
the antenna cable securely in the Antenna a socket. 

Page 159

5.2.1   Cable quality
Before you connect devices to the TV, verify which
connectors are available on the device. Connect the device
to the TV with the highest quality connection available.
Good quality cables ensure a good transfer of picture and
The connections shown in this user manual are
recommendations for the cases most used. Other
solutions are possible.
Read more on specific cable types and available
connections in About cables > HDMI … etc.
Add your devices
When you have connected a...

Page 160

5.2.2      HDMI
An HDMI connection has the best picture and sound
One HDMI cable combines video and audio signals.
Use HDMI for High Definition (HD) TV signals.
An HDMI cable transfers picture and sound signals in only
one direction, the opposite to a scart cable.
Do not use an HDMI cable longer than 5 m.
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