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Philips 32pdl7906h User Manual

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Page 21

EN      21   
 The first time you select Media Sharing, 
a pop-up screen appears. Tick the Share my media box and click OK.  
 A device marked as Unknown Device 
appears in the Media Sharing screen.   
If the unknown device does not appear 
after a minute or so, make sure that 
your PC firewall is not blocking the 
3. From the Media Sharing screen, select the 
unknown device and click Allow.   
A green tick appears next to the device.  
 By default, Windows Media Player...

Page 22

EN      22       
 To play the previous or next file, press 
 or .  
Press  OPTIONS to access one of the 
following options: 
 [Show info]: Display the file 
 [Stop]: Stop slideshow. 
 [Rotate]: Rotate the file. 
 [Repeat]: Repeat the slideshow.  
Net TV and online video 
What you can do 
Enjoy Internet Applications (Apps), specially 
adapted internet websites for your TV. You 
can control the Apps with the TV remote 
control. For example, you can: 
 Read newspaper headlines 

Page 23

EN      23   
A prompt asks if you want to lock adult 
services. 5. To lock adult services, select [Lock], then 
press OK. 
To leave adult services unlocked, select [Leave unlocked], then press OK. 
6. To lock, enter a 4-digit code, then press OK.   
7. Re-enter the 4-digit code, then press OK.   
The Net TV start page is displayed.  
Access Net TV Applications (Apps) 
The first page shown is the Net TV home 
page. The icons on this page represent the 
applications (Apps).  
 Browse...

Page 24

EN      24       
1. Open a video store. You may need to 
register or enter your login. 
2. Select a video.   
3. Make the online payment. 
4. Download a video.   
To rent and download a video, you need a 
high-speed Internet connection to the TV. 
Read more about network connections in Connect your TV > Computers and the 
Internet (Page 55). 
You also need an SD memory card to insert 
into the TV SD card slot. 
SD memory size 
Use a blank SD memory card of type SDHC 
class 6, with at least 4 GB of...

Page 25

EN      25   
If you cancel a download, you can still 
download the video until the rental period 
Watch video 
1. Press , select [Browse Net TV]. 
The installed video stores are displayed. 
2. Select the video store where you rented the video, then press OK.  
3. With your log-in information, enter the 
online video store. 
4. Select the video from the list of downloaded videos, then press OK to play.  
Add a game console 
Before you start, connect your game console to...

Page 26

EN      26       
Stop two-player game 
To stop the two-player split-screen view, press  (Home) and select another activity. 
Note: To switch back to watching 3D 
content from a DVD player, press  ADJUST. Select [Two-player gaming] > 
[Off], then press OK. 

Page 27

EN      27   
 3 Use more of 
your TV 
Pause TV 
What you can do 
While watching a digital channel, you can 
pause a programme to answer an urgent 
phone call or to have a break. The broadcast 
is stored on a USB hard disk that is 
connected to the TV; you can replay the 
broadcast instantly.  
 The maximum time for which you can 
pause a TV broadcast is 90 minutes.  
What you need 
To pause a TV broadcast, do the following: 
 Tune your TV to receive digital 
channels. Pause TV...

Page 28

EN      28       
Pause a live TV broadcast  
1. On a digital channel, press  (pause) to 
pause a TV broadcast. 
2. Press  (play) to continue watching. 
The status bar shows the following time 
indicators: A. When the programme is paused for the 
first time. B. Where the paused programme is 
currently playing. C. Where the live programme is currently 
playing.      Press  (reverse) or   (forward) to 
select where you want to start viewing 
the stored broadcast. 
 Press  (stop) to switch to live TV...

Page 29

EN      29   
To check if the programme guide supports 
Press  and select [Programme guide]. If 
you find a [TV Recording] button on the 
programme guide page, you can set up and 
manage recordings. 
If the [TV Recording] button is not present, 
ensure that the programme guide data is set 
to be updated through the network. Select  > [Setup] > [TV settings] > 
[Preferences] > [Programme guide] > 
[From network]. 
Hard disk installation 
Before you can record a TV programme,...

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EN      30       
3. If needed, adjust the recording time to 
add a buffer at the end of the programme. Select [Schedule] and press OK. The 
programme is scheduled for recording. 
A warning displays automatically when 
overlapping recordings are scheduled. 
If you plan to record a programme during 
your absence, remember to switch the TV 
to standby and keep the USB hard disk 
switched on. 
Set a timed recording 
To manually set a recording that is not linked 
to any programme: 
1. From the programme...
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