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Philips 300wn5vs User Manual

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    Download and Print
    Download and Print
    Installing your LCD monitor driver • Download and Printing Instructions • Installing FPadjust 
    Installing Your LCD monitor driver
    System requirements: 
    PC running Windows® 95, Windows® 98, Windows® 2000 , Windows®\
     Me, Windows® XP 
    or later
    l     Find your driver .inf/.icm/.cat at : /PC/drivers/
    Read the Driver_install02.txt file before installing. 
    This page provides an option to read the manual in .pdf format. PDF file\
    s can be downloaded into 
    your hard disk, then viewed and printed with Acrobat Reader or through y\
    our browser. 
    If you do not have Adobe¨ Acrobat Reader installed, click on the link\
     to install the application. 
    Adobe® Acrobat Reader for PC / Adobe® Acrobat Reader for Mac.
    Download instructions:
    To download the file:
    1. Click-and-hold your mouse over the icon below. (Win95/98/2000/Me/XP \
    users right-click)
    file:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/300WN5/english/download/download.htm (1 o\
    f 3)2005-02-16 10:33:25 AM 
    Download and Print
    2. From the menu that appears, choose Save Link As..., Save Target As\
    ... or Download Link to 
    3. Choose where you would like to save the file; click Save (if promp\
    ted to save as either text or 
    source, choose source).
    Printing instructions:
    To print the manual:
    1. With the manual file open, follow your printers instructions and pri\
    nt the pages you need.
    Installing FPadjust Program 
    The FP Adjust program generates alignment patterns which will help you a\
    djust monitor settings 
    System requirements: 
    PC running Windows® 95, Windows® 98, Windows® 2000, Windows®\
     Me, Windows® XP 
    or later
    To install FPadjust Program:
    Click on the link or icon to install FPadjustment Program.
    Click-and-hold your mouse over the icon. (Win95/98/2000/Me/XP users rig\
    file:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/300WN5/english/download/download.htm (2 o\
    f 3)2005-02-16 10:33:25 AM 
    Download and Print
    From the menu that appears, choose Save Link As..., Save Target As...\
     or Download Link 
    to Disk.
    l     Choose where you would like to save the file; click Save (if prompted\
     to save as either text 
    or source, choose source).
    l     Exit your browser and install the FPadjust Program.
    Read the FP_Readme04.txt file before installing.
    file:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/300WN5/english/download/download.htm (3 o\
    f 3)2005-02-16 10:33:25 AM 
    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
    Safety and Troubleshooting • General FAQs • Screen Adjustments • Compatibility with 
    Other Peripherals • LCD Panel Technology • Ergonomics, Ecology and Safety Standards • 
    Troubleshooting • Regulatory Information • Other Related Information
    General FAQs 
     When I install my monitor what should I do if the screen shows Cannot \
    display this video 
    A: Recommended video mode is 1280x768 @60Hz.
    1.  Unplug all cables, then connect your PC to the monitor you used previous\
    ly, which displayed 
    2.  In the Windows Start Menu, select Settings/Control Panel. In the Control\
     Panel Window, 
    select the Display icon. Inside the Display Control Panel, select the S\
    ettings tab. Under the 
    settings tab, in a box labeled  desktop area, move the slidebar to 128\
    0x768 pixels.
    3.  Open Advanced Properties and set the Refresh Rate to 60Hz, then click \
    4.  Restart your computer and repeat steps 2 and 3 to verify that your PC is\
     set at 
    5.  Shut down your computer, disconnect your old monitor and reconnect your \
    Philips LCD 
    6.  Turn on your monitor and then turn on your PC.
    Q: What are the .inf and .icm files on the set-up disk & CD-ROM? How do I \
    install the drivers 
    (.inf and Icm)?
    A: These are the driver files for your monitor. Follow the instructions in \
    your user manual to 
    install the drivers. The computer may ask you for monitor drivers (.inf\
     and Icm files) or a 
    driver disk when you first install your monitor. Follow the instructions\
     to insert the driver 
    disk (either floppy or CD-ROM) included in this package. Monitor drive\
    rs (.inf and Icm files) 
    will be installed automatically.
    file:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/300WN5/english/300wn5/SAFETY/SAF_FAQ.HTM (\
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    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
    Q: How do I adjust the resolution?
    A: Your video card/graphic driver and monitor together determine the availa\
    ble resolutions. 
    You can select the desired resolution under the Control Panel of Windows\
    ® 95/98, Me, 2000 
    or XP, and with the Display properties/Settings.
    Q: What if I get lost while I am making monitor adjustments?
    A: Simply press the MENU button, then select Factory Reset/All Settings \
    to recall all of the 
    original factory settings.
    Q: My Monitor has no power (Power LED does not light up). What should I \
    A: Make sure the power cord is connected to the Monitor. Also, be sure the\
     AC power switch 
    at the rear of the monitor is at ON position.
    Q: Will the product accept an Interlace signal?
    A: No. If an Interlace signal is used, the screen displays both odd and ev\
    en horizontal 
    scanning lines at the same time, thus distorting the picture.
    Q: What does the Refresh Rate mean for LCD?
    A: Unlike CRT display technology, in which the speed at which the electron\
     beam is swept 
    from the top to the bottom of the screen determines flicker, an active m\
    atrix display uses an 
    active element (TFT) to control each individual pixel and the refresh \
    rate is therefore not 
    really applicable to LCD technology. 
    Q: Will the LCD screen be resistant to scratches?
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    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
    A: A protective coating is applied to the surface of the LCD, which is dura\
    ble to a certain 
    extent (up to 3H in this Philips 30 LCD monitor). In general, it is r\
    ecommended that the 
    panel surface is not subjected to any excessive shocks or scratches. An \
    optional protective 
    cover with greater scratch resistance is also available. 
    Q: How should I clean the LCD surface?
     For normal cleaning, use a clean, soft cloth. For extensive cleaning, pl\
    ease use isopropyl 
    alcohol. Do not use other solvents such as ethyl alcohol, ethanol, aceto\
    ne, hexane, etc.
    Q: Can the Philips LCD Monitor be mounted on the wall or used as a touch p\
    A: Yes, Philips LCD monitors have this optional feature. The standard VESA\
     mount holes on 
    the back cover allow the user to mount the Philips monitor on any VESA s\
    tandard ARM or 
    accessories. Touch panels are being developed for future applications. C\
    heck with your 
    Philips sales representative for more information.
    Screen Adjustments 
    Q: What is the FPadjust program on the setup disk and CD-ROM?
    A: The FPadjust program generates alignment patterns that help you adjust \
    monitor settings 
    such as Contrast, Brightness, Horizontal Position, Vertical Position, Ph\
    ase and Clock for 
    optimal performance.
    Q: When I install my monitor, how do I get the best performance from the m\
    file:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/300WN5/english/300wn5/SAFETY/SAF_FAQ.HTM (\
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    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
    For best performance, make sure your display settings are set at 1280x76\
    8@60Hz. Note: 
    You can check the current display settings by pressing the OSD OK button\
    The current display mode is shown in the product information in the OSD \
    main controls.
    To install the Flat Panel Adjust (FPadjust) program located on the mon\
    itor setup CD-ROM, 
    open the CD-ROM and double click the FP_setup04.exe icon. This will inst\
    all FP Adjust 
    automatically and place a shortcut on your desktop.
    Run FPadjust by double clicking the shortcut. Follow the instructions st\
    ep by step to optimise 
    image performance with your systems video controller.
    Q: How do LCDs compare with CRTs in terms of radiation?
    A: Unlike CRT, the LCDs do not use an electron gun, so they do not generat\
    e the same 
    amount of radiation at the screen surface.
    Compatibility with other Peripherals
     Can I connect my LCD monitor to any PC, workstation or Mac?
    A: Yes, all Philips LCD monitors are fully compatible with standard PCs, M\
    acs and 
    workstations. You may need a cable adapter to connect the monitor to you\
    r Mac system. 
    Please contact your dealer/retailer for more information.
    Q: Are Philips LCD monitors Plug-and-Play?
    A: Yes, the monitors are Plug-and-Play compatible with Windows® 95, 98,\
     2000, XP 
    file:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/300WN5/english/300wn5/SAFETY/SAF_FAQ.HTM (\
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    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
    Q: What is a TV System?
    A: Television pictures are not broadcast in the same way in all countries.\
     There are different 
    standards: BG, DK, I and L L. The SYSTEM setting is used to select thes\
    e different 
    standards. This is not to be confused with PAL or SECAM colour coding. P\
    AL is used in the 
    majority of European countries, Secam in France, the CIS and the majorit\
    y of African 
    The United States and Japan use a different system called NTSC.
    Q: What is SCART?
    A: The SCART is a 20-pin rectangular connector fitted to the vast majority\
     of PAL market TV 
    receivers. It provides composite video inputs and outputs, stereo audio \
    in and out, and RGB 
    input. It is also known as Euro connector and PERI-tel.
    Q: What are S-VIDEO Signals? 
    A: These are 2 separate Y/C video signals from the S-VIDEO and Hi-8 record\
    ing standards. 
    The luminance signals Y (black and white) and chrominance signals C (\
    colour) are recorded 
    separately on the tape. This provides a better picture quality than is a\
    chieved with standard 
    video (VHS and 8 mm) where the Y/C signals are combined to provide onl\
    y one video signal.
    LCD Panel Technology
     What is a Liquid Crystal Display?
    file:///D|/My%20Documents/dfu/300WN5/english/300wn5/SAFETY/SAF_FAQ.HTM (\
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    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
    A: A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is an optical device that is commonly \
    used to display 
    ASCII characters and images on digital items such as watches, calculator\
    s, portable game 
    consoles, etc. LCD is the technology used for displays in notebooks and \
    other small 
    computers. Like light-emitting diode and gas-plasma technologies, LCD al\
    lows displays to 
    be much thinner than cathode ray tube (CRT) technology. LCD consumes m\
    uch less power 
    than LED and gas-display displays because it works on the principle of b\
    locking light rather 
    than emitting it.
    Q: How are LCDs made?
    A: LCDs are created from two glass plates separated from each other at a d\
    istance of a few 
    microns. The plates are filled with liquid crystal and then sealed toget\
    her. The top plate is 
    coloured with an RGB pattern to make the colour filter. Polarizers are t\
    hen glued to both 
    plates. This combination is sometimes called glass or cell. The LCD \
    cell is assembled into 
    a module by adding the backlight, driver electronics and frame.
    Q: What is polarization ?
    A: Polarization is basically directing light to shine in one direction. Li\
    ght is electromagnetic 
    waves. Electric and magnetic fields oscillate in a direction perpendicul\
    ar to the propagation 
    of the light beam. The direction of these fields is called the polariza\
    tion direction. Normal or 
    non-polarized light has fields in several directions; polarized light ha\
    s a field in only one 
    Q: What differentiates passive matrix LCDs from active matrix LCDs?
    A: An LCD is made with either a passive matrix or an active matrix display\
     grid. An active 
    matrix has a transistor located at each pixel intersection, requiring le\
    ss current to control 
    the luminance of a pixel. For this reason, the current in an active matr\
    ix display can be 
    switched on and off more frequently, improving the screen refresh time (\
    your mouse pointer 
    will appear to move more smoothly across the screen, for example). The \
    passive matrix LCD 
    has a grid of conductors with pixels located at each intersection in the\
    Q: How does a TFT LCD Panel work?
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    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
    A: On each column and row of the TFT LCD panel a data source drive and a g\
    ate drive and 
    attached, respectively. The TFT drain of each cell is connected to the e\
    lectrode. The 
    molecular arrangement of liquid crystal elements differs acceding to whe\
    ther it is impressed 
    with voltage or not. It varies the direction of polarized light and the \
    amount of light by letting 
    it through different arrays of liquid crystal elements. When two polariz\
    ed filters are arranged 
    vertically on a polarized light pole, the light that passes through the \
    upper polarized panel is 
    turned 90 degrees along with the spiral structure of the liquid crystal \
    molecules and goes 
    through the polarized filter at the bottom. When impressed with voltage,\
     liquid crystal 
    molecules are arranged vertically from the original spiral structure and\
     the direction of the 
    light is not turned through 90 degrees. In this case, light that comes t\
    hrough the top 
    polarized panel may not go through the polarized panel at the bottom.
    Q: What are the advantages of TFT LCD compared with CRT?
    A: In a CRT monitor, a gun shoots electrons and general light by colliding\
    electrons on fluorescent glass. Therefore, CRT monitors basically operat\
    e with an analog 
    RGB signal. A TFT LCD monitor is a device that displays an input image b\
    y operating a 
    liquid crystal panel. The TFT has a fundamentally different structure th\
    an a CRT: Each cell 
    has an active matrix structure and independent active elements. A TFT LC\
    D has two glass 
    panels and the space between them is filled in with liquid crystal. When\
     each cell is 
    connected with electrodes and impressed with voltage, the molecular stru\
    cture of the liquid 
    crystal is altered and controls the amount of inlet lighting to display \
    images. A TFT LCD has 
    several advantages over a CRT, since it can be very thin and no flickeri\
    ng occurs because it 
    does not use the scanning method.
    Q: Why is a vertical frequency of 60Hz optimal for an LCD monitor?
    A: Unlike a CDT monitor, the TFT LCD panel has a fixed resolution. For exa\
    mple, an XGA 
    monitor has 1024x3 (R, G, B) x 768 pixels and a higher resolution may \
    not be available 
    without additional software processing. The panel is designed to optimis\
    e the display for a 
    65MHz dot clock, one of the standards for XGA displays. Since the vertic\
    frequency for this dot clock is 60Hz/48kHz, the optimum frequency for th\
    is monitor is 60Hz.
    Q: What kind of wide-angle technology is available? How does it work?
    A: The TFT LCD panel is an element that controls/displays the inlet of a b\
    acklight using the 
    dual-refraction of a liquid crystal. Using the property that the project\
    ion of inlet light refracts 
    toward the major axis of the liquid element, it controls the direction o\
    f inlet light and 
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