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Philips 240s1cb User Manual

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    Your International Guarantee
    Dear Customer,
    Thank you for purchasing this Philips product which has been designed an\
    d manufactured to the 
    highest quality standards. 
    If, unfortunately, something should go wrong with this product Philips g\
    uarantees free of charge 
    labor and replacement parts irrespective of the country where it is repa\
    ired during a period of 12 
    months from date of purchase. This international Philips guarantee compl\
    ements the existing 
    national guarantee obligations to you of dealers and Philips in the coun\
    try of purchase and does not 
    affect your statutory rights as a customer.
    The Philips guarantee applies provided the product is handled properly f\
    or its intended use, in 
    accordance with its operating instructions and upon presentation of the \
    original invoice or cash 
    receipt, indicating the date of purchase, dealers name and model and pr\
    oduction number of the 
    The Philips guarantee may not apply if:
    µthe documents have been altered in any way or made illegible;
    µthe model or production number on the product has been altered, deleted,\
     removed or made 
    µrepairs or product modifications and alterations have been executed by u\
    nauthorized service 
    organizations or persons;
    µdamage is caused by accidents including but not limited to lightning, wa\
    ter or fire, misuse or 
    Please note that the product is not defective under this guarantee in th\
    e case where modifications 
    become necessary in order for the product to comply with local or nation\
    al technical standards 
    which apply in countries for which the product was not originally design\
    ed and/or manufactured. 
    Therefore always check whether a product can be used in a specific count\
    In case your Philips product is not working correctly or is defective, p\
    lease contact your Philips 
    dealer. In the event you require service whilst in another country a dea\
    ler address can be given to 
    you by the Philips Consumer Help Desk in that country, the telephone and\
     fax number of which can 
    be found in the relevant part of this booklet.
    In order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience, we advise you to read the o\
    perating instructions 
    carefully before contacting your dealer. If you have questions which you\
    r dealer cannot answer or 
    any related question please contact the Philips Consumer Information Centers or via:
    Your Philips F1rst Choice Warranty(USA)
    Thank you for purchasing this Philips monitor.
    All Philips monitors are designed and manufactured to high standards and\
    deliver high-quality performance, ease of use and ease of installation. \
    you encounter any difficulties while installing or using this product, p\
    contact Philips directly to benefit from your Philips F1rst Choice Warra\
    nty. This 
    three-year service warranty entitles you to a swap model on-site within \
    hours of your call being received within the first year of purchase. If \
    you have 
    any problems with your monitor within the second or third year of purcha\
    se, we 
    will repair it after it has been sent to the service provider at your ex\
    pense and 
    returned to you within five working days, free of charge. 
    LIMITED WARRANTY (Computer Monitor)
    Click here to access the Warranty Registration Card.
    Three Years Free Labor / Three Years Free Service on Parts / One Year Ex\
    *Product will be exchanged with a new or renewed to original specificati\
    ons unit within two 
    business days for the first year. This product must be shipped in at you\
    r expense for service during 
    years two and three.
    You must have proof of purchase to receive warranty service. A sales rec\
    eipt or other document 
    showing that you purchased the product is considered proof of purchase. \
    Attach it to this owners 
    manual and keep both nearby. 
    Warranty coverage begins the day you buy your product. For three years thereafter, all parts will be 
    repaired or replaced, and labor is free. After three years from the day of purchase, you pay for the 
    replacement or repair of all parts, and for all labor charges. 
    All parts, including repaired and replaced parts, are covered only for t\
    he original warranty period. 
    When the warranty on the original product expires, the warranty on all r\
    eplaced and repaired 
    products and parts also expires. 
    Your warranty does not cover: 
    µlabor charges for installation or setup of the product, adjustment of cu\
    stomer controls on the 
    product, and installation or repair of antenna systems outside of the pr\
    µproduct repair and/or part replacement because of misuse, accident, unau\
    thorized repair or 
    other cause not within the control of Philips Consumer Electronics. 
    µreception problems caused by signal conditions or cable or antenna syste\
    ms outside the 
    µa product that requires modification or adaptation to enable it to opera\
    te in any country other 
    than the country for which it was designed, manufactured, approved and/o\
    r authorized, or 
    repair of products damaged by these modifications. 
    µincidental or consequential damages resulting from the product. (Some s\
    tates do not allow 
    the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclu\
    sion may not apply 
    to you. This includes, but is not limited to, prerecorded material, whet\
    her copyrighted or not 
    µthe model or production number on the product has been altered, deleted,\
     removed or made 
    Warranty service is available in all countries where the product is offi\
    cially distributed by Philips 
    Consumer Electronics. In countries where Philips Consumer Electronics do\
    es not distribute the 
    product, the local Philips service organization will attempt to provide \
    service (although there may be 
    a delay if the appropriate spare parts and technical manual(s) are not\
     readily available). 
    For more information, contact the Philips Customer Care Center by callin\
    g (877) 835-1838 (U.S.A. 
    customers only) or (919) 573-7855. 
    Before Requesting Service...
    Please check your owners manual before requesting service. Adjustments \
    of the controls 
    discussed there may save you a service call. 
    Contact the Philips Customer Care Center phone number listed below for p\
    roduct assistance and 
    procedures for servicing: 
    Philips Customer Care Center 
    (877) 835-1838 or (919) 573-7855
    (In U.S.A., Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands, all implied warranties\
    , including implied warranties 
    of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited in \
    duration to the duration of this 
    express warranty. But, because some states do not allow limitations on h\
    ow long an implied 
    warranty may last, this limitation may not apply to you.) 
    Please contact Philips at: 
    (800) 479-6696 
    Three years free parts and three years free labor will be provided at Ph\
    ilips Canada depot or any 
    one of its authorized service centers. 
    (In Canada, this warranty is given in lieu of all other warranties. No \
    other warranties are expressed 
    or implied, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitne\
    ss for a particular purpose. 
    Philips is not liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, \
    special, incidental or 
    consequential damages, howsoever incurred, even if notified of the possi\
    bility of such damages.) 
    REMEMBER... Please record the model and serial numbers found on the product below. 
    MODEL # ________________________________________________ 
    SERIAL # ________________________________________________
    This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have other rights\
     which vary from state/
    province to state/province.
    Before contacting Philips, please prepare the following details so we ca\
    n solve your problem 
    µPhilips type number
    µPhilips serial number
    µPurchase date (copy of purchase may be required)
    µPC environment Processor: 
    mCUP and Graphic card name and driver version 
    mOperating system 
    mApplication being used 
    µOther cards installed 
    Having the following information available will also help speed up the p\
    µYour proof of purchase indicating: date of purchase, dealer name, model \
    andproduct serial 
    µThe full address to which the swap model should be delivered.
    Just a phone call away
    Philips’ customer help desks are located worldwide. Within the U.S. you can cont\
    act Philips 
    customer care Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM-9:00 PM Eastern Time (ET) and\
     on Saturdays from 
    10:00 AM-5:00 PM ET hrs by using one of the contact phone numbers. 
    For more information on this and more great Philips products visit our w\
    ebsite at:
    • Installing your LCD monitor 
    •Download and Printing 
    Download and Print
    Installing Your LCD monitor driver
    System requirements: 
    µPC running Windows® 2000 , Windows® XP, Windows® Vista or later\
    µFind your driver .inf/.icm/.cat at : /PC/drivers/
    Read the Readme.txt file before installing. 
    Add” refer to http://www.p4c.philips.com/ to download the latest version of monitor drivers.”
    This page provides an option to read the manual in .pdf format. PDF file\
    s can be downloaded into 
    your hard disk, then viewed and printed with Acrobat Reader or through y\
    our browser. 
    If you do not have Adobe® Acrobat Reader installed, click on the link\
     to install the application. 
    Adobe® Acrobat Reader for PC / Adobe® Acrobat Reader for Apple Macintosh.
    Download instructions:
    To download the file:
    1. Click-and-hold your mouse over the icon below. (Windows® 95/98/20\
    00/Me/XP/Vista users right-
    2. From the menu that appears, choose Save Link As..., Save Target As\
    ... or Download Link to 
    3. Choose where you would like to save the file; click Save (if promp\
    ted to save as either text or 
    source, choose source).
    Printing instructions:
    To print the manual:
    With the manual file open, follow your printers instructions and print \
    the pages you need.
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