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Philips 235pl2e User Manual

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Page 11

3. Product information
3.1 SmartImage
  What is it?
Smar tImage provides presets that optimize 
display for different types of content, dynamically 
adjusting brightness, contrast, color and sharpness 
in real time. Whether youre working with text 
applications, displaying images or watching a 
video, Philips Smar tImage delivers great optimized 
monitor performance. 
  Why do I need it?  
You want a monitor that delivers optimized display 
all your favorite types of content, Smar tImage 

Page 12

There are six modes to be selected: Office, Photo, 
Movie, Game, Economy and Off.
Office:  Enhances text and dampens brightness 
to increase readability and reduce eye strain. 
This mode significantly enhances readability 
and productivity when youre working with 
spreadsheets, PDF files, scanned ar ticles or 
other general office applications. 
•   Photo:  This profile combines color saturation, 
dynamic contrast and sharpness enhancement 
to display photos and other images with 

Page 13

3.3 SmartSaturate
  What is it? 
Smar t technology that controls color saturation, 
the degree to which one on screen color is 
blended in neighboring colors, to deliver rich and 
vibrant images for more enter tainment fun when 
you are viewing videos. 
  Why do I need it?  
You want rich, vibrant images for more 
enter tainment fun when viewing photos or  
  How does it work?  
Smar tSaturate dynamically controls color 
saturation, the degree to which on-screen color 
is blended in...

Page 14

12First launch -Wizard
The first time after installation of Smar tControl 
Premium, it will automatically go to Wizard for 
first time launch. 
•   The wizard will guide you through adjustment 
your monitor performance step by step. 
•   You can go to Plug-in menu to launch wizard 
later on as well. 
•   You can adjust more options without wizard 
by Standard pane.
3.5  Philips SmartControl Premium
The new Smar tControl Premium software 
by Phillips allows you to control your monitor 
via an easy to...

Page 15

 Start with Standard pane:
Adjust menu:
•   Adjust Menu allow you to adjust 
Brightness, Contrast, Focus, Position and 
•   You can follow the instruction and do the 
•   Cancel prompts user if you want to cancel 

Page 16

Color menu: 
•  Color Menu allow you to adjust RGB, Black 
Level, White Point, Color Calibration, and 
Smar tImage (Please refer to Smar tImage 
•   You can follow the instruction and do the 
•   Refer to below table for sub-menu item base 
on your input. 
•   Example for Color Calibration 
1.  Show Me star ts color calibration tutorial. 
2.   Star t - star ts the 6-step color calibration 
3.   Quick View loads the before/after images. 
4.   To return to Color home...

Page 17

Theft Deterrence Pane will only be active when 
selecting Theft Deterrence Mode from the drop-
down Plug Ins menu.
First color Calibration Screen: 
Previous button is disabled until the second 
color screen. 
•   Next goes to the succeeding target (6-targets). 
•   Final next goes File>Presets pane. 
•   Cancel closes the UI and returns to the plug 
in page.
Allows user to change setting for better display 
setting based on content.
When Enter tainment is set, Smar tContrast and...

Page 18

To enable Theft Deterrence, clicking Enable Theft 
Deterrence Mode button brings up the following 
•  User can enter PIN between 4 and 9 digits 
numbers only. 
•   After entering PIN, Accept button takes user 
to the pop-up dialog box on the following 
•   Minimum minutes set to 5. Slider set to 5 by 
•   Does not require the display be attached to 
a different host to go into Theft Deterrence 
After creating PIN, the Theft Deterrence pane will 
indicate Theft Deterrence...

Page 19

Options>Input - Will only be active when selecting 
Input from the drop-down Options menu. On a 
non-suppor ted display capable of DDC/CI, only 
the Help and Options tabs are available. All other 
Smar tControl Premium tabs are not available.
Display the Source instruction pane and 
current input source setting. 
•   On single input displays, this pane will not be 
visible. Options>Audio - Will only be active when 
selecting Volume from the drop-down Options 
On a non-suppor ted display...

Page 20

Help>User Manual
 - Will only be active when 
selecting User Manual from the drop-down Help 
menu. On a non-suppor ted display capable of 
DDC/CI, only the Help and Options tabs are 
Help>Version - Will only be active when selecting 
Version from the drop- down Help menu. On a 
non-suppor ted display capable of DDC/CI, only 
the Help and Options tabs are available.
Context Sensitive menu
The Context Sensitive menu is Enabled by default. 
If Enable Context Menu has been checked in the...
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