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Philips 221el2sb User Manual

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Page 31

F1rst Choice Contact Information
Countr yCodeTelephone numberTariff
Austria+430810 000206€0.07
Belgium+32078 250851€0.06
Denmark+453525 8761Local call tariff
Finland+358840 320 041€0.08
Luxembourg+35226 84 30 00Local call tariff
The Netherlands+310900 0400 063€0.10
Norway+472270 8250Local call tariff
Poland+480223491505Local call tariff
Por tugal+3512 1359 1440Local call tariff
Spain+34902 888 785€0.10
Sweden+4608 632 0016Local call tariff
Switzerland+4102 2310 2116Local call tariff

Page 32

Your Guarantee in Central and Eastern Europe
Dear Customer, 
Thank you for purchasing this Philips product, 
which has been designed and manufactured to 
the highest quality standards. If, unfor tunately, 
something should go wrong with this product 
Philips guarantees free of charge labor and 
replacement par ts during a period of 24 months 
from date of purchase. 
What is covered?
This Philips Guarantee in Central and Eastern 
Europe applies within Czech Republic, Hungar y, 
Slovakia, Slovenia,...

Page 33

Consumer Information Centers
Argentina	/	Australia	/	Brasil	/	Canada	/	
New	Zealand	/	Belarus	/	Bulgaria	/	Croatia	/	
Czech	Republic	/	Estonia	/	United	 Arab	Emirates	/	
Hong	Kong	/	Hungar y	/	India	/	Indonesia	/	
Israel	/	Latvia	/	Lithuania	/	Malaysia	/	
Middle	East	+	Nor th	Africa	/	New	Zealand	/	
Pakistan / Romania / Russia / 
Serbia	&	Montenegro	/	Singapore	/	Slovakia	/	
Slovenia	/	South	Africa	/	South	Korea	/	 Taiwan	/	
Philippines / Thailand / Turkey / Ukraine / 
Eastern Europe

Page 34

Blue Ridge Int'l Computers SRL
115,	Mihai	Eminescu	St., 	Sector	2
RO - 020074 Bucharest
Tel:	+40	21	2101969
Kim	 Tec	d.o.o.
Viline vode bb, Slobodna zona 
Beograd L12/3
11000 Belgrade
Tel. +381 11 20 70 684
General Consumer Information Center 
Datalan Ser visne Stredisko
Puchovska 8
SK	-	831	06	Bratislava	
Tel:	+421	2	49207155
Email: 	ser [email protected]
Brezovce 10 
SI - 1236 Trzin 
Tel:	+386	1	530	08	24
Email: 	ser...

Page 35

Company:		Visual	Group	Ltd. 	
Address:		28	Walls	Rd	Penrose	 Auckland
Phone:		0800	657447
Fax:		09	5809607
E-mail: 		[email protected]
Ser vice		Hours: 	Mon.~Fri.	8:30am~5:30pm
Company	Name: 	PHK	Ser vice	Limited
Address:	Flat	A,	10/F., 	Pak	Sun	Building, 	103	-	107	
Wo	Yi	Hop	Road, 	Kwai	Chung,	New	Territories, 	
Hong	Kong
Tel.:	(852) 	2610-6908 	/ 	(852) 	2610-6929 	for 	Hong	
Kong	and	(853)	2856-2277	for	Macau
Fax: 	(852)	2485	3574	for	Hong	Kong	and...

Page 36

Company:	Philips	Electronics	Singapore	Pte	Ltd	
(Philips Consumer Care Center)
Address:	620A	Lorong	1	 Toa	Payoh,	TP4	Building	
Level 1, Singapore 319762
Tel: 	(65)	6882	3999
Fax: 	(65)	62508037
E-mail: 	[email protected]
Ser vice	hours: 	Mon.~Fri.	9:00am~6:00pm; 	Sat.	
Company: 	FETEC .CO	
Address:	3F,	No.6, 	Lane	205, 	Sec.	1,	Chang	Hsing	
Rd, Lu Chu Hs, Taoyuan, Taiwan R.O.C 33800 
Consumer	Care: 	0800-231-099	
Tel:	(03)2120336	
Fax: 	(03)3129184	

Page 37

Your Philips F1rst Choice Warranty(USA)
Thank you for purchasing this Philips monitor.
All	Philips	monitors	are	designed	and	
manufactured to high standards and 
deliver high-quality performance, ease 
of use and ease of installation. Should 
you encounter any difficulties while 
installing or using this product, please contact 
Philips	directly	to	benefit	from	your	Philips	F1rst	
Choice Warranty. This three-year ser vice warranty 
entitles you to a swap model on-site within 48 
hours of your call...

Page 38

You	must	have	proof	of	purchase	to	receive	
warranty	ser vice.	A	sales	receipt	or	other	
document showing that you purchased the 
product	is	considered	proof	of	purchase. 	Attach	it	
to this owner's manual and keep both nearby. 
Warranty coverage begins the day you buy your 
product. 	For	three	years	thereafter, 	all	par ts	will	be	
repaired	or	replaced,	and	labor	is	free.	After	three	
years from the day of purchase, you pay for the 
replacement or repair of all...

Page 39

Contact the Philips Customer Care Center phone 
number listed below for product assistance and 
procedures	for	ser vicing:	
Philips Customer Care Center 
(877) 835-1838 or (919) 573-7855
(In	U.S.A.,	Puer to	Rico	and	U.S. 	Virgin	Islands, 	all	
implied warranties, including implied warranties 
of merchantability and fitness for a par ticular 
purpose, are limited in duration to the duration 
of this express warranty. But, because some states 
do not allow limitations on how long an implied 

Page 40

Your International Guarantee
Dear Customer,
Thank you for purchasing this Philips product 
which has been designed and manufactured to the 
highest quality standards. 
If, unfor tunately, something should go wrong with 
this product Philips guarantees free of charge labor 
and replacement par ts irrespective of the countr y 
where it is repaired during a period of 12 months 
from date of purchase. This international Philips 
guarantee complements the existing national 
guarantee obligations to you of...
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